
My Blog Broke Again And What I’m Doing About It For Now

As I get closer to climbing on a jet plane for my vacation, I find myself in a plain and simple coddiwomple situation with my blog. If you've been following me for years, you know I somehow messed up my blog. That mess-up blessed me with two gifts. This is the best part of the… Continue reading My Blog Broke Again And What I’m Doing About It For Now

Adventures · Emptying the nest

My realization of being a tiny pixel in the blogosphere

This morning, as I walked into our in-progress project kitchen, I looked at the wall across from the kitchen sink, that is finally working by the way!   I can't decide if we'll put anything on the wall or not.  The calm green color has been a nice change of pace from the busy two-color wall… Continue reading My realization of being a tiny pixel in the blogosphere


Things do degrade right before our eyes

Seriously...I thought I had everything covered and look what happened?  I tried to comment back to a few followers on a post I wrote yesterday, and my login didn't work.  I (aka, my blog) become non-existent again. I did the same stupid thing last year. Sigh. I got this message.  And I had to contact… Continue reading Things do degrade right before our eyes


The morning of my 770th post

To start my Wednesday off, I chose a milestone post to remind me that I can do this blogging stuff.  After all, I've got quite a few posts under my belt.  So why is it that I make things so hard is my question of the day? I made renewing my blog's theme much harder… Continue reading The morning of my 770th post

Adventures · Cheers · Welcome

Temptations of construction

This time of year is challenging for me.  I'm taking lots of deep breaths to avoid extra stress. My blog's hosting site, as well as my purchased theme, all require renewing within a week-long span of time.  Navigating that is always stressful for me. It seems to take me about as long as it takes… Continue reading Temptations of construction


It’s a blog wrap up

There are days as a blogger that I wanna rap my blog up against the wall and wrap up whatever falls out and toss the whole dang thing in the garbage. I'm in awe of all the things that can go wrong when you buy a theme, get a hosting site, and then attempt to… Continue reading It’s a blog wrap up