Adventures · Emptying the nest

Sup with the DIY project?

Three birds walked up to a waterhole and said…


Two birds hopped up to a bunch of dried up flowers and said…

Sup? (Do you see both birds? Look closely)

A Lil’ ol’ pup watches intently with a face that says…


A cat saunters in and says…


A Mr. walks into the kitchen (for the 18th trip back and forth from the bandsaw out in the shed) and finds his Whip Cracker taking photos of the field and says…Sup?

The empty nest Whip Cracker replies to Mr…

“Sup?  So…does the counter fit yet?”

Discomfort is always a necessary part of enlightenment. – Pearl Cleage

Mr. replies – “Yep!”


In unison – “Yay – so we can finally start assembly?!?!?!!”

One section has been glued and leveled and fits perfectly.  The other two sections are in standby – ready and willing to go together.  Are we able to finish the countertop installation today – before the Packer game???  Wanna place any bets?

We’ll see.  As Mr. profoundly said to Whip Cracker this morning, gazing into her eyes, seeing her mutually enlightened glaze-over, “This is definitely the most challenging part of the remodeling project.”

Post inspiration – Lens-Artists #70 – Monochrome

PS – Are you a fan of daylight savings time?  Do you think it should be something we vote on formally?  Stay tuned for the tricks we’re finding to complete this part of the project, you’re gonna love Mr.’s cleverness!  


45 thoughts on “Sup with the DIY project?

  1. The English language is interesting and confusing at the same time. We took a three word sentence and made it a 2 word sentence with contractions going from What is up? to What’s up? Then the need to make it even smaller turned it into a one word phrase of Sup? Yea, glad I already speak English.

    1. LOL – I agree with you!! Sometimes I just go with the slang, when the slang fits the mood. I’m glad I grew up in a time when proper English was taught and expected. 🙂

  2. Great photos Shelley! Especially your cat. I hope the projects will finish soon for you guys. What’s football? 😬

    1. Thanks, John! LOL – apparently the Packers were thinking the same thing…what a loss that was! Hope your chili tasted great and that your doctor is able to help you feel better soon!

    1. Thank you, Amy. The pets will be as happy as I will be when this project is done. 🙂 I loved your choices for the prompt, too – those clouds were dreamy.

  3. OMG, you guys have such patience. These kind of projects make me crazy. I hope for your sake it’s finally the end coming up. That cutting would kill me – especially given the opportunity for error. I’m sure we’d end up having to reorder the whole thing, which is why find a handy man on this type of thing. I’m nervous just watching from a distance. LOL.

    Here’s hoping it’s done before the Packer game kicks off.

    1. LOL – it’s been a nail biting (if I did bite my nails I’m sure I would’ve through this) experience. We didn’t make it before the kick off, but it all fit back in place during the game – the countertops were the highlight of the night. The Packers were MIA?!

  4. Ah…hope everything is working out all right! Working on this makes me nervous as well – but it makes a good post!

    1. Thank you, Anne-Christine! Things are slowly getting back in place, we’ll be tickled pink (like a touch of color with Lightroom like you used in your photos) when this project is done. I appreciate your encouragement!!!

    1. The light is getting brighter!! Thank you, I just love how it has kept leaves for so long – it’s so out in the open.

  5. Hopefully you’re done soon – at any rate, Mr. promised you would be done by Thanksgiving. Keep the faith; sometimes it’s all we’ve got. I am glad to have Standard Time … extra hour of sleep and lighter in the morning to go walking – I don’t go out at night, so it is a win-win for me, for about a month til we return to what sunrise we just left again.

    1. Thank you, Linda – it’ll be done before then, we hope! I think we just just do a half-hour switch and stick to that permanently. I don’t like going out at night either, and sunrises are my favorite time of the day for photos. Hope you got some miles in this weekend!!

      1. I did Shelley – a walk and then worked outside a lot of hours raking and Fall chores. That’s because what is coming this week will not be fun … some snow and twenty degrees below the normal temp for this time. Two weeks of that!

        1. Good news that you got your raking in before the cold settles in. I.Can’t.Believe.This.Weather!!! Ugh. Stay warm!!

          1. I can’t believe it either – the snow all melted this afternoon but we will be 30-40 degrees below normal starting late Sunday – and 2-4 inches of snow next week. I will have to rake again – my neighbor NEVER rakes and they are from her tree. I do a slow burn every Fall – I know … worry about important things first!

          2. It’s crazy – way too cold – way too soon in the season. Neighbors who don’t rake, what a pain!! Hang in there – get on that bike and ride the frustrations away!! (- love your accountability partner, aka me) 😉

          3. Yes, and her lawn cutter came today and blew it out in the street and it is windy today. And it is illegal to blow leaves in the street to begin with. She won’t clear them and they’ll be back on top of what I have. I hope they are gone before the 2-4 inches of snow coming Sunday/Monday.

          4. We have a neighbor down the road that dumps his yard debris into the ditch across from his house. This year the leaves, the walnuts, the pumpkins, the cut grass all ended up in there. It’s disrespectful. I hope you get a walk in – it was nice here yesterday, so you should see warmer temps before the snow?!

          5. I just got in from raking and had walked earlier when the rain began and it will transition to snow after midnight (like Cinderella). I heard people mowing lawns, using blowers but they were not on my street – no one rakes or does anything with their leaves and it is annoying like your neighbor. Our yard waste only is picked up til Thanksgiving week- we may not see the lawn until after Thanksgiving they say. Ugh.

          6. Your yard will love your efforts to keep it leaf free! We’re soon to be covered in snow and no one will know the difference, until Spring. Wasn’t that just last month? LOL!

          7. Ha ha – yes, the bags of leaves I did yesterday are still out there – the yard waste guy never came by … sigh. The weatherman said the snow was an “overachiever” (I like that) as it was predicted 3-5 inches. We are at 6 inches and another inch predicted overnight. It was heavy snow too. Tomorrow is the deep freeze. No joy in Fall, nor Winter, that is for sure.

          8. Bummer on the snow. We didn’t get that much, thankfully. I hope we both find some joy in the winter otherwise we’re going to be miserable for a long time!

          9. Yikes – that’s way too much snow already! We’re supposed to get up to 2″ today. Hopefully the drivers are paying attention this time, we had over 30 accidents the last inch we got. Stay warm and stay safe…and get on that bike, right?

          10. I’m going to start the bike on Friday. It was just freezing down there this morning when I went down to put a load of laundry in to warm the pipes at 5:00 a.m. This is because I shut the door to the cellarway all the time, so in real cold weather the basement is really cold. We are getting another dusting to an inch tonight and the street, sidewalks and driveway are a sheet of ice. Way too early for this weather!

          11. Yay!! I’ve been hitting the treadmill since the snow arrived. I don’t want to slip on black ice, and it’s been way too cold around here too. Way too early is right!

  6. I like that play on Sup? And the opening thoughts were fun!
    Good luck with the project …
    Nice take on the theme this week – 😉

  7. Great idea, Shelley! Combining your DIY project with the challenge this week! I love it. And your shots are great. I especially love the cat and dog shots and the trees with their beautiful autumn colors. The textures of the cat and dog’s fur really stand out in black and white. Beautiful!

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