Emptying the nest · Inspiration · Welcome

A perfect empty nest friendship gift

I've discovered, as a little birdie in an empty nest, alongside a handsome Mr. who humors me, we can do this empty nesting thing.  Well, not really, we're both still learning.  But, we know we/I'd have to one way or another.  It is inevitable.  All parents go through it.  At least I'm not alone, even… Continue reading A perfect empty nest friendship gift

Adventures · Emptying the nest

An empty nest time traveler

I'm an empty nest time traveler.  Yessiree, I am.  I can flash through memories in a heartbeat, and be transported back to moments in time that tug damn hard on my heartstrings. Other times, it isn't such a conscious effort.  Often times it happens while I'm trying to sleep. I can go from one space… Continue reading An empty nest time traveler

Adventures · Cheers

Time flies like a hummingbird when you’re with friends

Heads up - this tale requires the ability of the reader to tap into their imagination to discover how women who create things over the years bond together like well-felted creations. Our adventure starts off every year around Christmastime when we bring together the 5 of us very talented and experienced women (each having two… Continue reading Time flies like a hummingbird when you’re with friends

Adventures · Emptying the nest · Inspiration

A view of the path to adulting

Today marks the day I became a mom for the first time.  26 years ago to be exact.  And 3 years later, once again with the birth of our second child.  WTH?  Where did that time go? The memories of our oldest's early years are like ghosts caught on a camera, leaving behind little bubbles… Continue reading A view of the path to adulting