Adventures · Emptying the nest

It’s a shank and a stay at home button

Decades ago, I remember a charming downtown store that sold Berman's leather items.  I never purchased anything from them, I couldn't afford it like my friends could.  But I do remember browsing around the store with them and smelling the air full of leather scents. When I graduated from high school and started college, I… Continue reading It’s a shank and a stay at home button


Why yes, Black-Eyed Susans look like buttons to me

Let's take a Sunday Stills stroll, by taking a break with me to wander virtually through my Black-eyed Susan flower bed that is bursting with yellow splashes of joy. I'm glad Merriam-Webster agrees with me, a bud can be called a button. A quick Google check around the world and it appears according to the… Continue reading Why yes, Black-Eyed Susans look like buttons to me