
Stand your ground to find peaceful moments of happiness

As I looked out our new windows yesterday, (aka, the ones we haven’t had the heart to cover up with old curtains yet), I admired the changing trees through the raindrops hanging on the window pane.


A slightly blurry view of the field, yet I can’t think of a time, blurry or not, where the view of nature hasn’t grounded me.


It is then when I find special moments of peacefulness and happiness.


Nature in all its glory grounds me.

I walked away from the window and carried on with my day.  Thinking about how nature carries on despite what thoughts may be rambling in my head.  And I prepared myself for whatever challenging storm of the day may or may not throw my little ol’ world into a tizzy as I got busy doing human things.  We live in a world that has its own set of issues out of my control.

I often wonder, can’t humans just be kind to each other, keep the peace…  It’s a wonderful world we live in, isn’t it?  Why not notice how wonderful it is more often than not?

I can say I’m living a wonderful life, how about you?  My life isn’t extravagant, it is simple.  I don’t have to go far from home to see things that amaze me.  Join me in a glimpse of what I pause to see, click the link above and listen to that wonderful voice that Puddles has while your at it.

Each precious moment building upon each precious moment.  One day at a time, it is a wonderful life.  I bet yours is too!

At the end of each day, no matter what happens, I give thanks that nature and life carry on.

As I left my desk yesterday, putting the worklife away, I glanced out the window and saw Mr. Buck.  Posing for me again, he’s such a flirt.


And I smiled as Mrs. joined him.  Teasing him this time.


They know to stand their ground and find joy in their life too.  They know the long winter is coming so they might as well continue flirting while they can in the fresh dirt of the harvested field.  I’ll be smiling when I see their babies come next spring.

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Ground

PS – What grounds you?  Are you a skywatcher or a bird watcher?  Have you listened to Puddles sing before?  I hope you played his video as you watched my photos.  Hope you’re having a wonderful Saturday – what do you have planned for fun today?    


40 thoughts on “Stand your ground to find peaceful moments of happiness

  1. These are beautiful captures, Sahelley. What a wonderful world via your lens.
    Thank you for sharing these precious moments! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Maggie. I remember how you do appreciate similiar moments like I do. Pausing often helps. I appreciate your encouragement!

  2. Wonderful photography and thoughts Shelley. I hope the farmer doesn’t sell his land, your views are really beautiful.

    1. Thank you, John! The land is owned by my in-laws, so as long as they own it, the view will remain – we’re VERY thankful for that!!

  3. Shelley, There you go again being generous – sharing thoughts, photos of your beautiful family, clouds, deer raindrops. But you tested my tolerance with Puddles (?). Louis A.’s version of that song is the only one anyone should ever play. He is a great interpreter of songs, with heart, musicality and perfect rhythm. Leave Puddles to piddle in his nostalgia. Listen to Louis, say I!

    1. Ellen, you’re welcome, glad you enjoyed the photos. LOL – of all my fans, I should’ve known better than to share Puddles versus Louis. I think, despite Puddles version being his own, it’s a cool thing when singers respect an original song so much that they believe it is worthy to bring back again to be heard. But…as you know, I can’t carry a tune like you can, so if anyone can sing a great song like Louis’ then I’m in awe!

    1. Thank you! I hope you had fun at the movies! It was bitterly cold here yesterday (and today)…with snow flakes. I hate it when I’m forced to swear like that!!

  4. What lovely photos, Shelley! You have added some good things to think about, too. Hope you’re having a wonderful Saturday!

  5. Lovely post! You have a wonderful attitude and your positivity always cheers me. I really do think you’d love the book I’m reading right now: Ross Gay’s THE BOOK OF DELIGHTS. It’s very short essays about everyday delights–like a praying mantis on an empty beer glass or biking down a hill fast–stuff like that. I think you’d really appreciate it. And, I thought, man, Ross Gay would make a great blogger! Ha!

    1. Thank you, Rebecca, your words of encouragement bring me joy. I appreciate your suggestion, I’ve added it to my want-to-read list. That looks like one I’d really enjoy reading. It just so happens I just finished my other book and need a new one to read…now I have to decide which one, you’ve recommended two recently! One part of winter that I’m looking forward to is the extra reading time I get on the dreadmill – reading makes me not miss being outside walking quite as much! 😉

  6. On week end, out of duty, I shall have foods for thoughts with your beautiful pictures and words. Thank you!

  7. Well you know this post resonates with me Shelley … I made the most of the good weather last week, savoring every step, getting five miles in daily and doing that by coming back home with barely enough time to get ready for work. The sunny days made it easy to leave a little earlier too. But it was worth it coming home breathless and catching a bite to eat and coffee on the fly before I started my work day. My mind was still at the Park scuffing through the leaves, feeding my little buddies, then yesterday, the temps dropped 25 degrees from Friday, the wind was blustery, the beautifully colored leaves were drifting to the ground … like your oak tree the other day, I want to watch the trees turn colors slowly, not lose their leaves in one fell sweep. I love my nature walks – they ground me as well and help to get me through the day.

