
Still Life Photography – A Lazy Afternoon

Tizzie, feeling a bit left out of yesterday’s post, planted herself in a napping pose.  She loves to consume the corner of the island in our kitchen.

A tad rebellious, and not wishing to move, she gave me her best ‘I protest’ attitude.


She doesn’t remember that the day before, I did take her picture, but it just didn’t make the cut for the story.



She closed her eyes indicating, ‘I’m bored’.  She knows that works to get me to move on.


It was time to make a new bouquet.


The sad little Black-eyed Susan was friendless and lifeless, and it was time to put it out of its lonely existence.

As I went to grab it to toss it in the garbage, I noticed it wasn’t really alone in the vase.  It looked like a small white object was on the bud.  And it moved…


Of course, I can’t prove it unless I photograph it, so I ran as fast as humanly possible with a cracked rib (which is healing nicely – I barely notice it unless I do something crazy like trying to run) to get my camera.

Click…a tad shaky after the stair climb…the flower is clear, but the spider is not.


Click again…and again…and again…(actually a lot more times, but you get the hint…not my best shots).

Crap, maybe try the other lens!  (I ran again, at a slower pace, worried if the fricken spider is gone…I’m gonna be pissed…)

I kept peeking at the vase to make sure the spider was still there as I switched out lenses and readjusted my spot to take another shot.

Click…crap…again not great shots.

To capture a tiny, we’re talking the size of a pinhead, spider on an expired flower requires steady hands.  If you’re lucky, you can get one 1 or 2 out of 5 50 attempts.


Feeling accomplished, and confident I could do better with fresh flowers, I helped the spider and flower into the garbage.  Sorry to say, he didn’t live to tell the story to any of his friends.

I rinsed the vase, filled it with fresh water, and headed out to the garden to gather fresh flowers.

I adore the beauty of flowers but haven’t had much opportunity to photograph them until this year.  Still-life shots of flowers are simply beautiful.  They remind me of lazy relaxing afternoons, sitting around chilling, and enjoying a cup of tea.

My goal is to someday get great shots like a couple of my favorite photographers (I have a lot on my list…too many to name, so I’m picking 2 today) Debra at DoodlebugDesignz and I also adore the shots that Shutterbug takes of birds (and more), check out this one of a hummingbird.

With an “I can do that too attitude” I clicked and got this…even if the background is blurred, it looked too busy to me – not serene.






At least I keep trying.  Every attempt I learn something new.


And, by the way, it is so damn fun to have fresh fungible blossoms of flowers to cut and put in a vase.  That’s reward enough, but if I try hard enough in editing mode, add a little bit of vignette, it softens the natural lighting…and…


I sure the hell hope there aren’t any spiders hiding in the flowers.  I didn’t see any…but it appears they stick around until the flowers are ready to be tossed.  Hmm…

Post Inspiration thank you to Nancy Merrill Photography – Attitude and Terri at Sunday Stills – Lazy Days

PS – Who are your favorite still life photographers – maybe you’re one and I haven’t seen your photos yet, share your link!?  What do you think of my spider shots or flowers or Tizzie (yeah, um, by the way, she adores praise too, just like her sister gets when she poses!)  Thanks for stopping by – I, too, adore hearing from you!  xx


20 thoughts on “Still Life Photography – A Lazy Afternoon

    1. Thank you, Rebecca – PS – thank you for re-blogging your post about accents. I don’t think about that as much as maybe I should? Thanks for getting me thinking!

  1. Shelley, I’m just giggling at your so called “lazy” afternoon, first the cat is showing off what she does best, then you are off and running with a broken rib to capture spiders in your camera! Hilarious! That kind of thing happens to me, too! Your process was interesting to see! I clicked over to the hummingbird shot–wow! I think my favorite photographer is Lisa Dorenfest who is a circumnavigating sailor. Her blog and photos about her travel experiences are nothing like I’ve seen and read. You should check her out when you can

    1. Terri, thank you for sharing your time with me to giggle and appreciate my learning as I go photography moments! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in Sunday Stills – by the way, your photography is on my favorites list, too! Thank you for Lisa’s link – you’re right, a first glance, I’m hooked and can’t wait to travel through her words and photos! See you again next Sunday!

  2. Oh Shelley, I am honored by the link to my blog (thank you!). Love your flower photos. 😊It makes me think that I should snatch a few blossoms before I kill them all 😉

    1. Aw, you’re welcome, and thank you! Yes, you should snatch some blossoms! Make a bouquet and smile at their beauty…and if you get a nice still-life of them (which you will) let me know! Happy clicking to you!

  3. If it were at all possible for a spider to be “cute,” that one certainly qualifies.

    We had a longhaired calico who was the same colors as Tizzie (though Tuffy was mostly white). The vet told us she was a “muted calico.” Her sister Li’l Linda was a real calico, with much brighter colors. Tizzie’s a pretty girl.

    1. LOL – thank you, John. It was tiny, so when a spider is tiny, I tend to lean to the ‘cute’ term, too. I’m always so impressed with the markings on calico cats. My two cats are sisters too and their faces look alike, but their markings are quite different.

  4. I loved this post and your photos. Man, those flowers are so colorful and pretty! And those cat’s eyes…..

    1. Thank you, Tizzie loves kudos :-)! I appreciate you stopping by! I love watching all your harvest photos on Instagram! Happy Harvesting to you!

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