On March 19, 2020, Spring arrived, 7 days after the shutdown of our state of Wisconsin occurred. One week of shutdown seemed easy to handle. Heck with frequent arrival of snow in March in Wisconsin, why not just stay home?
It seemed silly to be the only one out and about anyhow.
Three days before the shutdown, we received a lovely reminder of why we were staying home. Do you remember getting this card in the mail?

I kept the card and hung it on our refrigerator, not sure why, but I did. It is proof that the guidelines are mostly the same now, months later, as we continue on in the summer of this pandemic.
The ‘guidelines’ seemed to me like, “Duh, this is common sense and what we should be doing every flu season.”
So there was Spring of 2020. I was not in action, but in a stall mode and scared to death by a plethora of disinformation. I don’t know about you, but I’m only a fan of stall mode when I know the exact (expected) time in which the stall will end. I searched for information that made sense but stalled out on that as well.
As an introvert, I can stay home. Easily. Mr and I had plenty of work to do this spring, so we didn’t mind sticking around the home as we watched the snow slowly melt away.
And watch it land at least three times on Robin’s tail. Before it was all gone. I hopefully thought the virus would do the same.
As each week passed by, I became more ashamed of myself. More disappointed. More disillusioned. Especially the more I read or listened to disinformation. The more I read the information on all sides, the more I mourned the old normal.
Dammit, I so wanted the old normal back faster than the slow pace it was going to get anywhere ‘normal’. I didn’t care for all the noises of the riots and the division that continues to build in our world, instead of dissipating.
I miss the days wherein our homes we can stand united and closer together, with our friends and family, rather than feet apart. It’s a shame to be so divided.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the rainstorms could wash away all residues of bacteria, viruses, and molds resting on the ground and surfaces? I’ve always believed nature knows best what to do as it clears the way to new growth and new beginnings. The skies between storms always eventually clear.
Every year in Spring, trees begin to sprout their leaves.
Flowering crab trees and bleeding heart bushes bloom.
The hummingbirds and Orioles arrive to drink at their favorite local bars.
And soon, we all will too. I remain hopeful that all families can unite and reconnect with loved ones. And friends can gather together to share stories and smiles.
Even if it’s properly socially distant. Grandparents alike, we all want to stay connected.
And sisters won’t have to hold their breath and smile while they get close enough for a picture for mom to the add to the frame on her shelf.
I guess I’ll remain the mom, camera in hand, ready to spring into action to capture a precious moment in time. One that is far from disinformation as it can be.
Post Inspiration – Tina at Lens-Artists #105 Spring
PS – What is your favorite part of spring where you live? Do you grab your camera to grab moments in time too?
I do look forward to the time when we can go about life without worrying about this virus. I hope we continue to work on the other things, but this one can go.
I’m right there with you on those sentiments, Dan!
Spring is wonderful

Yes, it is, thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Ah, the early days of the virus scare that should have been taken seriously. Great photographs of a year slipping by with little participation from most of us … especially the cautious. Thanks for the memories, and that wonderful smile! g
It is curious to see how long it takes for us to catch on, especially in novel situations. Glad you enjoyed the memories and the smiles!
Nice photography as always, Shelley! I have wondered just how much of the so-called news is actually real. Regardless of my never watching it on TV or listening to a radio. My news comes in bits and pieces via the web. I see too many folk not wearing masks outside in public, gee, why is this still spreading??
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, John. I agree it is easy to feel curious about all the mixed messages. Stay safe!
Togetherness is definitely needed! I hope it can happen soon for you and your family. It’s so frustrating for me to see people ignoring any safety concerns and going on about life as usual, when the rest of us are trying to do our best to socially distance, wear masks inside, etc. It makes me jealous–especially now, when we’re on “vacation” in Ohio, and we would ordinarily being doing so many things we can’t. At least here, much is closed, so I’m not tempted. Thank goodness for good weather–so we can make use of uncrowded lake beaches and the fishing pond!
You’re right, togtherness would be nice to achieve. I’m happy to read that you and your family are making the best of the situation. Good weather, fresh air, uncrowded lake beaches, and fishing opportunities – sounds just like the ‘vacations’ I grew up experiencing.
