Adventures · Cheers

A blogger confesses to using click bait

True confessions from a learning-as-I-go-blogger (aka, ME, who started late in the '.com' of blogging) about using click bait. So, how is it going figuring out this crazy deal (ordeal) of blogging?? Let's see, there are a couple of things that are going well.  Considering, you know, that I don't really know what the hell I'm doing.… Continue reading A blogger confesses to using click bait

Adventures · Cheers · Welcome

2 Liebster Award nominations in one day…oh, my!

I'd love to walk quietly into the office of every new blogger, creep up behind them at their computer, (while they are all engrossed in writing their masterpiece), tap them on the shoulder, (scaring the shit out of them 'cuz that's what creepers do), and then ask..."Are you dreaming about becoming nominated for the Liebster Award?"… Continue reading 2 Liebster Award nominations in one day…oh, my!