Adventures · Inspiration

Thoughts on a creative rabbit hole of despair

As a creative person, have you ever went down the rabbit hole of despair?  The trail down there is rough and rocky.  The nuggets of nourishing things don't seem quite as appealing to you as they did when you first tried them out? You find yourself nibbling on random things, hoping something tasty will trigger… Continue reading Thoughts on a creative rabbit hole of despair

Adventures · Inspiration

The balancing act of a personal blogger

Delicate ideas that blossom for a blog post come out of nowhere. Magically appearing, right? As if you were just standing there, waiting for the idea to pop into your head.  So you could balance it with just the right words.  And paint a beautiful watercolor-like image for your readers and for yourself.  Ah, to… Continue reading The balancing act of a personal blogger

Adventures · Inspiration

How to be okay with crappy first drafts

When you sit down to write, do the words just fly onto the page?  Where do you find your inspiration to write every day?  Who wins the battle, the page, or your walk-away until tomorrow stage? Or do you persevere and take the simplest act in routines of your day, pause to notice the extraordinary, and… Continue reading How to be okay with crappy first drafts

Adventures · Inspiration

How I found flames of happiness in my high school literature papers

Here I am writing a blog post, and am stuck about what to write.  YIKES - writer's block.  How do I spark flames of an idea to light a fire under my butt to get a post written? Well...that's a funny story.  Really, funny.  Well, okay, maybe not so funny, but, you know...I've sparked your… Continue reading How I found flames of happiness in my high school literature papers

Adventures · Inspiration

How to make sense of blogging challenges

So here we are...the last day of the 30-day blogging challenge.  I'm excited to reflect and see if it helped me grow as a blogger.  I (we) made it 30 days straight - YIPPEE! As I look at the last question of the challenge, I'm wondering...what the heck?  Why did I bring up stats again? … Continue reading How to make sense of blogging challenges

Adventures · Inspiration

Oh, crap, admit it, it is hard to find time to read other blogs

If there was an unlimited time in my day to discover the wide-wide-wide-world of other blogs to read, ah...what a joy that would be! Maybe then I'd have time to sip on more than one cup of tea. Despite having the same 24 hours as everyone else has, my time slot is restricted by the… Continue reading Oh, crap, admit it, it is hard to find time to read other blogs