
StayCATion, vaCATion, whatever…I’m on one!

It’s the beginning of a rare occurrence for me.  Not the new diet thingy, but a different kind of thingy.  I’m still working on the diet thingy.

I’m on vaCATion…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Insert subtle cues to look at Dessy – she just begs to pose and to be part of my vacation posts because she is the master of chillaxing). 

So, yeah, like I mentioned, I’m on another staycation (in case you’re not from the US, the costs of healthcare, including hospitalizations easily consume any extra budget for traveling, so a staycation is an appropriate choice – especially when the costs incurred = a life-saver 3-day hospitalization admission!), but nonetheless, I’m on vacation.

I’m going to relax and ignore the thoughts about work running through my head.  I hope they miss me while I’m gone.


I’m going to play with my camera.  Maybe even try using the tripod.  I might be able to sneak up on the cats in the photos instead of just taking photos of them.  Dessy remains skeptical about that idea.


I’m going to play with editing mode with my photos.  Do you see Dessy’s subtle reflections in the glass of the window?

I’m excited to be the boss of my week.


I’m going to try to limit my caffeine intake – because naps are in order when I’m on vacation.

Hmm…I’ll need to put away the bird feeders.  The hummingbirds that drank so much nectar and worked so hard this summer are gone south.  I wish I could go south to warmer weather, too.

At least the sun will be shining today, and the temps will be in the 50’s.  The perfect jeans and sweatshirt weather.  Silly me, I work a lot from home, so I get to wear those outfits all the time…but it is time to make sure the Dubious Minimalist Skinny Jean diet is still working.  My doctor appointment is coming up in January…she’s gonna be so proud of me – our new diet thingy is going to benefit not only Mr. but me too!

On another side note…in case you’re wondering…spending a week worrying about your spouse, not eating much, and giving up alcohol, then changing your diet is a quick way to lose weight…we’ve both lost 5 pounds in a week.  Who knew this was going to be such an easy life-changing diet!?

But I digress…where was I?  Oh yeah, plans for my staycation.


I might try tasting some different flavors of Kombucha.  I know, I know…there’s a tiny bit of alcohol in Kombucha, but these bottles are sold in Wal-mart, and anyone can buy them, so it isn’t much at all…  The cost of it is definitely not budget friendly.  Water is way better for us and way cheaper!  But for a treat once in a while, it’s a doable thing, especially on a staycation.


I’m going to enjoy researching recipes that fit our new diet plans – like this delicious Jamaican Jerk Chicken soup recipe the Mr. made last night.  Tropical meals are a great complement to warm us up on our staycation.


Other than that I have another long list of stuff to keep me busy…I’m going to read some books, clean out my garden, call some friends and family to update them, sort and donate some clothes, pay some bills, cross off a bunch items from my ‘I wish I could get this done list’…  SH*T…that sounds like a lot of work…  I probably should also dust, and vacuum, mop the floor, wash some clothes.  Hmm…this staycation thingy is sounding a lot like a break to just get housework done?!?!  YIKES!

Post inspiration:  Sunday Stills – Fun with Photo Editing and Nancy Merrill’s Weekly Photo – Through Glass

PS – What do you do when you take a staycation?  Are you a workaholic like me and have a long list of stuff to get done when you take a vacation?  Have you tried Kombucha before?  What’s your favorite brand or flavor?  

22 thoughts on “StayCATion, vaCATion, whatever…I’m on one!

    1. Thank you, I hope to find time to relax! It is delicious…if only your kids would like soup, I’d highly recommend the recipe!

  1. Some of my favorite breaks were staycations, then I do have to do the tasks involved in site seeing or exploring a new place. I can sit on the sofa with the dog…or cat….Good job on losing 5 pounds but honestly you dont look like you ave 5 pounds to lose. Hope this is a much better week.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on how to enjoy a staycation! Weight loss was an unexpected thing, I’m sure I’ll level off again once we get a groove with the new diet! We’re hoping for a better week too, thanks for the well wishes!

  2. When I was working, we staycationed all the time, because I traveled for work and the last thing I wanted to do was get on another damn airplacne. We’d go out to eat, go to the movies, maybe take a day trip somewhere, just relax.

    Mary drinks Kombucha, but I have no idea what flavors. I wasn’t even aware it CAME in other flavors…

  3. It’s definitely challenging to avoid housework during a staycation. All that “to do” stuff is right there begging for your attention. I try to turn off phones and shut doors to messy rooms! I always have a list, though. Can’t help myself. A pot of soup and a good book – that would appeal to me. Have fun!

    1. Yes…you’ve described a perfect day – I think I’ll get to work on that for tomorrow! First, the sun is shining and my garden beds need winterizing, and I’m thinking some Vitamin D is a nice addition to the day!

      1. Being out in the sun is great. I recently saw a news report on “forest bathing” where just being in the woods/nature helps in the healing process for what ails you. I don’t know about that, but I think being outdoors in the sunshine can only be a positive (including the Vitamin D!).

  4. Shelley, make sure you relax on your vacation! You are supposed to go back to work feeling refreshed. I know, relaxing is the hardest thing for me to do too! The stew looks fabulous! One of my DILs is from the Dominican republic. Her mom makes a stew that looks very much like yours. She made it for me last year on my birthday. What a treat!

    1. Thank you for the words of wisdom about vacations. I’m giving it my best shot to relax and let my brain not think about work! Yes, the stew was delicious. I love the fall it’s the perfect time to experiment with soups and stews (just need to watch the sodium content!). I’m glad you have a fan who cooks delicious meals for you! 😉

  5. Housework…I guess it has to be done but other things can be a good distraction. You can make your own Kombucha. Just need a starter

  6. I hope you enjoyed yourself. I would love a staycation, but we are usually traveling for work and then fit in some fun at the same time. The soup looks super yummy! Thanks for joining the challenge!

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