
Spring’s Procrastination Is Over and An Announcement of a Blogging Schedule That Feeds My Soul

Over the past week, spring has sprung here. Finally, it’s as if any mode of its procrastination has been lifted and our pending projects will get rolling. Mr. and I are aiming not to procrastinate too and will seize the opportunities presented to us with nicer weather.

But first, we paused to admire the views we’d been missing for way too long.

I’m thrilled to see colors all over the yard instead of white and brown. And for the most part, the transplanted trees are still standing and getting solid roots underground.

I’ve been out discovering the signs that make my heart sing at this time of the year.

The flowering crab trees remind me of my mom, she loved them, and so do I. Our three trees always bloom right around Mother’s Day. 💕

The soft pink against the blue sky gives off a hint of delicate purple color to me.

Delicate like the color of the wild violets that seem so resilient, they grow anywhere and everywhere their seeds land.

I wonder if morning glories will survive the scoundrel rabbits and deer this year. I had to look back in my archives to refresh my memory of how vivid their color is and how much I enjoy watching them grow. My fingers are crossed that I’ll win the battle with the critters this year.

Every year I look for hyacinths. I don’t ever remember planting any, but they keep on making a surprise appearance in the same spot every spring. And, this plant appears to be multiplying year after year.

A free flower that I don’t remember buying. I adore how delicate yet resilient it is.

The tiny vivid colored flowers don’t last long.

They snuggle together on the stem – hugging in the wind.

Hyacinths remind me of a book I read years ago. Back when I was a young mom and wife, I wanted to get more done instead of wandering the yard admiring nature. I read lots of books on how to organize and stop procrastinating.

Page 104 has stuck in my memory ever since reading it. The author was talking about getting off the hamster wheel and pausing to enjoy life’s moments.

Time is the stuff of which life is made.

Benjamin Franklin

Over the years, the moments when I didn’t race around were incredibly important to the mom in me. Yesterday, we took a road trip to see our oldest daughter. Just to hang out for the day. It was a special day. My, oh, my, she’ll be 31 soon. Woosh…the flood of memories of first being a mom to her filled my thoughts.

I’ll never stop believing how important it is to hug your kids, pause, and enjoy the fleeting moments. As a young mom, I needed to read/hear that message so many times! I appreciate the advice more and more with each passing year.

Hyacinths To Feed Thy Soul

If of thy mortal goods thou art bereft,

And from the slender store

Two loaves alone to thee are left,

Sell one, and with the dole

Buy hyacinths to feed thy soul.

by Gulistan Saadi

And…last, but not least, drumroll, please…

My squirrely thoughts about a blogging schedule announcement.

I’m going to approach my blogging efforts for the rest of spring and summer 2023 with you’ll see me when you see me here approach. Too sketchy? Maybe, or maybe not.

It’s easy to say “no” when there’s a deeper “yes!” burning inside.


Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “starts with over.” Find a word that starts with “over” and use it for your prompt. Enjoy! And join us over at Terri Webster Schrandt’s Sunday Stills – Monthly Color Challenge: Purple (any shade)do congratulate her on the 5 year anniversary of the Sunday Stills!

PS: Happy Mother’s Day dear Moms! Please share in comments, what kind of blog post photos would you like to see this spring and summer? Project updates? Squirrels, birds, plants, rabbits, flowers, or mystery photos? I appreciate all of you blogging buddies and your support of the randomness you’ll see from me this spring/summer! Take care, share hugs, smile, turn off the news, and have faith in the good things life has for us to enjoy!

47 thoughts on “Spring’s Procrastination Is Over and An Announcement of a Blogging Schedule That Feeds My Soul

  1. What a beautiful array of purple florals, Shelley! The hyacinth is simply stunning and even better that it’s a volunteer! Now I have to check if they grow here! I look forward to your summer blog schedule. Whatever you decide, Sunday Stills can be shared all week if Sunday keeps you busy!

    1. Thank you, Terri! Yes, that little volunteer brings spring with it each year. I’d love to know how it found its way here.
      That’s great to hear – I love that you have your schedule out in advance, it makes for easier planning for me when I’m juggling my blogging efforts!

  2. I like that schedule, Shelley – I’ll see you when I see you. I’ll be here whenever. Loved the pictures today – enjoy what remains of spring. Happy Mother’s Days!

  3. Your photos are very beautiful today, Shelley! My daughter is 31, it’s a small world, isn’t it? Happy Mother’s Day Shelley!

    1. Thank you, John! Yes, I think I remember you telling me about your daughter’s age. You and my hubby are the same age too. It’s a small world indeed.
      Thank you – I hope you’re thinking fondly of the happy memories of your mom today!

