One minute our busy Christmas plate was full. Ready for consumption along with all the fun action. It was time to grab sneak a cookie, grab the cellphone off the stand to take a photo, or a Snap. Calm my nerves on high. Juggle it all by reading texts, snaps, and answering phone calls.
A miracle had happened – I pulled myself and all the other stuff together for one 24-hour whirlwind full of we’re together again moments!

And now, our house is empty again. Such is life in an empty nest. But, oh, so many sweet memories were made.

Would I change a thing about how this holiday season unwrapped itself before my eyes? I don’t think so. Except, I might try to not look like a little cropped in creeper in the background of the family photo?

I’d probably make keto-friendly versions of the cookies, too – yeah, I’d do that. The traditional cookies have wreaked havoc on my blood sugars. And my ability to focus. There may have been some wine involved, too, just saying. There’s an odd couple of pounds that have showed up on the scale. How that happened, I haven’t a clue?
Carbs…yeah, it’s the carbs.
The only way you’d really know that carb-loaded-foggy-headed-bloated-waist feeling is if you had given up the bad for you carbs too, as Mr. and I had done in 2020 and 2021.

Since the people we love haven’t given up carbs and they all baked yummy-looking treats, Mr. and I dutifully indulged in the forbidden cookies. We only take one of each kind and split the big ones – aka, the healthier ones, with dates. Dates are good for you, right? Must be. So I’ve heard. Oh, and we ate mashed potatoes, freshly baked rolls, lefsa, Chex Mix, sugar coated nuts and cheesecake too. Yum, right?
Anyhoo – the cookies and pasta salads are all gone now. We’ll be back to our normal diet in a matter of a couple of days. A couple of days of fasting is all it takes, we hope – fingers are crossed as well as our eyes from the sugar buzz. We’ll have a better focus in 2022.

I was more than ready for Christmas this year. The tree and decorations were up and the cards were all mailed by early December. The presents were bought and wrapped. The traditional stocking stuffers were packed into the stockings. Who knew that adult kids would plan their own dental care routines around when they’d get a new toothbrush and toothpaste from Mom at Christmas? My kiddos do! And they’ve trained their significant others to do the same.

I sat admiring my handiwork – waiting, anticipating, for them all to arrive on Christmas Eve. Reassuring myself that Yes…this is happening, right? Christmas together is happening! YAY!
Anticipation was high. And rightfully so. Not only were the kids on their way home, but safe travels were also on my mind. Just the day before there was a terrible icy road 100 car pile-up accident on the highway two of the kids would travel on Christmas Eve day. The accident, like the previous week’s storm, was heavy on my mind. My younger brother who is a truck driver was a mere mile back from where the accident happened. (Google it for yourself, the accident made the big-time news!)

My stomach flipped again thinking about the call my brother made to me that morning. Telling me not to go anywhere and that he was okay.
“When the semi that passes you ends up sideways in the road in front of you, you do not put on the breaks, you take your foot off the gas, glide into the rumble strip, and slow way down to pull over. It is the worst black ice I’ve seen. I see black smoke up ahead and cars in the ditch everywhere. The cop said that the fire trucks can’t get there, they’re just watching the vehicles burn.”
My heart sank for all the people involved at the same time being grateful my brother was okay.
The story he told was that if he hadn’t hit the snooze and had trouble with his coffee pot that morning, he would’ve been on the road 15-20 minutes earlier and would’ve been in the middle of the accident. Too close for comfort. You bet I gave him big hugs when he joined us for our mid-day snacking session. Unfortunately, the weather was not nice enough for my dad and his sweetheart to travel to see us. We’ll see them in January.

The moment our adulting kids arrived, the anxious mood I had lifted and our spirits flew higher and higher. The chatter, the clatter, all the things that matter right there before my/our eyes were happening. And shoes, coats, boxes, and bags were everywhere! The house was full of the right kind of hustle and bustle.
It was surreal…they’re real and they gave me/us hugs. My heart is full until the next time we gather together again. I’ll put away the decorations and the tree next week. I want to keep the day in my mind for a bit longer. Some of 2021, not so much, I’ll flush any crappy thoughts about that down with the case of toilet paper I won in the White Elephant present exchange. There are plenty of good memories to keep near and dear to my heart.

