
Just one more cookie for 2019

Here I stand, at my computer desk, staring at the 2nd cookie to climb its way to the top of my napkin this morning.  Sitting all innocent-like.  Waiting... Right next to the 3rd cup of coffee I'm sipping from that's causing my hands to shake. I'm wondering what other people are doing? Celebrating reaching their… Continue reading Just one more cookie for 2019

Adventures · Inspiration

Five Tips on how to survive the first 7 days of Dry January

For those of us, I'm gonna kick the drink wannabes, our first week off of the sauce is the toughest - so they say. As I reflect on that perception, I'm wondering if it is true or not? I tried a few hot tips this week, and so far so good. I chose to jump in on… Continue reading Five Tips on how to survive the first 7 days of Dry January

Adventures · Inspiration

How I accomplished my reading goals

Holy crap...I gotta tell ya folks, it's an amazing feeling to accomplish a goal.  I'm talking about meeting a goal that was set months earlier and Shazam!, all of a sudden the goal is reached. Before I planned it to happen. It was one of a 1st of the year kinda goals. Yeah, I did… Continue reading How I accomplished my reading goals


Why you shouldn’t wait until January 1st to set new goals

Here's the deal about goal setting on January 1st that has always irked the hell out of me: There's no fricken reason why that is the PERFECT day to start any goal. It's bullshit. Really? Yeah, it rarely works, that is unless you've planned well in advance and sold yourself on the idea for at… Continue reading Why you shouldn’t wait until January 1st to set new goals