If I were a Twitter user, I’d tweet like something short and sweet like this little yellow bird, who sang a tune while sitting on the bird feeder.
Or I’d write a lovely poem, like my blogger friend Ellen did over at slowerlane.blog.com (check it out by clicking here).
On late summer mornings, it seems appropriate to welcome fall as we dew kiss this summer goodbye.
The morning had dawned clear and cold, with a crispness that hinted at the end of summer. – George R.R. Martin
This past weekend, mornings were cool, dew danced on the grass as the fog rolled over it, and I couldn’t resist letting Copper explore along the perimeter of the yard.
His grass allergies remain, not as bad though. We’re keeping them at bay by washing his paws after each outing. We haven’t had a hard frost yet, thank goodness, but it has been cooler at night and we’ve had plenty of rain to wash away the pollen. We’re both happier about all of that.
To keep this post short and sweet, like a tweet, here are a couple of Copper’s view of what’s happening in the yard and the soybean field.
The soybeans, by the way, are in their ‘all fuzzy, let’s dry out before harvest’ phase.
The field has its dusty golden and dullish brown tints now, another sign, summer’s ending.
Have no fear, dear, we’re hanging on to the fuzzy edges of summer, yes, we are!
Post Inspiration – Dutch Goes the Photo Tuesday Photography Challenge – Fuzzy
PS – Happy Tuesday – hope your week is off to a great start! I took an impromptu vacation day yesterday, it was fun to be spontaneous. What is your favorite part of the transition from summer to fall?
Fall or Autumn as we call it here – is my favourite season. I have love the still, sunny but cooler days and the amazing colours.
Those are the things I love about this time of year too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!
Lovely photos, Shelley! I have not seen a soybean plant in personal. Your friend’s poem is amazing, by the way.
Thank you, Winnie. The farmer who rents the land alternates between soybeans and corn, so we get to see them every other year. The deer enjoy eating the soybeans, probably why we’ve seen so many of them in our yard this year. Thank you for encouraging Ellen! I agree, her poem is amazing – so is she!
My pleasure, Shelley. Thank you for sharing that info. I pressed the like on Ellen’s post.
Thank you :-)!!! You know what its like to start out and appreciate being discovered by someone you didn’t know you’d meet here in the blogosphere!
You’re welcome. I totally agree with you on that. I was so shy to interact then lol but you were one of the amazing bloggers who pulled me out of my cocoon. I hope I can meet Ellen too. She has the same name with my youngest sister.
We drew each other out of our shells – thank you for that! You’d enjoy Ellen – she’s incredibly supportive and an excellent writer too!
Hugs, Shelley! I’ll check her out.
Thank you, Winnie!! xx
You’re welcome, Shelley!!
Thank you, Winnie – you brightened her day!
My pleasure, Shelley! You’re right. She’s a nice lady. I can tell by the way she interacted with me. Sweet too.
That she is!!!
It amazes me the number of dogs with grass allergies. We did not see that when we were young or maybe they just didn’t know about it. Max, my daughter’s basset has sever issues with it keeping him on medication all summer. There is lots to love about fall. The colors, the cooler temps and football. Have a great week.
It is strange – I wonder why? He didn’t have them when he was younger, it just started the past two years.
Fall is a colorful time of year, I love that about it! Hope you’re having a great week too!
On a side note, I tried to comment on your post twice and my comments are disappearing!?! Just wanted you to know I’ve been trying to comment. xx
Having issues with my internet. This morning it seemed to be working. Technology…
I tried again, and I could comment today – hope it stuck there this time!
“…the fuzzy edges of summer”–I like that! Hanging on here, too!
Thank you, Rebecca – keep on hanging on, summer isn’t over yet!
I do enjoy fall. I just wish it wasn’t followed by winter, at least here in the midwest!
I agree – if winter could just be one or two week’s long during the holidays, I’d be happy!
Copper is so cute scooting along the ground! Those soy beans are so fuzzy eh? They’ll take them up pretty soon.
Yes, he was having a grand time sniffing the world. You’re right, I think they’ll cut them soon – usually right after the first frost. They have to dry out a bit more.
I love the pictures. I really like it when the sun dances on the edges of things.
Thank you, Dan, I appreciate your feedback – I enjoy photos you capture that play with fog and lighting too.
The photos are beautiful, a perfect representation of the the edges of things. Copper looks completely at home, his coloring blends with the coming season.
Thank you, Ally. Yes, Copper enjoys monitoring his turf in the yard. So many things to smell. He does blend in well, I hope well enough that the predator birds miss seeing him.
I like the cooler temps, myself. Neither Mary nor I deals well with the heat (so, of course, we live in the south where it gets hot all the time). I guess tomorrow will be rainy and the temperature’s going to be closer to 80 than 90, so fall has started making its inroads.
I’m tolerating excessive heat and excessive cold more now than ever. Is there a perfect spot to live as far as weather goes? But one that shows the 4 seasons – I kind of like the variety over the course of a year. Glad you’re feeling some cool down weather. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!
Love all of these, Shelley! Fuzzy love!
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed them!!
Awwww! Such a cutie
Thank you!!!