
How October Tales Spooked Me To Welcome November 2023

As we end fall and gear up to greet winter, the blessed fallback time change happens. That dealy bobby thingy is for the birds. It ruffles my feathers and our cats' whiskers EVERY time. How about you? Do you feel off when the time changes? This morning's meet and greet for kitty chow began at… Continue reading How October Tales Spooked Me To Welcome November 2023


When Mrs. Started Seeing Doubles and Questioned The Strangest Things

A post to make you drool, go "Oo-ahh", scratch your head, and say, "Ooh, that can't be, or can it be?" It's the end of October 2023 and stranger things have happened. Just wait and see how spooky things can be when you're surprised by something I'm about to question and share. But, first, some… Continue reading When Mrs. Started Seeing Doubles and Questioned The Strangest Things


How My Vintage Garden Shoes Inspire Our Shopping and Honey-To-Do Lists

Who doesn't like to take stock of their projects completed this summer? How about the ones I still wish we/he had completed? Okay, maybe that's just me. I know I've done my share of pondering our efforts over the summer as I wore a path in the grass between the deck and the tea house.… Continue reading How My Vintage Garden Shoes Inspire Our Shopping and Honey-To-Do Lists

Cheers · Inspiration

A Prime Display of a Blog Post Textured With Chills of Autumn, Flowers, and Food

Upon rising yesterday (and today, for that matter) a quick glance at the thermometer presented me with a prime example of an instant wake-up call to Fall's arrival. Chilly much? It's not quite freezing out (yet). There has been no frost on the free pumpkin I scored on Friday at the grand opening of a… Continue reading A Prime Display of a Blog Post Textured With Chills of Autumn, Flowers, and Food

Adventures · Inspiration

Will The Mrs. Learn How To Ration The Photos She Takes Or Not?

On the last morning of September, I listened to the hum of the wind as it blew in another storm. I glanced at my camera with the hope that the whole day wouldn't be raining. I hadn't taken one last stroll around the yard. I reminded myself of how much fun it is to walk… Continue reading Will The Mrs. Learn How To Ration The Photos She Takes Or Not?

Going Gray · Inspiration

Blog Maintenance Things Reminded Me of How Time Flies When You’re Having Fun As A Personal Blogger

I thought about blog maintenance this morning when I sat down to write to you. I glanced at the menu bar for my blog and saw the nagging little notices that I needed to update some things. I call them things, because, their technical terms elude me. I freeze when it comes to those things… Continue reading Blog Maintenance Things Reminded Me of How Time Flies When You’re Having Fun As A Personal Blogger