Believe it or not, the next photo below was the first one taken – we hadn’t lost our gather together for a photo op techniques! Plus, “We’ll eat after we take the photo on the stairs!” seems to bring on compliance. Yay, us! Next time we gather, I’m confident that I’ll be the shortest one in the family. Two years in between photos and the two beanstalks at the bottom of the photo had shot right up!

Stay tuned for other things to come in 2022…look what books I received as gifts for Christmas. From my youngest – I wonder if she is trying to tell me something?

Will 2022 be a battle of the Dubious MinimalistTM versus the Swedish Death Cleaning guru? Or will my desire to keep memories organized (stored in boxes) win over my desire to clear out the house? How does one make sure memories are captured if you don’t gather stuff and people together?
But first…there are a few more pieces of lefsa left to eat…YUM!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “yum.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!
PS – Blessings to you, may the remainder of 2021 treat you well, and that your spirits are lifted and ready for 2022! With love from our family to you and yours my dearest blogging friends!
I love your family photos, so wonderful Shelley! I am so glad that nobody was involved in the terrible pileup too. Sometimes you just need to stay home to save your own life. Be safe, guys.
Thank you, John, glad you enjoyed them. We’re very thankful too. And last I heard, there were no fatalities. Amazing.
Yes, when the weather is bad staying home is a good idea.
You be safe too, John!!
I sure enjoyed hearing about your family Christmas gathering! So glad all turned out great.
Thank you, Barbara, I’m glad you enjoyed our story. We’re SO thankful all worked out.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you and yours! 

Glad you were able to have the kids and their partners home. Merry Christmas!
Thank you, me too! Merry Christmas to you too.
That was the most amazing post. Loved the family photos and the tree and and and. Thanks
Thank you, Chris. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I hope you’re feeling much better now!
Lovely family photos, Shelley! It looks like you don’t need a book to tell you how to create and remember happy moments!
Thank you, Janis. We do prefer to give memories instead of stuff (except, it’s funny how new home owners or kids out on their own still need stuff…!). I hope you are having a holiday season to remember and that it is filled with joy and love and peace.
Love your family photos. I cannot believe your tree and presents didn’t have a cat attack!!!
Have a great 2022 Shelley 

Thank you, Brian. Yes, our tree survived due to strategic placement of faux gifts under the tree. Gift bags seem to do the trick. My mother-in-law’s tree was attacked multiple times by her youngest cat. He’s great at climbing it. He didn’t knock it down though.

Happy New Year to you too, 2022 will be a great year!
Yes, you had it well worked out….a box here a box there. Thanks Shelley. Let have a great 2022

And no low hanging tinsel dragging from the cat you know what’s either! LOL. TMI?!

