
Storm watching memories

Storm clouds are deceiving.


Looks of them intriguing.

Colors appearing and then disappearing.

Swirling and turning.

Omniscient ways cover the skies.

IMG_3101csskrupaRearing up with thunder and lightning, wind and rain.

The daring line of threat paid no mind to us.

Leaving without a debt, as scary as it looked, it was just a fast-moving rainstorm.

Fields of corn enjoyed the rain you see.

Reminding me…and especially my Mr. how much we all love a good storm and how much we missed both of them – our daughters.

They, too, love to watch a good storm…

(BZZZZZ of the cellphone) Yep, knew it, a Snap Chat from our oldest – Storms brewing in Rochester, MN, too.  She was outside watching just like us.  No matter how many miles in-between, they disappear when fond memories of childhood appear.

Post Inspiration by Linda Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday:  Start with a Noun

PS – How about you, do you like to watch storms?  Are you a storm chaser?  Who taught you the love of storms?  


In case you’re interested in this fun challenge, here are the Rules of #SoCS

1. Your post must be stream of consciousness writing, meaning no editing, (typos can be fixed) and minimal planning on what you’re going to write.

2. Your post can be as long or as short as you want it to be. One sentence – one thousand words. Fact, fiction, poetry – it doesn’t matter. Just let the words carry you along until you’re ready to stop.

3. There will be a prompt every week. I will post the prompt here on my blog on Friday, along with a reminder for you to join in. The prompt will be one random thing, but it will not be a subject. For instance, I will not say “Write about dogs”; the prompt will be more like, “Make your first sentence a question,” “Begin with the word ‘The’,” or simply a single word to get you started.

4. Pingback! It’s important, so that I and other people can come and read your post! For example, in your post you can write “This post is part of SoCS:” and then copy and paste the URL found in your address bar at the top of this post into yours.  Your link will show up in my comments for everyone to see. The most recent pingbacks will be found at the top. NOTE: Pingbacks only work from WordPress sites. If you’re self-hosted or are participating from another host, such as Blogger, please leave a link to your post in the comments below.

5. Read at least one other person’s blog who has linked back their post. Even better, read everyone’s! If you’re the first person to link back, you can check back later, or go to the previous week, by following my category, “Stream of Consciousness Saturday,” which you’ll find right below the “Like” button on my post.

6. Copy and paste the rules (if you’d like to) in your post. The more people who join in, the more new bloggers you’ll meet and the bigger your community will get!

7. As a suggestion, tag your post “SoCS” and/or “#SoCS” for more exposure and more views.

8. Have fun!



29 thoughts on “Storm watching memories

    1. Me, too! I was terrified of them as a child. Watching my husband’s love of it and teaching my kids to respect and admire storms taught me it was okay to watch them. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Happy safe storm watching to you!

  1. I look forward to good storms-it means I get to stay in and write! 🙂 On that note, the agreeable weather bids me to go outside so I am off to take my youngest and a neighbor on a photo hunt! Happy Saturday to you Shelley!

  2. I love the smell and energy of a storm. And that something so basic and natural as weather brings us together.

  3. Similar to colorful sunrises and sunsets, I love unusual cloud formations…even with storms (as long as they’e not tornadic). I’m in awe of the patterns and colors in the sky…it’s one of nature’s creative displays that one can only admire. Awesome photos, Shelley, and glad you had nothing more than a rain storm.

    1. Thank you, Mary, I love your descriptions of cloud formations. I’m the same as you – love all versions of the sky from sun up to sun down. Yes, me too, it was just rain!

  4. Since moving south, we see a lot more stormy weather than we saw in Chicago. It’s funny to see the TV weathermen go into emergency mode: it’s like they have a chance to play with all their toys. One afternoon it got as dark as the middle of the night before the thunder, lightning and torrential rain came. Hail, too, which can be a harbinger of a tornado. That’s when we head for the garage…

    1. Thanks for sharing your weather stories. I bet you miss the windy, cold, right? 😉 LOL Yes, that sounds about right with the weathermen and their toys! I’m not a fan of the torrential rain weather, we don’t have that here very often, but it has happened. Oh, my, I’d head for the garage, too!

  5. Really nice post, Shelley. Very poetic. Nice pictures, too. I’m always fascinated by clouds and the way the light changes the colours.

    1. Thank you, Sue, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and your kind words of encouragement! Happy skywatching to you!

  6. I recall when I lived in my old town when I was really young I’d be scared of thunderstorms and I’d hide under the white couch lol. Though now I like a good summer thunderstorm.

    1. What, it wasn’t a red couch? 😉 I think we all learn to respect storms as we grow up, the more storms we live through, the more we enjoy them! Happy storm watching to you!

    1. Aw, thank you! Do your kids like the storms? I can just imagine their adorable little smiles watching the clouds roll across the sky!

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