I had to debate whether to push the ‘like’ button because this is all so sad. I long for normal too, but I don’t see any way out of this if people don’t take it seriously. Even if they did it would take a long time. And while we’re not following the rules more people are dying and it feels so relentless and unforgiving and so…forever. I hope it is not. Your family is lovely. I miss mine, haven’t seen my sister and one brother in two years…last year we traveled too much and I didn’t get down to Alabama…was scheduled to go mid-March this year for several weeks. Had one appointment for the dog to get her teeth cleaned on March 17, and was going to go the net weekend…but that’s exactly when all of this hit the fan. And of course in the beginning I thought it was just a delay. Now I don’t know when I’ll see them again. I AM going north tomorrow to a very small town to visit a friend, sleep in her outside bunkhouse, and sit 6 feet apart on her deck overlooking Lake Michigan for a few days. Because I just can’t be in my house any more without going SOMEWHERE!
My favorite thing about spring is the promise of the gardens. At least THOSE promises have been kept this year!
Beautiful images as always – and yes, I am constantly grabbing my camera for grabbing moments in time – especially “back in the day” when family was close by. But Spring is such a perfect time for capturing moments too. This year’s Spring, though, will go down in history in a totally different way. Mask wearing should have been on that original postcard (I got one too) but they were trying to conserve them for medical people. I wish they had been more honest from the start. Well I wish a lot of things about this pandemic and how it has been handled. However! Since we can’t go to sleep and hibernate until this is over, we have to make the best of it – whatever that is – and I am still trying to figure that part out too. What a delight to see your family like you did. Sweet photos
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Yay – you remembered the postcard. I was starting to think we were the only household to get it. Probably the only one to keep it?!
I just wish people would wear masks properly. And that the surgical masks were reserved for the front line workers.
You’re right, we can hibernate until it’s over. I’ve been out of the house daily to walk, but only to the grocery store once, and Kohl’s another time, and the winery (outside seating) 3 times. Once any crowd starts arriving, I jump back in the car and go home.
Working from home keeps me home a lot.
LOL – TMI – Guess that confession shows my recent priority for wine/whine? …
You’re welcome. I like your wine bar plan – always on the lookout
Happy hibernating!
Cheers to great minds thinking alike! Happy hibernating to you too.
I love spring and this one didn’t disappoint. My garden is producing and the weather has been glorious. I’ve love to snap my fingers and have the virus disappear but I don’t think it’s leaving anytime soon. I choose occasional get togethers with friends (much like in your pictures) and staying busy with hobbies and internet rabbit holes. I wish everyone took this serious in the beginning, but we are here now so best to make the most of it. Enjoy your spring and summer!
I’m tired of all of this… whatever this is… too. I don’t do FB nor do I pay any attention to news sources that aren’t, news. [Yes I’m looking at you little Donnie.] We’ve stayed as far away from people as possible but it does wear on my nerves to wonder who might be sick, how I might infect someone unknowingly, how this is pandemic is going to end. So many unknowns right at the time of year I long to be carefree.
I’m tired of it all too – I found a lovely glass of wine that helped me escape yesterday. You’ve hit the thing that bothers me the most – the unknowns are the things that are so dang frustrating.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Ally, I hope you’re finding moments to be carefree.
How sad that I totally don’t remember that postcard Shelley!! Some day it might be a collectors item
. We are all muddling through but at the moment it seems worse instead of better and our family is too far away to see them safely. We are sad but staying safe which for now has to be the priority for us all. Hoping a vaccine and/or improved treatments are on the horizon
LOL – I wonder if our household was the only one that got the postcard. If you see me on an island that I purchased to get me far away from COVID, you’ll know it was worth hanging on to!
Yeah, we’re all muddling through this, that’s for sure. Hopefully the scientists will get those things figured out soon too. I keep hoping we’ll all be able to see our families soon.
I stress every day through this pandemic that things will NEVER get back to normal – I’m not talking about next month or next year – I fear more deaths and vaccination or no vaccination, by the time they have it ready, there will be many more deaths. Even though I am healthy, I am in the category that is worrisome – first it was older folks in danger, now younger folks in danger – but at least the older folks stayed home and took precautions to stay safe but the younger folks think they are invincible. And the people who believe there is no health crisis and it is just some type of flu is worrisome. Here in Michigan we have the people who will don a mask as their rights are infringed upon – it is not difficult to do and unless they get guidance from above to mask up and shut up, we will continue to go backward. It is very sad. For me, thankfully we had a mild Winter so that Spring’s arrival in conjunction with COVID-19 ramping up, kind of tainted Spring with its delicate buds, unfurling tree leaves … then snow flurries two or three times in early May. The wacky weather which gets odder and more unpredictable every year is also worrisome. Maybe I worry too much … but I don’t think so. I have taken a ton of photos the last few months after my reluctance to tote it along initially during the the onset of the pandemic. I have made up for it now – I have to capture nature because I have no family that I take photos of now, but back in the day I always had my trust pocket camera with me to capture moments in time. I am thankful for photos as I have no family now.
