
My Day Late I Couldn’t Think of A Title For A Post Post

As I've aged, I'm getting better at feeling it's okay to be late. Occasionally, a day late isn't that bad of a thing, right? Anyhoo...delays happen. Now, let's finish that post I started yesterday and got interrupted with other pressing things. So yeah, here we go. As an aspiring young oldish aged personal blogger with… Continue reading My Day Late I Couldn’t Think of A Title For A Post Post

Emptying the nest

An Empty Nester’s AI Search Turns Into Simple Silliness

Words we use to describe creatures, including humans, are funny, aren't they? Yes, they are! The ideas generated pop right out of the skies and onto my page like I'm one with the block editor! Not really, but with AI anything can happen, right? I felt blue this morning as I scrolled through my photos… Continue reading An Empty Nester’s AI Search Turns Into Simple Silliness

Adventures · Inspiration

Rocking a History Lesson with Steaks, Stakes, and Hope For Freedom For More Than A Million Kids

Historically speaking, Mr. is way better at remembering history than I am. He is also one to be quick with ideas while he prepares the dinner I wait to be presented with (yes, I'm spoiled!). Friday night dinner prep conversations go something like this (give or take an embellishment or two). Me: So, I'm pondering… Continue reading Rocking a History Lesson with Steaks, Stakes, and Hope For Freedom For More Than A Million Kids


How An Abysmal Garden Bed Leads Me to Photograph Bugs Instead of Flowers Summer 2023

The abysmal attempt at growing this year's flower garden isn't all my fault. Nope, I blame it on the drought and the scoundrels (rabbits). I've done my part to abolish the weeds in the dust and to water the dust. Every bug-stinking day! I absolutely cringe when I see morning glories and zinnias abscond overnight.… Continue reading How An Abysmal Garden Bed Leads Me to Photograph Bugs Instead of Flowers Summer 2023


Whatever Happens In Our Yard, It Will Always Be A Happy Sacred Site

We've been saying, "Whatever" a lot since the sights in our yard have become more brown than green as the drought keeps hanging on. Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again. Joseph Campbell The site of my sacred place is our yard and of course (as you followers know)… Continue reading Whatever Happens In Our Yard, It Will Always Be A Happy Sacred Site


Cherishing little moments of joy

No matter how small we can feel in this tangled up world, my heart is as exuberant as Copper's is about the simple pleasures in life.  We both politely wait for the next moment of joy to arrive. My life with my two main men is never dull, often very simple, and incredibly cozy comfortable… Continue reading Cherishing little moments of joy