Let's get up close and personal as I confess to you my happy discoveries about being a blogger. When I started out, I believed famous bloggers who said it was easy to set up a blog. I heard them cheering me on as I attempted to fulfill their claims of: "It'll only take 10 minutes… Continue reading Happy discoveries about being a personal blogger
Tag: blogging
How reflecting on a beach motivates me
I write every day (almost). Flushing out a blog post in the morning has become a habit. One I actually love doing. Don't wait. The time will never be just right. - Napoleon Hill But, not today. For some reason, I just stood here (yeah, I have a standing desk, duh, so I stand) and froze… Continue reading How reflecting on a beach motivates me
How to be okay with crappy first drafts
When you sit down to write, do the words just fly onto the page? Where do you find your inspiration to write every day? Who wins the battle, the page, or your walk-away until tomorrow stage? Or do you persevere and take the simplest act in routines of your day, pause to notice the extraordinary, and… Continue reading How to be okay with crappy first drafts
The sunrise of my 540th post
Do you wake up every morning, bright, full of energy, and ready to tackle the day? Do you sing while the sun rises? Or are you shy, like me, and whisper because you can't carry a tune, and you hum instead? Sing it with me..."Good morning, sunrise, how are you?" (not the right words, but… Continue reading The sunrise of my 540th post
Technical difficulties again
Due to a JetPack update that didn't go as automatic as hoped for or wished for... They took my $ and ran and left me confused... Don't worry, it has happened before. I eventually figure my way out of the maze of what went wrong! See you soon, after I round the corner of confusion… Continue reading Technical difficulties again
How Three Wise Men helped rescue me from Self-Pity
This week 3 wise men cut to the chase and made me realize how quickly I jump to self-pity mode. I feel compelled to publicly thank them for their generosity of bringing me back to reality. Wise man #1 is the Mr. While we were taking our road trip journey to visit my dad on… Continue reading How Three Wise Men helped rescue me from Self-Pity