      1. Cheers to your husband! Yes, I sure am thinking of my wonderful mother. I miss her so much, Shelley. Happy Sunday! ❤️

  4. I see the photo of purple morning glories and I’m reminded how much I love them. They don’t do well here for some reason though. *sigh*

    As for your revised schedule you know I’m all for it. Even committing to writing a post every other week, like I did, is beginning to seem like I might be doing too much! 😉

    1. Hi Ally! Morning glories are such a happy flower to me when they survive here. I’m going to try planting them again. If I’d just put chicken wire around them they’d likely survive. I hope.

      I appreciate your encouragement. I must confess…I’m a tad giddier than I thought I’d be about not having a set schedule or plan for my blog for the summer. 😅

    1. Happy Mothers Day to you too, Alice! I go out to look at the trees against the sky often. They don’t last long, so it’s a treat for the eyes while they last.

  5. Some people need a schedule while others don’t … in other words, and most importantly, you must suit yourself. Meanwhile, cheers to capturing Terri’s theme. Gotta love purple! By the way, crack the whip on your labor hubby because he has to get the chores done before the next snow!

    1. Hi Frank, thanks for the thoughts to consider – I’m feeling great about choosing not to choose a particular schedule for the time being. It’s freeing, so it’s the right decision for me.
      Thanks, I was tickled to see the pops of purple and happy they coincided with Terri’s prompt.
      Funny you should mention that about the project…I tested the whip cracking comments last night, and was told the planning with weather is the determining factor. 🤔🤨🤣

  6. Beautiful purples, Shelley. The blossom on the crab apple is stunning. I hope your morning glory survives, it’s gorgeous.

    1. Thank you, Cathy, I enjoyed seeing all of your purple flowers too. The aquilegia canadensis is such a fascinating flower.
      I hope my morning glories survive this year. I’m going to plant some new seeds to see if they take off!

    1. Thank you, Kirstin. The tiny little hyacinths burst out with color and then fade away quickly. It’s fun to see them in early spring.
      Wow – you found LOTS of purple photos to share, I so enjoyed the variety of them and that you made it a group effort too.

  7. I really like all your purple flowers – how lucky you have so many to satisfy Terri’s challenge … and the squirrel is cute, especially the part that goes over the fence last and a disappearing act which will mirror yours. Good for you taking the plunge and a much-needed break to finish your project, then be able to enjoy it before Summer zips by and we head into Fall. As for photos for you, I think you should surprise us with those as well … maybe updates on the project and whether the scoundrels have returned or not, or maybe what you see when you take a break. I liked when you did a post once on the quaint bikes in your city. Enjoy your break and we’ll see you when we see you!

    1. Thank you, Linda, I appreciate your encouragement.
      I knew you’d like the squirrel photos. He’s been quite the character. He shares his time between our house and our neighbor’s deck where he climbs on the railings to tease the cats in the window watching him.
      I love your suggestions, I’ll definitely keep those ideas in mind as I ponder my random posts for the summer.
      Yes – see you here when you see me here again sometime! 😊

      1. I did like that squirrel – he’s given you lots of fodder for posts like my squirrels do. I have a black squirrel in the yard. I put two peanuts on the ground for Mama Cardinal or her mate and I figured a squirrel was getting them. Today I caught the culprit … a Mama black squirrel. She had already polished them off and stood up and studied me … I could see she was a nursing mama and gave her some more.

        Well you have a whole Summer stretching before you and make the most of it. That’s why I don’t get much done in the house and ashamed of how it looks inside and outside right now. What happened to taking care of things inside over the Winter? Nowadays I feel like I hate squandering my time on house maintenance … but have to do so. No one else is there to do it, just moi.

        1. That’s so interesting you were able to tell she was a nursing mama and that she studied you too.
          Yes, we have a long summer ahead…it just feels short when we take in the time available to work on things due to weather and work schedule.
          I was the same way over the winter – started projects or made lists of projects, but didn’t get many completed. How will we get past that procrastination? If you figure it out, let me know! 🤣

          1. She stood up and I could see the bare spots on her front where the babies were nursing … unbelievably, squirrels are not weaned until 10-12 weeks old. So, by then, the bare patches are really noticeable. I didn’t have the camera handy or I’d have taken a photo of her. I don’t think I finished one of my projects yesterday … I hurried up and ordered the stuff to repair the ceiling crack in the hall, plus a sturdy stepladder. I hope the ladder is in good shape … it is still unopened in its box. I have outside things to do as well … it’s a toss-up, what projects to do first … none would be nice.

          2. Ah, that makes sense. I didn’t know they nursed that long – wow!
            I didn’t finish all my projects either, but I did get the tea house cleaned up and ready for my summer reading sessions. While there were weeds to pull, I chose to get the place that brings me joy ready to do just that! LOL!
            I hope the ladder is in good condition and that you find small spurts of energy to get some of those projects done or underway.

