
But it is just a joke

I woke up slightly late this morning.  Not really. But, when I did, I rushed to the bathroom.  Everyone with an aging bladder knows why. On my way there, I rubbed my blurry eyes and saw something bright in the distance. I glanced out the window and saw the full moon.  But I had to… Continue reading But it is just a joke

Adventures · Going Gray

Click 1, 2, 3, to the skies my returns shall go

Old clicking habits die-hard, so they say.  Last year, around this time, I was a happy little ol' gal, buying all sorts of books for my Kindle reader.  My account made it so easy to purchase books.  It's easy to lose track of how quickly those add up. And it's hard to remember what… Continue reading Click 1, 2, 3, to the skies my returns shall go

Adventures · Inspiration

How to make your point vanish into food

When my thoughts wander off, and I lose focus, due to all the amazing scents on the ground a light dusting of snow has to offer the world, I invite Dessy to write.  Instead of me...or the Mrs.  Who, by the way, seems to have vanished into thin Dry January air...or maybe it's her pile… Continue reading How to make your point vanish into food

Adventures · Inspiration

Moon kisses for my daughter

The full moon fascinates me.  As I type, I can see it out the corner of my eye, through the window, shining all cheery and bright as it begs for the sun to rise in the east so it can rest in the west. With my naked eye, even through the window pane, I can… Continue reading Moon kisses for my daughter

Adventures · Inspiration

How wishes come true for bloggers

The world is full of people (bloggers) who say, "If only, I wish I __________."  Frankly, some days, I'm right there with them. As a learning-as-I-go-blogger, each day when I start a blog post, I wish I'd come up with that something really super-duper profound to write about. With all the world's words at my… Continue reading How wishes come true for bloggers

Adventures · Emptying the nest

Photography – capturing the moon

The M-O-O-N is fascinating and beautiful. One of our family's favorite sayings is, "I love you to the moon and back." My daughters even bought me a bracelet with that saying. I wear it every day and think about how much I love them. Having an empty nest reminds me of another saying, especially when… Continue reading Photography – capturing the moon