Adventures · Inspiration

Sun greetings with features and creatures

Today is a day to celebrate living in a place that surprised me with features and tiny creatures.


The morning sun took me near and far.  Inside and outside.


To my yard, that is.


Where a faint rainbow in the distant sky teased me to jump into my garden shoes and walk around the dewy grass among the anthills.


I felt a special kind of luck was with me today – I admired my Shamrock plant that loves the greenhouse effect of the warm summer days and cool nights spent in the Tea House.


I wasn’t sure what I’d find, but there’s always something to catch my eye.  At least I don’t have to travel to Paris … to see a tower.


Our empty nest has treasures to observe.


And things climbing their way around here.


They may not be perfectly free of bugs.  But the vivid colors warm my heart as they persevere and keep on keeping on.


I keep trying to get a really great shot of a morning glory flower.


I mumbled to myself as I tumbled along randomly like the tumbleweeds.  I noticed a lot of them as I walked around the yard – close up they look like a model of a virus, don’t ya think?

My Blackeyed Susans are so happy in the morning light.  Bugs are happy to crawl around on the petals.

And my Zinnias are blooming.  I love all the different colors.  I’m surprised they’ve survived, the seeds were from two years ago.


This one is so interesting.  Two-toned and layered.


And then something caught my eye.  I could’ve sworn something moved ever so slightly.

Was it the light pink flower?


Nope.  It was this adorable little green frog.


Yep, I was lucky to catch (50 + good, bad, ugly and blurry) photos of this guy who sat so still for me as he blended into the background, so he thought.


Look at those cute little feet holding on to the leaf.  Aw!


I bet you’re green with envy, aren’t you?  I took one last shot as I said, “Enjoy your day in the flowers little guy, I’m done stalking you now.”


The rain overnight had filled the birdbath.  I wish I may I wish I might just float off into the sky on a fluffy white cloud …


It’s fun to admire a world full of peace and tranquility and how the tiny creatures with features don’t seem to be bothered by a frizzy-haired lady with a camera in hand.  I wonder what the neighbors think of me though?  Nah, not really.

Speaking of tiny creatures with extra soaking wet feet features … Copper was waiting for me to follow him back into the house.


Apparently, he thought I had lost it trying to get a photo of myself in the birdbath.  He was right, I should’ve stopped with the lucky frog instead!  😉

We’ll be back again later … xx

Post Inspiration – Amy for Lens-Artists #109 – Under the Sun

PS – What surprised you today?  Do you wind in the hose after every use?  



24 thoughts on “Sun greetings with features and creatures

  1. I do wind in the hose after each use! A tidy backyard is a happy backyard! Beautiful photos, Donna, the frog at the end of the leaf is amazing! Your husband does a beautiful job cutting and trimming your yard. Something I appreciate having done that commercially for 20+ years. Happy Sunday.

    1. I can imagine you’d make sure the hose is back in it’s proper spot. I’m just so lazy when it comes to that ;-). This year, my flower beds are survival of the fittest. Yes, Mr. does do a great job mowing – and the occasional trimming. It’s a big yard, so it doesn’t happen every week. Yes, I remember you telling me that’s what you did for work. We’d hire you for a couple tough jobs we have at rentals if you were living around here.
      I hope you have a great week!

  2. Your photos are exceptional, Shelley! The details on the frog, exquisite! Yes, cute little feet. A cool photo effect with you as a shadow. All of the photos are a beautiful reminder of the beauty in our present life. I am heading off for ocean hikes and breezes today. Thankful for a gorgeous day. Hope you and your husband are still on the mend and feeling better.

    1. Thank you, Erica. I was tickled green when I saw the little frog.
      Yay – ocean hikes and breezes! I’m envious, we keep talking about how it would be nice to live next to an ocean.
      We’re feeling much better – thank you for your well wishes.
      Take care and stay safe! xx

  3. That little frog is so cute Shelley, can’t believe you spotted him on that green leaf! A lovely stroll complete with rainbow – what could be better?!

  4. The frog photo was inspired (I am perhaps a bit green with envy, but mostly impressed!). So many discoveries in – of all places – your yard! Lucky you. Those anthills are crazy though. Yikes! Love the detail in your macros. 🙂

  5. Love this series Shelley. I love the little green frog captures, so cute. The morning sun is so beautiful and special.

  6. It was nice walking around the garden with you Shelley, but especially enjoyable seeing that little frog. He certainly didn’t pay you no mind as you took all the photos of him. What a cutie. I never see frogs around the yard, nor at the Park, though I hear a male Bullfrog croaking every morning.

    1. Thanks, Linda, I’m glad you enjoyed the stroll and the featured frog. I probably wouldn’t have seen him if I wasn’t trying to get close-ups of the Zinnias. In the first picture of the whole flower bed, I see him now. Kind of like Where’s Waldo.
      Bullfrogs sure can sing songs, can’t they?
      Thanks again for joining me for a stroll in my yard, it’s always fun to have you stop by!

      1. I enjoyed the tour de garden Shelley. I have a Facebook friend, a former coworker at the diner from 40 years ago. Anyway, she lives in the northern suburbs. She regularly posts of Sandhill Cranes eating from her bird feeder and those tiny green frogs which sit on the leaves of flowers in her planters … I always think “why don’t I have cutie pie frogs around my house?” The Sandhill Cranes are more in Oakland County where it is more rural.

  7. I do not wind in the hose after every use. I am joyfully lazy on that particular issue. I like your upbeat attitude and your acceptance of frizzy hair. I’m working on both of those things today.

    1. Thanks for joining the let the hose be where it be club. I’ve discovered that a high messy bun is my daily go-to look. It’s way easier than trying to make it mind. It is like a curly hose that kinks in the yard. It’s quite a mess to fight with, so let it be … let it be! 🙂

  8. I love seeing your cool shots! Cute little tree frog. I usually see them walking up the window panes here, like it’s nothing to stick to glass. I guess it is, for them! Ha! They are reaaally loud for their size too.

    1. Thank you! I haven’t seen ours on the window for a while now. I was happy to see it on the plants. And you’re right … they sure have a loud bark for such a small creature! 😉

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