          3. That sounds good as you can take a book and disappear in there with your feet up. God thinking. Weeds were calling my name so I waved “hi” to them and said “next weekend you are goners!” Well, it would be my luck that it was bent or missing some piece … the least I could have done was open the box. Sigh. So I was sitting here in the kitchen and the kitchen door to the cellarway was open as I was doing laundry so I could hear when the dryer and loads were done. All this creaking in the house. I generally keep that door closed. So I hopped onto Wunderground to see if the winds were gusty … 2 mph. The first time it happened, I was sure someone had pulled the side screen door and rattled it, etc. So I looked out the peephole – nothing; ran to the front door peephole – nothing. The house has been creaking all evening. I don’t know what to make of it. No earthquake around here today … one in northern California would not be felt here. Very strange. Well, I hope to get some stuff done outside next weekend. I did a few things inside today.

          4. I’ve got my pile of books ready! I think I should plan on every day after work going out there to make a transition from work/life more pronounced.
            Our house was creaking yesterday too – I think it’s the heating up of the wood and siding that has been so dang cold all winter?
            I hope your house is quieter today!

          5. Yes, that’s what to do … I said I would leave here at 9:30 and read until 10:30 … well that never happens. 9:00 p.m. seems too early to bow out especially on a Monday night or even a Wednesday or if I’ve gotten caught up and comments responding to what I wrote. If you make a definite time slot I hope you stick to it better than I do. Interesting ab out the creaking noises – it was amazingly loud. I heard a few creaks but not like yesterday thankfully.

          6. Well…first day of the attempt to read and I didn’t! LOL. I think I need to be more flexible to get into a groove of summer first. Flexibility in muscles (brain & body) is what we need to nurture ourselves, right?
            Glad the creaks were less loud!!

          7. Catching up here – yikes, three days behind in unread? Well, it sounds like me with the yoga. Nothing would do that I wouldn’t order a yoga DVD tape after I made a misstep in the snow bank and had a difficult time getting up without getting the camera wet. I wrote about it, a fellow blogger told me a tape which helped her get down on the floor and play with her grandchildren. Hopped on Amazon – I think I know where it is, but can’t be sure. Then I saw some yoga cards and ordered them. Not looked at them yet. All nice resolutions on paper, but …. Do not feel bad because I adjusted my Goodreads goal from 25 to 15 when I finished “The Wish” yesterday morning (and was ecstatic to learn I could do that … I love commitments that you can tweak). 🙂

  8. This blogging thing is supposed to be fun, right!? Best to do it on your schedule so it remains something you like to do–rather than be a pain. What gorgeous shots this post, Shelley. Your yard is just a wonderland of color!

    1. Excellent words of wisdom! And, thank you so much for all your support and encouragement. I’m glad you enjoyed the flowers in this post too!

  9. 🙂 Beautiful scenery on your garden treasures. The blue foreign flowers are named Muscari, the commun one variety. Ces fleurs disséminent et se multiplient très facilement. Elles peuvent devenir très envahissantes. Par temps humide, il faut les arracher doucement pour enlever le bulbe principal et les bébés bulbes autour.

    1. Hi Anne – it’s so great to hear from you, I hope you are well! Interesting about the plant, I didn’t know that, thank you for the tips. 😊

  10. So, can I consider myself your “role model” solely based on my sporadic posting (non) schedule? JK, though I do like and appreciate and of course identify with your decision to follow the guidance of the book you’ve noted, not to mention your Ben Franklin quote. They’re similar to what I’ve learned from my own “guru” Jennifer Louden that was initially based on the title of her last book, “Why Bother?” of which I now have a personally signed copy I got at her writing retreat I attended in Taos last month!

    The posts I’d like to continue to see from you fall into the Going Gray category because, not surprisingly, I identify with that, too!

    1. Hi! Absolutely, I appreciate your take on a blogging schedule – being authentic to when you want to write and writing about what you want to write about are key factors in making a personal blog one that makes your heart sing.
      That’s so exciting that you have a signed copy of Jennifer’s book! I have that book on order. It’s nice to have your timely recommendation for it right here on my blog page!
      Thank you so much for sharing what posts you’d like to read more about. I have been pondering that category…it’s been a while since it’s been 6 or 7 years (I’ve lost track) or more since I went down the Going Gray path.

  11. Ha! I’ve been on the “you’ll see me when you see me” schedule for awhile now. I think it happened with retirement and enjoying too much of everything else. This is an awesome schedule, Shelley, because it allows you to take a break when you need it. I hope you enjoyed the latter half of May, along with the upcoming summer. Enjoy!

    1. Hi Mary! I paid attention to how you’ve made that schedule work for you too, it’s a good approach especially in the summer here in WI. Yes, the later part of May was glorious. June is a tad bit hot though…!
      Enjoy the trails and outdoor fun, we’ve paid our winter dues and shall reap the rewards of being outside!!

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