Adventures · Going Gray

How my mom taught me to be brave in my own skin

The aftermath of my anticipation of the new bikini's arrival; the retail therapy session in between; the first introduction to said bikini; the intermediate rejection of it and chip consoling consumptions; the day after's resurgence of my ultimate goal - "To be happy in my own skin." All of it took me on a wild… Continue reading How my mom taught me to be brave in my own skin


Finding joy in tender memories

When you're in the midst of health struggles, or battles of life thrown your way to fight off - it's easy to be so absorbed in tasks at hand that you miss little things that helped you create happy memories. Those little things are easier to notice in retrospect.  Looking back makes it possible to… Continue reading Finding joy in tender memories


Braving the wilderness of dementia to find home

October is over, and we're on to November.  Saying goodbye to each October every year is bittersweet to me.  I always miss my mom, I have fond memories of how much she adored October and Halloween.  On the flip side, I have not so great memories.  October was the month when I had to make… Continue reading Braving the wilderness of dementia to find home


A memory drive through Menomonie, WI

Every summer when my brother and I were young, we'd spend a week at my grandparents' house while mom and dad took a vacation.  I never knew why it was that we couldn't go along with them, but it was the deal we had and there wasn't much to argue about. We'd sit quietly in… Continue reading A memory drive through Menomonie, WI