Yes, let’s have a great 2022!!! Cheers!
But that’s half the fun with decorations

You sure were blessed at Christmas Shelley. How nice to see everyone and the girls look so grown up, one with a husband, the other a friend/significant other. I love the photo of everyone on the staircase. That’s a great idea. How lucky your brother slept in a little longer – hitting the snooze button this time was a good thing, including fiddling with the coffee pot. It turned out it was his lucky day. Sorry your dad and sweetheart didn’t make it but you already say next year, so it is in the works. It was a beautiful way to cap off a sad year for you with the loss of Copper whose likeness I saw on the table – was it a phone holder? Plus a year with scary weather woes and COVID concerns. Glad you were able to put away COVID fears and gather happily together. Best to you also for the rest of the season and beyond.
Yes, Linda, we’re counting our blessings that’s for sure. And, yes, the girls have grown up so much. As, we all have. The staircase is very full and happy.
I’m grateful that my brother likes the snooze button. He’s done that his whole life and when it pays off, it pays off big! My dad was sad, it was hard for him to understand that he couldn’t come. When we told him that the girls would be coming to visit him and go ice fishing in January, it gave him a new target to aim for.
Yes, I really missed Copper this year. And, yes, that was a gift from my MIL – it’s a cute Chihuahua cellphone holder.
The weather held out – and all travelers made it back to their homes without complications.
Yes, it was a wonderful time to gather together without fears. Only peace and love were present.
Best wishes to you too – 2022 will be better, I’m sure of it.
Your brother lucked out – do you remember hearing stories after 9/11 about people who hit the snooze bar, missed the bus, called in sick that day and were not at their workplace on that fateful day?
That’s a cute cellphone holder.
I’m glad everyone made it back home – this time of year you never know with the weather. We’ve had freezing rain three days in a row and having it again tonight/tomorrow a.m. and Saturday. Mother Nature is on a tear.
Yes, he did, thankfully. Yes, I remember hearing those stories too.
It is adorable holder, I have it sitting next to his photo on my window sill.
Me too – we’re thankful they dodge the weather and were home safe and sound to watch the weather unfold at their own homes. Yes, she is. It’s crazy!
Looks like a very happy Christmas at the Krupas! Happy New Year!
Yes, it was indeed! Thank you – Happy New Year to you and Mary too, John!
How fantastic that so many of you were able to spend some time together. Did you all sit on the stairs in generational order? It kind of looks like you might have. I’m glad your truck driver brother is OK. Things like that happen so often. Sometimes I think about what might have been different if my dad had left home just 10 minutes later. I’m also glad to be retired so when the roads are bad I can just watch them from the house without having to go out to anything.
Yes, it was great to be together. You’re spot on – in generational order. We were even lucky this year to have the youngest girl press the camera button!
Me too on my brother being OK. He’s a very safe driver, but the other people may not be so safe, so we both worry. Sorry about your dad.
I don’t like to rush life away, but there are days when I look forward to retirement. I do work remotely, so I know what you’re talking about. I just watch from the house and give thanks throughout the stormy days. We’ve got a few more months to do so…!
Making memories with the ones you love is easy, just get together. I’m so glad your brother avoided that accident. We never know if being “late” is going to cause a problem or save us. I hope you all have a Happy New Year, Shelley.
Yes! Just get together!!!

Thank you, we’re thankful for whatever it was that kept my brother from the accident.
Happy New Year to you and your family too. It’s going to be a great year!
I think so, too.
So cute! Your pictures made me smile. I’m so glad you had such a wonderful Christmas Shelley. That’s how it should be. Also, you did a fine job with that old fashioned tinsel! ((High Five!)) I remember putting that stuff on and it was a pain. I love your plates btw.
Aw, I’m glad to share smiles. We did have a wonderful time together – we all needed those moments, that’s for darn sure.

Thank you on the tinsel. Mr. taught me the technique – I never knew of it before. Taking it off is just as hard.
Thanks – the plates were my mom’s pattern. I love it too.
PS – I’m glad to read that your hubby is doing well after his surgery. I’m sending healing hugs and prayers your way!
I remember putting that tinsel on as a kid. Suppose to drape them just a few at a time but my patience at the time was way too short for that. LOL! Thanks for the kind wishes for Hubs. I really appreciate them!
I missed out on that slow approach. I’m pretty fast at it, despite only dealing with it once a year.
You’re welcome – I hope each day he’s stronger and better and full of the spunk you adore!
Oh, thank goodness for snooze buttons! So glad you got to get together with your brother and your girls and their guys! And as healthy as you and your husband are, you’ll drop any added cookie ounces in no time. As you can see in my blog, I’m still enjoying cookies! But my doggie will get me out of the house and on walks soon.
Yes, the snooze button for the win! We are still smiling about Christmas. Funny how absence made our hearts grow so fond of being together.
We’re going to start on getting back on track with our weight on 1/3/2022. We never start on the 1st. LOL.
Yay for enjoying the cookies you love and the anticipation of walking off the calories with your doggie.