    1. Aw, I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the post. I think of you so often when the weather is yucky and we can’t get out to walk and enjoy it. Your furry friends and all the sites you see will be missed when it’s too cold to go out. I hope there are a few (many) more days in October for us to enjoy. Humans need time in nature – you inspire me on how much time you get to enjoy it!!

      1. Thank you – I spent all this weekend getting groceries in for Winter … got more than 10 miles walked altogether shopping, schlepping in bags, but I didn’t get home til 6:00 – the evening is gone. I did a post last night to tomorrow morning but tomorrow it’s back to the Park … marking my days asd I know the good days are now few and far between. It was very blustery today – over 30 mph gusting to 35 mph.

        1. Impressive that you’re prepared for winter!! I’ll be by to check out your post. It froze her last night – and it was blustery all weekend. Thankfully I had projects to keep me occupied!

          1. I do that all every year and my mom did it for years as well. Less need to to go out in Winter as I don’t like driving in ice and snow – but I usually have this done in September but we had a lot of rainy weekends in September or it was hot and humid and I didn’t want to schlepp in bags and bags of groceries in the heat so I kept putting it off. Now I can just do a grocery store run for no more than 10 things once, every three weeks, during the week and salvage my weekends again.

          2. I have written about it by saying that I am like the squirrels, gathering food and putting it away for Winter, though I don’t have to dig up mine or be upset when the ground is frozen or snowy and I can’t access it. I haven’t put anything away and likely will try to move a little of it during the week if we have crummy weather one morning and I don’t walk. Otherwise it has to wait til the weekend(s). When I worked downtown and took the bus, in the Winter, I’d get off the bus about 5-6 blocks away and pick up a few things on a Friday night then walk across the street and catch that bus now going toward my street. I just live down the street from the bus stop. That grocery store closed up in 2006 – Farmer Jack’s. The building has stood empty all these years. They’d need to raze it as it’s been empty too long now. I can walk to Meijer as its only 3 miles round trip if need be, but the problem with walking in the Winter is like in the neighborhoods – people don’t always shovel and it is icy on the sidewalks.

          3. Yeah, winter walking isn’t as fun. We tried to take a walk yesterday, it was 36 degrees and windy – neither one of us was ready for that. Guess it is dreadmill weather once again!?

          4. I hope this is not the end already and we have gusts to 35-40 mph tomorrow and Thursday – hopefully in the afternoon because anything over 20 is usually not pleasant to walk in, even in fair weather.

          5. We tried to walk the other morning – it was calm when we headed out, and 1/2 mile in the wind picked up and it was a shock to our systems, so we turned around and came back. We definitely aren’t ready for the cold yet!

          6. Me neither Shelley – I’m ready to head out – it is very dark and gloomy, we had rain a few hours ago and it is blustery – not a walk filled with joy unfortunately.

  8. Dear Shelley, I really enjoyed your post and photos – I agree, why can kindness not rule the world? I also concur that nature is so grounding. I especially love lying in my hammock at night and watch the stars, and I also find it very grounding to be around trees and flowers, and to really feel the earth underneath my feet. Also, I feel cooking and giving thanks to mother earth for all her blessings grounds me and reminds me that we are part of nature and not nature´s master…but that nature really is our true “home” and family in a way! Hugs from Spain 🙂

    1. Thank you, I’m so happy to read you enjoyed the post. I agree with you, connecting with nature is a longing we all have and we all enjoy nurturing. I love your description of it being our true home and family! Your love of nature and places like Baden-Baden (that post is wonderful – I would love visiting there!) Hugs from my little ol’ corner of Wisconsin, USA! xx

      1. Yes, I completely agree with you, I feel very passionate about nature and hope we can all contribute to healing the planet, one person at the time. Idealistic, maybe, but I think very necessary. Yes, Baden Baden is quite the travel treat indeed! 🙂 So glad you enjoyed my post about it. Hugs from Spain to you in beautiful Wisconsin xx

        1. Yes, I agree – one person at a time – one country connected with others at a time will help too! We’ll all benefit from the collective efforts. xx

          1. Yes, I agree with you 100%! We are all connected to mother nature, really a part of it, so caring for mother nature in the end equals caring for ourselves and each other. xx

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