Going Gray

A trimming kind of weekend

While I listened to the hum of the lawnmower echoing through the window, I stood there dressed like a unicorn in front of the mirror.  It was trim time on the homefront. I stared at myself and thought, "Good thing Mr. is busy mowing the lawn.  He'd laugh at my haircutting technique.  Everyone learns how… Continue reading A trimming kind of weekend

Going Gray

Why women should wear glasses in the shower

If I hadn't already claimed that I'm quirky, you might just freak out on me while reading this post...and then un-follow me or not follow me if it's your first visit here.  But then you'd miss out on other quirky things I say, and that would be sad... For both of us. So don't do… Continue reading Why women should wear glasses in the shower

Adventures · Going Gray

Why I cut my own curly gray hair

The day I had fully transitioned to my own naturally curly gray hair, was the last time I stepped into a hair salon.  I was a happy camper, yes, I was. Now, hold it right there, don't ya all be thinking, "What is wrong with her?  She's a woman over the age of 53 (54… Continue reading Why I cut my own curly gray hair

Adventures · Emptying the nest

Mom, it’s just hair, it grows

When I decided to let my hair go grey, I figured, "Aw, it won't take that long to grow.  It'll be easy."  2 years later, well, I'm mostly "done" and it wasn't that easy, nor did it grow that fast.  But it was worth it. The easiest times during the process were when I wasn't… Continue reading Mom, it’s just hair, it grows