Adventures · Inspiration

The Low Down of My Garden

As a hobby photographer, this summer, I've been sharing with you the beauty of my garden, especially all of my flowers.  And an occasional bug.  But I haven't shared things that rhyme with bug.  Until today! I missed showing you that along the fence wall by my garden beds, I have this small container bed. … Continue reading The Low Down of My Garden

Adventures · Inspiration

10 tips to overcome blogging blues

Having the Blogging Blues is a real thing. Seriously, I suspect I'm not alone in attending an occasional blogging blues fest.  Every full moon blogging demons just show up and claim our creative thinking space.  Even the pros have demons, (in their sleepless nights), to fight off, too. As a part-time blogger, spending plenty of… Continue reading 10 tips to overcome blogging blues


But it is just a joke

I woke up slightly late this morning.  Not really. But, when I did, I rushed to the bathroom.  Everyone with an aging bladder knows why. On my way there, I rubbed my blurry eyes and saw something bright in the distance. I glanced out the window and saw the full moon.  But I had to… Continue reading But it is just a joke


Ready or not, take the shot

Today, as an introvert, (who, by the way, is working to get over her stage fright by volunteering to be a presenter), I'm taking the stage and doing 2 back to back presentations to 2 groups of about 30 or so people. Last night, I tossed and tossed and tossed and turned and my mind… Continue reading Ready or not, take the shot