
A cougar, bobcat, or loch ness monster sighting

As I mentioned before, my nose knows things.  Last Friday was the last time I've been allowed to go outside alone in our front yard.  This is serious stuff.  Any dog will tell you, going for walks outside is important.  And when my freedom to dash-out-the-front-door-without-the-leash moments stop, it's puzzling.  I have an important job… Continue reading A cougar, bobcat, or loch ness monster sighting

Adventures · Inspiration

How to embrace your imperfect photos

It's Monday morning - time to get up, rise and shine, and eat a healthy breakfast.  Wait...that was yesterday's breakfast.  Ah, yes, yesterday...I was able to sleep in and not force myself to get up because I was running an hour late.  Ugh...I hate it when we change the clocks ahead an hour. Such is… Continue reading How to embrace your imperfect photos