
Finding Inspiration in Rabbits, Birds, Glasses, and Guitar Lessons

I heard an excellent tip if you're a musician or a writer yesterday. I want to tell you about it, but first, a recap of the little happenings going on around our empty nest. First, the snow is mostly gone. YAY! It came and went several times again this week, along with cooler temps. Today… Continue reading Finding Inspiration in Rabbits, Birds, Glasses, and Guitar Lessons

Adventures · Cheers

Not just a dinner party for the birds

Mr. cooked up a grilling feast for the two of us last night for dinner.  Meanwhile, in the yard, the birds must've been busy working up an appetite of their own.  They were mighty hungry and so was I! Join us (me) for a tour of the party we had going on. First dinner -… Continue reading Not just a dinner party for the birds

Adventures · Inspiration

And then Spring speaks

It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg.  We are like eggs at present.  And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg.  We must be hatched or go bad. -… Continue reading And then Spring speaks

Adventures · Inspiration

Celebrating the elements of nature

In Wisconsin, if it doesn't rain on Memorial Day, we're lucky.  Today, it is supposed to rain.  In fact, as I write this post, it is raining.  A nice, calm, steady rain.  The birds are singing.  It's peaceful.  No worries, the last two days have been sunny and warm, so we're good. We cooked out… Continue reading Celebrating the elements of nature

Adventures · Cheers

The birds are singing here

They're here!  They're here!  The House Finches are back and are busy building their nests.  And the males of their houses are singing their mating calls.  Oh, and the Bluebirds are back, too. It's the little things in life that make me smile. I heard him singing, but couldn't see him while I was standing… Continue reading The birds are singing here

Adventures · Cheers

The world famous food exchange

Husbands and wives, males and females, humans and birds...doppelgängers alike prepare and exchange meals throughout the world.  In our little section of the world, it is the males that take lead in locating and preparing the food for the females. As it should be right? I know that I'm not complaining.  No way, no how.… Continue reading The world famous food exchange