Yeah, there is plenty to stress about these days. Any sense of normal is hard to find. I believe all the division and political twists to this contribute highly to the we versus they thinking. And I don’t like how that makes people think that others don’t care about slowing the spread.
I hope you keep walking – walking is good for the heart, good for the soul, and good for the immunity. Plus we get to see your adventures when you post them on your blog! That always makes me smile. Take care, Linda, thank you for sharing your thoughts! Sorry it took so long for me to reply!!! I’ll be by to read and catch up on your blog soon! xx
You are right about this pandemic and the divisiveness Shelley – in fact, what if it was not an election year – would things have turned out differently? I read Trending items on Twitter daily. Topics or items I might miss since I don’t have TV and I don’t subscribe to a newspaper. I get all my news from an AM radio station and also from following various TV and radio news sites on Facebook. I have to sometimes just tune out to everything to be honest … but I think people cannot minimize the stats which are very real – Michigan had rallied and we were allowed to go to Phase 4 right after Memorial Day and now we are likely headed to Phase 3 given our recent stats. I am glad for the ability to walk and take photos – I just hope that people going off the rails to prove they are invincible as to COVID-19, does not close the Park again. I don’t think that is selfish, but they should not have closed it the first time – just restricted the people who abused the rules. No problem Shelley – I am quite behind myself and we had a very stormy day and the possibility of another storm later, so I am trying to catch up as best I can tonight.
I agree, and I do think it would be a lot different if it weren’t an election year. The H1N1 pandemic was an election year too. Frankly, the stats are so out of wack it’s hard for me to buy into the spikes – which do coincide with when each state is provided with more testing supplies. To me that indicates the majority of the population has already had or has it. Some just bother not to go get tested or don’t even know they had it. I truly believe that we should be focusing our attention on providing PPE for Assisted Livings and Nursing Homes and test staff to prevent the widespread of the virus in those places like they didn’t do in NYC. Thousands of lives lost for that mismanagement of the virus spread. It’s all in interpretation and the spin on the data. Reminds me of this verse in the song by Don Henley Garden of Allah – “There are no facts, there is no truth, just data to be manipulated.”
Don’t get me wrong, any death, any time is a tragedy, and this virus may be quite nasty depending upon a person’s metabolic status, but I’m thankful to see that the rate of increase in deaths is going down despite the positives tests. In our county we’ve had no deaths. Our hospitals aren’t taxed, and people are recovering from it. Why the media doesn’t share the good news is politically annoying to me. Yikes – guess I ranted more! Sorry.
I hope your park isn’t shut down again, and I hope that you get to continue walking. Our Saturday was so HOT here, but Sunday was very nice and breezy. I hope you get that weather today or tomorrow and that you can get out and enjoy it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for your patience in my slow responses!!
Here in Michigan, they have started reporting the people who have survived 30 days after contracting the Coronavirus – they did that because people were complaining it was only bad news, not good news. Our Cobo Hall Center was commandeered into a field hospital months ago, but they only used a very small part of it but as far as I know, it is still standing, even though many people have commented that it was a waste of money to have done that – the National Guard came and set up the field hospital in record time. We had a hot Saturday – I walked and worked outside and it was very hot and yesterday a stormy day … one inch of rain in about an hour’s time due to a big storm. No problem – I am usually behind, especially on Mondays.
It’s nice to read that the people’s opinions about wanting to hear good news was finally listened too. I wonder if after all this is over if there will be a summary paper written about all the waste and what lessons not to repeat.
We had storms last night with tornadoes in the township across the road from our house. It went through that area late last night. We thankfully were north of where it passed through. Weather is crazy this year!
