
How I Dictated Away My Winter 2022 Blues

Does our brain dictate what we see? Or do we see something that dictates our brain's perception? Can we dictate the blues away if we focus our brain hard enough on the right things? Those are good questions, I guess. I often ponder them when I'm feeling blue at Christmas time. Listening to Elvis… Continue reading How I Dictated Away My Winter 2022 Blues

Emptying the nest

A treasure hunt of empty nest memories

Yesterday, as I cleaned disgusting things, in a rental property we own, I thought about how much I miss a couple former renters, not the one that left this mess. I know - disgusting right?  Memo to any mom out there raising young boys, it's okay to teach them to wipe up after themselves or… Continue reading A treasure hunt of empty nest memories

Adventures · Cheers · Inspiration

My favorite photos of 2019

Take it from someone who grabs her camera daily, asking me to pick a few favorite photos from 2019 is... Post Inspiration - Lens-Artists #77 - Favorite Photos of 2019 PS - Thank you for stopping by to take a peek.  I'll see you back here in 2020!!  xx  

Adventures · Inspiration

How to capture abstract photos with Christmas lights

Here I am, just sliding into view on your computer screen.  I'm playing with my favorite camera settings for the holidays.  I love to mess around with lights in rooms and ISO settings on my camera to see what I get! The tried and true bokeh effect comes from turning on all the lights in… Continue reading How to capture abstract photos with Christmas lights


A glowing tradition of naughty or nice?

I just think Christmas is a time to embrace all the naughty little things. - Jade Thirlwall Post Inspiration - My childhood holiday decorations, remembering my mom setting them out and warning me and my brother not to touch them, and how much I miss her enthusiasm for her holiday traditional decorations, and Frank's Tuesday… Continue reading A glowing tradition of naughty or nice?

Adventures · Emptying the nest

It’s a slippery slope when whip cracker meets her match

I watched intently as Mr. cleverly convinced Mrs. that she met her whip-cracking match. A man with a small bottle of grout will do that no doubt. It was a great show. It made my ears ring. Mr. worked hard to get the grout into the $1 disposable bottle so then he could squeeze it… Continue reading It’s a slippery slope when whip cracker meets her match