Adventures · Inspiration

How red moments changed my life

Have you ever wondered if it would take a bright red-stop-light-major-life-changing moment to make you change and give up the life you have?  What does it take for you to pause to notice the world around you? Like the deer on the horizon, and the moon going into its hiding for the day as the… Continue reading How red moments changed my life

Adventures · Going Gray

The day I didn’t recognize my stomach

The chills ran down my spine as I glanced down at my stomach while doing my 45-second plank.  Yeah, not quite to a 1-minute one yet.  It kills my wrists after about 30 seconds, so it's taking me a long time to build up to a 4-minute plank. If I ever will?  Do I really… Continue reading The day I didn’t recognize my stomach

Adventures · Going Gray

It’s the depth of the squat that matters did my little magical work your butt with squats and twist and turn to tone your love handle reminders work? Did I exercise my butt off yesterday? Well, let's see.  Kind of.  It hurt to do squats this morning while my coffee heated up. So, I guess, they did work. Surprisingly well, for the… Continue reading It’s the depth of the squat that matters

Adventures · Going Gray

A journey affirming how to love my skin after turning 50

There's this thing about self-modification habits (i.e., changing our appearances) after the age of 50 - no matter what we do, we have emotional battles about our skin with ourselves that can be hard to control. That is if we let the sagging reality control us. I'm here to affirm with you that skin firmness… Continue reading A journey affirming how to love my skin after turning 50