I’m “liking” that you were lucky but this weather this year is beyond strange. We were slated for severe weather weather this afternoon and storms this morning. So far, nothing has happened, which is fine. I bought a Midland weather radio because we are having so many volatile storms this year and they say the hot weather will last til October. The radio went off Sunday afternoon and today was the Wednesday mid-day test but the amber light stayed on for “warning” – it was on all afternoon and I just walked down the hall and it was off. I follow the news all day, but I wanted to know if severe weather, like a derecho or tornado, could arrive in the middle of the night. Enough things to worry about about without severe weather on top of it.
Two nights ago we had a tornado go past our house just miles away. We had already gone to bed, phones on chargers in other rooms, and had no clue there was danger. Our youngest called us and woke us up to find out if we were okay. I read the emergency warning about the storm on my phone in the am when I picked it up from the charger. Yeah, this year’s weather is strange that’s for sure. Good thing you’ve gotten a weather radio! Stay safe, Linda!
I don’t have a smartphone and have an AM radio which is dedicated to all news, but we had one instance about 10 years ago that we had a very bad storm n a Saturday evening. This radio station broadcasts all the University of Michigan games (football and basketball). It was football season and they did not call the game off for bad weather, and thunder was rockin’ and rollin’ out there and I did not want to put the computer on to hear the weather. Next day, I bought an HD radio so I could get my stations’ HD counterpart to get the news, but it had to be charged through the computer and never held a charge long, so I just got this. Easy to program from a YouTube video, so less worries, except for worrying about trees splitting and toppling over. It’s always something – that tornado was too close for comfort for you. The closest I had was five miles away near Heritage Park last year or 2018.
You’re smart not to have a smart phone, it makes it easier to keep on doomscrolling. I’m glad you have something that works to keep you informed of the weather.
Yeah, the storm here was quite close. We would’ve heard it had it hit us, but then it would’ve been too late.
I lived through the July 15, 1980 storm that hit my home town. That was scary. We’re supposed to get more storms this weekend. Like you said, it’s always something!
Stay safe!!
I remember you and I discussed that July 15, 1980 Derecho a/k/a “The Green Storm” … they just remembered that storm on a Facebook site about “Downriver Memories” and the weatherman I follow on Twitter brought it up as well. Very scary – I remember, didn’t you tell me you stayed with friends, a boy you had met and then could not get home? I was at work and we had a window blow out in a corner office (senior partner’s office) and scattered mementos everywhere, including out the window. He was on vacation on his sailboat and had no idea of what was going on here.
Yes, you’re remembering correctly! It was indeed a scary storm.
We have severe weather again tomorrow … it seems like it is once a week any more.
We’re supposed to be heading into a week of 80s in the day and high 50s at night. I should take a vacation!
Well we were supposed to have a beautiful week with no rain and they just called for a thunderstorm on Wednesday. So much for that!
Yeah, our weather forecast is for sunny every day – it’s cloudy this morning!
They promised us the same thing – suddenly we have rain tomorrow, maybe 3X!!! And an all-day steady rain on Sunday and Monday – so what happened to picture-perfect weather? They can’t predict anything anymore.
I think you and I can confirm that they can’t and don’t – their track record isn’t so great, that’s for sure!
Yes – yesterday they initially said a storm at 4:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. (online Accuweather) was for today (Wednesday), but live Accuweather and online Accuweather this morning said no rain til afternoon. Based on them and the blue sky, I went to the Park and a big black cloud swooped in and I got drenched (and was NOT amused).
Oh, no, they’re not trustworthy that’s for sure!
Today they aid we’ll have the first snowfall by November 1st – good thing I am hoofin’ it now to get my steps in while it snow-and-ice-free.
Yikes, I’m not ready for snow yet!
Me neither – hope they are wrong!
Hi, Shelley. I didn’t receive the postcard, but you are wise to keep it! I was looking for information on masks, too! Crazy, that they have become a political issue instead of a public health issue. Like you, I am looking forward to the time when we can travel freely again. I’m afraid though it’s going to be quite a while. Your post resonated with me. So true. It hurts to live through this time on many levels.
Hi Patti! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
It’s interesting to hear how many people didn’t get or remember getting the postcard. I agree, the political factor in all of this is getting to be too much to deal with. As some people say, “We’ll know how political the virus is the day after Nov 3.” So many people are hurting due to the loss of connection with loved ones, that breaks my heart. I hope those who predict it will go away on Nov 4th are right ;-). I do look forward to traveling freely again!