
A butter cookie crumbles into a serious message of freedom

On behalf of snickerdoodle lovers everywhere, I'm going to attempt to butter you up to read a surprise post like none other I've done before. Wait...this sounds like I'm writing about food again doesn't it? Yeah, I know, I told you in my last post that I hadn't become a foody blogger. But, I couldn't… Continue reading A butter cookie crumbles into a serious message of freedom

Emptying the nest

A twisted Independence Day

Here we are, July 4th, 2019.  Where did the first half of the year go?  I'm still in shock that I feel like it went by way too fast. Even if I felt like I was in the right spot, at the right time, sh*t happens in life, and we either go with the flow,… Continue reading A twisted Independence Day

Adventures · Inspiration

How to line up ideas that keep your blog fresh

As a writer, blogger, or photographer, how often do you feel boredom - ho-hum, BLAH...?  Just plain ol' blah about your efforts? Hopefully, feeling like that is rare for you.  Despite the fact that we all have the freedom of expression at our fingertips, sometimes its hard to find the words to write to keep… Continue reading How to line up ideas that keep your blog fresh


A rabbit tale brought to you by a dog

Copper:  Can I write the blog post for you today? Me:  Um...sure...but why do you want to do that? Copper:  Cuz' you're looking a bit lost, kind of like you have no idea what to write about? Me:  Yeah, I kind of am.  You see the prompt is snail mail, and I already wrote about… Continue reading A rabbit tale brought to you by a dog