
My Day Late I Couldn’t Think of A Title For A Post Post

As I've aged, I'm getting better at feeling it's okay to be late. Occasionally, a day late isn't that bad of a thing, right? Anyhoo...delays happen. Now, let's finish that post I started yesterday and got interrupted with other pressing things. So yeah, here we go. As an aspiring young oldish aged personal blogger with… Continue reading My Day Late I Couldn’t Think of A Title For A Post Post


A peek at my garden is a pick-me-up kind of thing

This summer has been extra hot and dry in Wisconsin. It's been kind of a bummer for outside activities. As I looked down at our yard from the window above, I admired the extra dry grass sprinkled with the hearty weeds. And I noticed a bunch of crows on our birdbath. The heat and dry… Continue reading A peek at my garden is a pick-me-up kind of thing


A visiting raptor

Well...that explains our sudden decrease in the variety of birds visiting the bird feeder. Wow - that's something new - a Hawk chasing the Crows. Post Inspiration - The adventures of having a trail cam. PS - Have you ever seen a hawk chase crows?  We sadly know why the hawk is around - he's… Continue reading A visiting raptor


A Two-minute post

Can I share a two-minute post with you? A short post.  Not related at all to George Orwell, by the way. A short post, by me...just little ol' me, who tends to ramble? Can I do it? The clock is ticking... Meanwhile, at the trail cam...every day, we can see my main man (aka, Mr.)… Continue reading A Two-minute post

Adventures · Cheers

Not just a dinner party for the birds

Mr. cooked up a grilling feast for the two of us last night for dinner.  Meanwhile, in the yard, the birds must've been busy working up an appetite of their own.  They were mighty hungry and so was I! Join us (me) for a tour of the party we had going on. First dinner -… Continue reading Not just a dinner party for the birds