With a note of warning to you my dear blogging friends - before you read this post, don't be surprised. It isn't my normal garden variety post about the birds and trees. It involves one risky-looking photo and other adorable ones (of ME) as a youngin. (Clickbait, yep ). But, first, I have to show… Continue reading A Few Notes About My Adventures As A Wee Child
Tag: Childhood Memories
How I Tuned Into Childhood Memories of Soup Made Out of Weeds And A Colorful Discovery About Turkey Feathers
Ah, the dog days of summer are upon us as August gives us two full moons and Mother Nature blesses us with extreme temps. With a childlike attitude, I chose to forge ahead, deal with it, and play while I could in the ever-pressing reminder of the limited remaining dog days of Summer 2023. Here… Continue reading How I Tuned Into Childhood Memories of Soup Made Out of Weeds And A Colorful Discovery About Turkey Feathers
Cross my heart, hope to die, the dust will settle
Beside me, on my desk is my 2-year calendar planner. And a picture of our teahouse that my daughter painted for me. She did a great job, didn't she? That was just a year ago, man, how time flies as the dust of another season settles. Soon the ground will turn green and flowers will… Continue reading Cross my heart, hope to die, the dust will settle
A creepy surprise
I've loved books all my life. At one point, I had a collection of over 500 books. Occasionally, when I go through the collection to sort and weed books out, I'm surprised to see what I've kept. Two years ago, on July 25, 2017, I was going through a cedar chest to part with my… Continue reading A creepy surprise
The magic of girl’s day-dreaming
Here is my entry to Friday's Flash Foto Fiction - trying something new again... Whew, it's been a long week - and year for that matter. I should be happy school is almost over. Wow...it's the last week of school before summer starts. Summer...ah...summer... I won the race today. It felt great - the crowd… Continue reading The magic of girl’s day-dreaming
The rabbit hole of Easter morning memories
Our empty nest feels weird this morning. It's not our first morning where it's quiet in the house. Or in the front yard when I took the dog out to do his hunt for the perfect quiet spot routine. That type of quietness happens every day. I'm getting more used to it each one that… Continue reading The rabbit hole of Easter morning memories