Emptying the nest · Going Gray

Embracing the reality of imperfections

This is my year of embracing or modifying imperfections in my life.  Yeah, it's part of my MAD MAD MOM month, too, but seriously, if at 54 years of age I can't get past my imperfections, I'd be doomed. Doomed.  Doomed.  Doomed. Doomed like my unicorn horn and my barnacle are - gone forever, leaving… Continue reading Embracing the reality of imperfections

Adventures · Emptying the nest · Going Gray

Mad mad mom goes all senior on us

Every morning, I sit in the corner of my office and write my 3-morning pages.  It helps me clear my sleepy head, and get me ready for the day.  As I finished up my pages today, I wondered how many months I have left in my 54th year of life?  I'm not dying, (yet), I'm… Continue reading Mad mad mom goes all senior on us