
Reflecting on 2024: Lessons from My Year of Change

Here we are, the end of 2024, wow, what a year it was. It's a fitting moment for me to reflect on the closure of our year. I'm willing to finally accept my word of the year as 1/2 of the year was our Coddiwomple 2024 adventure. Much of it is a blur: For those… Continue reading Reflecting on 2024: Lessons from My Year of Change

Adventures · Welcome

Homecoming After Stroke: A Journey of Resilience

One day shy of 6 months from the date of Mr.'s stroke we met our goal of bringing him back home in time for his birthday and Christmas. I didn't have time to do any shopping for gifts, but dang, this gal was motivated to get him home, and 🎉🙌🏻🎁 we did just that! The… Continue reading Homecoming After Stroke: A Journey of Resilience


The Journey of Recovery: Our Coddiwomple Adventure

This morning, I sipped my coffee slower than usual. I enjoy the simplicity of holding a warm cup of coffee and pausing to reflect on how to find hope. Today, I didn't cry. Yesterday I did. Tears flow at the most random times. Oh, how I miss our morning routine of passing each other at… Continue reading The Journey of Recovery: Our Coddiwomple Adventure


How I Happily Stumbled Upon My Word for 2024 Only One Month Late

Every morning, I start my day with an icy glass of water with 2 lemon slices and electrolytes. I sip it while I sit next to my Happy Light. It's almost as delightful as when I admired the last sunset of January 2024. With a pencil in my hand, I stream thoughts down into my… Continue reading How I Happily Stumbled Upon My Word for 2024 Only One Month Late