
Playing with Juxtaposition Photography

If I was having a conversation with Snoopy, I think he'd even say, "Hell ya, we're living in juxtaposition times." Seriously, we are living in bizarre times.  Where my cat tends to look like Garfield as she waits for her meal to be served. As for us humans, we find ourselves divided and conquered by… Continue reading Playing with Juxtaposition Photography


Signs of the season as it changes

I could go one way or the other with a post when I've got little time on my hands. I went to bed late 'cuz, you know, it's that time of the year.  GAME TIME! I watched the opening predictions that the Packers were going to lose to the Bears. Only one of these wise… Continue reading Signs of the season as it changes

Adventures · Inspiration

Thoughts on a creative rabbit hole of despair

As a creative person, have you ever went down the rabbit hole of despair?  The trail down there is rough and rocky.  The nuggets of nourishing things don't seem quite as appealing to you as they did when you first tried them out? You find yourself nibbling on random things, hoping something tasty will trigger… Continue reading Thoughts on a creative rabbit hole of despair

Adventures · Inspiration

Untold stories of art

I wonder how long it took, or how many days or nights were spent on the art creations in the creative corner of my office? I wasn't there when my friend made the dear gnome that sits on the shelf.  I made the hummingbird that hangs from the ceiling, and that took about 4 hours,… Continue reading Untold stories of art


Why I save all my photos

I save (almost) all of my photos I take.  Why?  Because...I never know when they'll help a story unfold. Even the blurry ones have a story behind them.  How about you?  What do you think? Do you, as an aspiring writer, find real challenges come in when asked to write from word prompts you didn't… Continue reading Why I save all my photos


I’d sell staycations if I could

If I could sell staycations, I would.  They aren't sellable at least in the travel industry.  There's the underlying message that we must do something grand, great, or out of this world so everyone wishes they could do that too. Get away - enjoy time away - go to the beach - go sailing -… Continue reading I’d sell staycations if I could