Yesterday, it was darn tempting to do some hard labor to get caught up from the busy weekend. The dirty casserole dish from Friday night’s dinner sat as a reminder.
I’m not saying Mr. was leaving it there on purpose. A subtle reminder that I didn’t finish the task at hand. For 3 days. But, it was me who set it here to soak after clearing the table from dinner.
So I washed it.
And while I was doing so Mr. asked me, “What about sharing a bottle of wine? We can sit in the teahouse and listen to music and just relax for the afternoon?”
“I’m game!”
“Okay, I’ve got a few things to do, so you go ahead out there and I’ll meet you in a little while.”
“Great – I just downloaded a new book on my Kindle. I’ll curl up with Copper on the couch…
I grabbed a glass of wine and a cracker with cheese to nibble on…
set my phone aside
and read for a bit while I sipped the wine and ate the cracker…
and I paused to watch the view of the grass Copper can’t go out on…cool fall nights will cure that soon enough. A large puffball mushroom has grown in the yard.
We might need to mow the lawn one or two more times before fall officially takes over. But not yesterday…we were relaxing instead.
Mr. joined me, with more cheese and crackers and wine…
“Let’s go sit on the couch instead – Copper shouldn’t get to hog the whole thing by himself.”
A lovely and relaxing early fall day. A great place for a pup to fall asleep with a nice cool breeze blowing in through the windows. We listened to music from the 80s playing on the stereo.
Me and my two favorite guys just chilling while we said a hesitant goodbye to summer.
And today, with happy memories of a fun-filled weekend, it’s back to work I go.
Post Inspiration – End of Summer, early Fall. Dutch Goes the Photo – Tuesday Challenge Fall
PS – I hope if you’re in Dorian’s path, your safe! How was your weekend? Did you labor or relax?
I love this post, Shelley! So soothing and relaxing. Your husband is so thoughtful.
Thank you, Winnie!! I’m so happy to hear from you! I’ve so enjoyed following you on Instagram, your writing is so beautiful.
Aww! Thank you, Shelley! I had the time to check out your latest post. Forgive me for not visiting your blog. I’m taking care of my mom for now because we have not yet found a caregiver. My poems are my escape when she’s lucid.
Aww – I appreciate you stopping by. I’ve been limited in my time too, not for caretaking like you, though. I’m sorry your mom isn’t doing well. It’s nice that you’ve found a way to find escape. Writing is great therapy. Hugs to you and your mom – hope you find help soon! xx
Thank you for your kind words, Shelley! Hugs to you too and have a great day!
Now that’s the perfect way to spend a holiday. (although I will admit I thought I’d see Tostitos). We had an afternoon of playing cards with our neighbors down the hall and then a light dinner! Raining outside, so an inside day worked out well.
LOL – I forgot to take a picture of them…they were there! I finished off a bag that I started earlier in the weekend ;-)! Ooh, that sounds like a great way to spend a weekend too. And, you don’t have to go to work today either!!
What an awesome afternoon to share with ones you love. Love your tea house. Labor day is not a day to catch up on chores but to relax from chores. Glad you got to relax comfortably.
Thank you, Anita!! I hope you relaxed too!
Ahh, what a perfect way to spend the afternoon. And Copper got to hang out without getting his feet riled up.
I love fall, and hitting September always feels like new beginnings. Must have been all those years of school.
Yes, it was relaxing, and Copper definitely enjoyed the courier service back and forth from the house to the teahouse couch – good thing he only weighs 8#’s. I can carry him and my bag of Tostitos in one trip! LOL
Fall is a favorite of mine too.
What a great way to spend the day. Guess you don’t just drink tea in the teahouse
Thank you! Yes, that’s so funny – that’s exactly what Mr. said when he brought the bottle out there! I don’t know that we’ve ever drank tea out there…maybe we should?!
PS. I am posting a link to a new September Challenge, #SeeYouInSeptember. Join in!
Thank you for sharing the link!! I might be able to do it on Instagram this month!
Ahhhh – so nice to not overdo a holiday !
And today feels like a Monday
I definitely didn’t overdo my holiday! Yeah, all day felt like Monday, but I’m glad to report that today feels like Wednesday – so I skipped Tuesday all together!?!
Haha – I am kind of feeling that way too – Wednesday frost like Wednesday –
I like any situation that involves a glass of wine and some cheese & crackers. Nice way to enjoy a holiday. It still seems like summer here. I’m having a difficult time remembering it’s fall now and that it’s Tuesday.
Cheers to you! The calendar tells me the seasons are changing, but I’m fighting it all the way to my folded sweatshirts and jeans hanging in the closet. There was a Tuesday this week?
This may sound gross to some, but for years I’ve been washing my dishes in half detergent and half dish soap. Now that detergent comes in liquid form, it’s much easier to mix the 2. Once I soak dishes in it for a few minutes, the dishes just wipe clean. Perfect example is my blender. And for baked on stuff, it helps a lot. It’s about 5x as effective as dishwashing liquid alone.
Interesting – thank you for sharing that tip Ellen!
I was surprised to see that you don’t use Scrub Daddy – America’s Favorite Sponge.
LOL – I need to get me some of those – I had never heard of that brand before! Thanks for sharing the idea, it may make scrubbing dishes fun
Great post. Sometimes it’s tempting to keep doing things around the house instead of getting some R&R.
Thank you, Joni. I’m one to always want to keep busy. I’m trying to be okay with not doing so…it’s getting a bit easier.
Despite the name “Labor Day” really and truly thou shalt not work on this hallowed day but relax instead!
Yes, that’s what I thought and did! I hope you did too?!
Yes I had bigger intentions for myself than I accomplished.
Don’t be so hard on yourself – you get A LOT accomplished, I’m always impressed with what you do get done!
Thank you Shelley, because to me I feel like I accomplish nothing but walking, taking pictures and being immersed in the blogosphere (in my down time)!
I understand the time commitment of our chosen hobbies!
It’s overwhelming sometimes isn’t it?
Yes, indeed, it is!
What a lovely way to enjoy the last moments of summer! I’m finishing up my maternity leave, and also trying to find those perfect moments to cherish and soak in!
Thank you for stopping by! Oh, my, your maternity leave is already over…! Yes, cherish and soak up every last minute of it!