I’ve been not yet willing to cross the line to reveal to you the ugliest shoes ever. The ones that I think flew in from a foreign country. And maybe even on two or four separate planes.
But I digress.
Yeah, so the four individual shoes did finally show up. They were dropped into our mailbox, out of the blue. Two pairs of almost matching each other shoes.
My Discover Card Help Department made sure that I got them and, thankfully I didn’t have to pay for them. But, I’m still questioning my original judgment about them. And, I’ve been unsuccessful in donating them to anyone I know who has a shoe closet. I’m hoping if we cheer a special guy on, he’ll offer to take them.
We’ll see, he might just be the guy?
The shoes might look nice on something like a grasshopper. Shoes far enough apart that you can’t tell if they are a pair or not?
That grasshopper looked cute on the flower, but it was really just eating the petals. I’m eating my words now about how I thought the shoes would be cute.
The grasshopper was next to a fly. Who’d agree, my shoes do NOT look so great on – they are quite ugly, the longer I keep them around and try them on just in case they changed somehow in between tries, the more I’m convinced, they aren’t cute and aren’t for me.
Plus I tried to give them away, twice three times, no takers yet. So I might not be alone in my theory about their usefulness in my closet.
Soon, I’ll do a big reveal of how they look.
My thoughts about them will float by for you, across this lovely screen, and make you wonder why in the world I bought them in the first place. And I’ll tell you why it took so long for them to land in my mailbox. Yeah, it had to have been a flight from China involved.
But first, I know of a guy who loves shoes. And walking on the beach. That does do wonders for feet. I need to go back to the beach again. Maybe that would make my feet look better in my shoes?
Anyhow, The Loney Author On a Blog’s shoe fetish has nothing to do with loneliness – nope, he’s one popular guy, and someday, one lucky girl who adores shoes too will fall in love with him – check out his thoughts about shoes over here…
Post Inspiration – Shoes; Becky B’s #JulySquares and #Blue
PS – How about you? Are you ready to see my shoes? Did you check out Drew’s closet in his post? Are you a fan of lots of shoes?
I laughed out loud reading this post – shoes being dropped from the sky. Hysterical. And great images too. Ugly shoes do hang around too long one way or the other.
Love the close-ups…as usual
LOL – thank you for sharing you enjoyed my little rays of humor and my close up photos!
You are very welcome!
I love the images. Ugly shoes? No problem.
Thanks, Dan – just you wait and see, you might change your mind on the ‘no problem’ ;-)!
Ha ha. I’ll take my chances.
Way to be a dare devil!
Great images, even if that grasshopper is doing bad things to your flower. And you have to show us these shoes now.
Thank you. I thought the grasshopper was cute until I zoomed in to see what he was up to! Grr. Yeah…soon…I was thinking I needed a pedicure first, which I hate doing, so…umm………we’ll see!
Show us the shoes Shelley! Say that five times really fast…
I thought shoes really did fall from the sky into your yard from they person in the sky… 
LOL – it does have a sing-song kind of sound. Glad I convinced you of the shoe dropping LOL!
I sure thought there was one! That would really hurt, getting popped in the noggin by a tenny going 120mph!
Yikes, oh, my, yes, that would hurt!
LOL Shelley, you’re killing me. First thanks for the mention.
The thought of shower of shoes is quite interesting and a bit sexy. Did know you coulds be a tease.
You left us hanging waiting to see the “ugly” shoes. How could you do this to me.
Photos were gorgeous. Imagine if grasshoppers wore shoes. They would need a big closet.
LOL! I’m glad I was able to entice you into wanting the shoes. Now how to convince you to add them to your closet…I need to sleep on that idea.
I can’t wait to see the shoes!
Loving your photos and laughed out loud about the tease. I have to admit I never understood the shoe obsession us women supposedly have. I have one pair of black shoes, one pair of trainers which are at least 6 years old, a pair of boots and a pair of wellies and Extinction Rebellion is teaching me that I have been far ahead of my time with saving the planet with this frugal shoe habit
. I’ll go and check Drews post though 
and yes, please, please, please show us the shoes!!!!!!
Yay, glad you enjoyed the tease! You’ve done well in limiting your shoe options. I need to be more mindful (apparently). Thanks for heading on over to check out Drew’s blog. Soon, I’ll show the shoes!
Never had many shoes and I only wear proper clothes because my family gives them to me as presents lol otherwise I’d happily go in potatoe sacks.

LOL – now that I wanna see a picture of!
Not gonna happen just yet LOL
I have one pair of shoes that I wear every day. I buy several pair at a time so that, when one wears out, I can change them out right away. When I get down to one pair, I buy a couple more, so I always have at least two pair.
Let’s see your ugly shoes…
That’s quite resourceful of you John. That’s what I did with these shoes, only I don’t want to wear either pair! LOL …
I’m also ready to see the shoes. Personally, I’m super picky with finding the perfect comfortable shoes and don’t own a lot.
Soon! I’m super picky too – I should pay attention to my picky side, versus my, “Oh, but they’re so darn cute” side. I’d own very few shoes, that’s for darn sure.
I’m dying to see the shoes…..and I don’t even care about shoes! Did you order them online from China? I’m not really into shoes, they just have to be comfortable and blend with the outfit.
Yes, do the big reveal but make us wait a little longer Shelley … that was a funny blog post you shared about liking shoes. I was into shoes back in the day when working and sadly my feet have spread since I’ve been encasing my feet in Minnetonka mooseskin moccasins during the work day and wearing heavy, wide walking shoes. I have my outside Minnetonka mocs for running errands if it is not a good walking day – how the mighty have fallen in their choice of footwear!