
One love, together again

On the right hand lower corner of my bookshelf in my home office sits a framed photo. The frame was a gift from my oldest daughter.  The photo is one of my favorite photos for a couple of reasons - it's a picture of all of us together in one of our happiest of places… Continue reading One love, together again

Cheers · Emptying the nest

The secrets to a 30-year marriage we are.  Three decades later, and we're celebrating 30 years of marital bliss.  WOW - today, 30 years later, and we're still in love.  While it's been a blur for a few of the decades, it's been fun too. We don't buy each other big gifts.  We did take a trip with the kids… Continue reading The secrets to a 30-year marriage

Adventures · Cheers · Inspiration

There’s that to be happy about

I can't contain my excitement for the day.  I'm so full of bright and happy feelings, I'd be a meme for sunshine if you could see me standing here in my flannel jammies, topped with a 1990's Disney sweatshirt 2 sizes too big.  I'm just beaming from ear to ear with a smile a 7-mile… Continue reading There’s that to be happy about

Adventures · Going Gray

How to 3-d print layers of love into your marriage

Over our years together (going on 30 to be exact), Mr. and I have chosen not to do the traditional things for each other for Valentine's day. Well, not since the first one. That's the one where he gave me our official engagement ring, a card, some chocolate, and a dinner date.  You can't repeat… Continue reading How to 3-d print layers of love into your marriage