did my little magical work your butt with squats and twist and turn to tone your love handle reminders work? Did I exercise my butt off yesterday? Well, let's see. Kind of. It hurt to do squats this morning while my coffee heated up. So, I guess, they did work. Surprisingly well, for the… Continue reading It’s the depth of the squat that matters
Tag: Photography Challenges
How to make your point vanish into food
When my thoughts wander off, and I lose focus, due to all the amazing scents on the ground a light dusting of snow has to offer the world, I invite Dessy to write. Instead of me...or the Mrs. Who, by the way, seems to have vanished into thin Dry January air...or maybe it's her pile… Continue reading How to make your point vanish into food
2018 was all about capturing moments
If you're like me, and you take a lot of (tons, thousands, millions, you get it...) pictures in a year, so much so that you needed a bigger server to store them on, it's dang hard to pick just a few favorites. I thought back to how much fun I had while taking all of… Continue reading 2018 was all about capturing moments
An elf guided lesson on photographing Christmas lights
The sound of plastic and paper rustling in the other room broke the silence of my blog writing today. Grr...feeling all Grinch-like I grabbed my camera and dashed to the other room before the culprit disappeared. Those damn cats better not be in the tree... I threw on all the lights and what should appear...… Continue reading An elf guided lesson on photographing Christmas lights
Nope, not quite ready for snow
Chime in with me if you're a fan of winter, but you don't want it to show up until, say, December. It's November, and snow happens here in Wisconsin. But, dagnabit, I'm not quite ready for the white stuff to stay. I'm glad when it pops in briefly to warm us up to the idea,… Continue reading Nope, not quite ready for snow
Where or where did my post go, I’ll never know…?
A silent Tuesday from me, because, every word I typed into my post for today disappeared...vanished, just like a ghost with the sunset. The sunset last night, by the way, was beautiful, but post disappeared...! Poof - gone! Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. - John R.… Continue reading Where or where did my post go, I’ll never know…?