They're here! They're here! The House Finches are back and are busy building their nests. And the males of their houses are singing their mating calls. Oh, and the Bluebirds are back, too. It's the little things in life that make me smile. I heard him singing, but couldn't see him while I was standing… Continue reading The birds are singing here
Tag: #A-Z Blogging Challenge
Why I love my gray hair
I've never fussed much with my wild a** curly hair. It has a mind of its own, that's for sure. Well...on second thought, after I typed those words, I know that Mr. would disagree and call me out on it. He's right. Dagnabit. When I colored my hair, I fought with it EVERY day. I… Continue reading Why I love my gray hair
Sunsets on the fallacy of fabulousness
Dearest one, In life, you'll find moments of fabulousness. Is that even a word? Yep. Good, let's go with that. To make it even better, let's go with Fab for short. And over a cup of coffee that was, by the way, fab in Jamaica. This one is close to making me smile like when… Continue reading Sunsets on the fallacy of fabulousness
7-year itch about everything
Dearest, Every decision related to you and your belongings that I've made throughout the last 11 years has been out of love. Yes, it's true. Every decision. Out of love for you, Mom. But now, it's all different. I'm different without you here. I must confess, I'm feeling a fresh and new kind of 7-year… Continue reading 7-year itch about everything
Ah, to be a dog for a day
I wish I could be a dog for a day. Dogs have it easy. For one, they can do a perfect down-dog yoga pose. I've yet to master the technique. I don't know why either, I just struggle with that pose. For another reason, dogs can take a nap in a moment's notice. Awake one… Continue reading Ah, to be a dog for a day
Wait…you collect wine corks too?
In the US, the origin of the phrase "Put a cork in it" means to stop complaining, but, in our house, aka, Mr.'s Man Cave, we've taken it to another level. We say, "If the cork fits in it, display it." Enjoy the mini-tour of where we display our wine corks. By the way, if… Continue reading Wait…you collect wine corks too?