The soft whispers of my garden during the early morning sunrise warms my heart. Even if I only have one color of irises (aka, this burnt rusty purplish color) in all of my garden beds, I’m still in awe at the beauty of this species of bearded irises.
Their delicate style crest and falls…
Their yellow signal…and nestled buds waiting for the right time to open…and the bud that curls up and shrivels when it is done blooming…
It’s a glorious party when they dance in the wind opening up to greet the sun…
There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. – Anais Nin
Check out the new badge for the One-Liner Wednesday –
Congratulations and thank you to Laura over at RiddleFromTheMiddle who won the competition for the new badge. Not to razz her too much, ‘cuz I really, really, really do like her winning badge…but if I hadn’t been on the road traveling I may have had an entry with a contender photo that would’ve given her a run for the winner circle ;-)! LOL! There’s always next year!
Here’s Laura’s blog post about her entry into the contest.
Post Inspired by Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday – if you’re interested in joining in on the fun, head on over to this link here to check it out! And a late entry into Cee’s Flower of the Day Challenge FOTD.
PS – Do you have irises in your garden? If so, what colors do you have? I heard an old wives tale before that they will all eventually turn one color in your garden? Maybe that is gladiolus? Is it true? My neighbor has 4 different colored irises and none are the same as mine. What is your favorite spring flower?
I had irises in my garden when we lived in our former home. Purple ones that had originally been in my great grandmother’s yard in Ohio. Then my parents’ house. Then ours. Love your photos and the diagram too.
I love the dark purple ones and the light purple ones…I wish I had some of those. That’s so wonderful that you had your grandmother’s irises. These are from my mom’s garden. Thank you for the photo kudos, I’m glad you enjoyed them.
I would love to have a garden
So beautiful 

Thank you! Your comment and post today brought a smile to my face!
I’m so glad
I’ve reached my purpose for today 

:-)! Still smiling!
I agree with your contender razzing — your photos are stunning! These irises particularly so. The color and detail gives the eye so much to take in and appreciate it.
Aw, thank you, Laura. Glad you enjoyed the iris photos and took my razzing in great spirits. I do adore your winning badge. It is a great photo!
Iris were my mother’s favorite. According to her…that color is the original color and when some species are planted in one area as a different color, they will revert back to the original color over time. Don’t know how true that is but I always think of that when I see this color.
Interesting…now that you mention that, I got these from my mother’s garden, and she had a variety of colors, including this one. I occasionally get a soft yellow one. I’m hoping it reappears this year. Thank you for sharing!
Beautiful images of your Iris (s)! I do not have any in my yard. I don’t have a green thumb, but when I lived in Silicon Valley I had a neighbor who had some in her yard that I would admire and sometimes photograph. My favorite photo that I made of an Iris came from her garden. It was a white one. Not too far up the mountains high above Silicon Valley is an Iris farm that I visited twice for photos. What colors they had! One day I’ll have to get into my archives and develop some of those images. They’ve been marinating sometime now.
Aw, thank you, I appreciate your comments and kudos. The white Iris is so pretty – I haven’t seen one in a long time. It’s fun to look back at photos – I can get lost in time down that rabbit hole.
Love, love, love these pictures. I have a huge bank of irises in my garden…they’re my favorite. Haven’t seen that color before…it’s beautiful. And I wish you lived closer…I have three colors (light purple, super dark purple, and apricot) that I would share with you. I have to dig them every couple years or they take over!
Aw, so happy you enjoyed the photos! I wish you were closer too – I’d gladly share some of mine in a trade for the colors you have. They do spread easily. I did find a could pale yellow ones that I thought had gone MIA. They are about to bloom – I can’t wait to see if I’m right on the color.
Really beautiful!
Thank you!!
So beautiful! I would love to have one in my garden.
Thank you — if I could mail one to you I would. They grow like crazy here!
These are beautiful, Shelley. None growing around here.
Thank you, Dan – they grow like weeds here.
Beautiful images of your Iris!
Thank you :-)!!!
Wow Shelley, the flowers and photos are beautiful! Wonderful photography my friend!

Thank you, John, I appreciate your kind encouragement!
Such beautiful irises! I love them. I use to have so many colors. Right now I only have white and one purple.
Thank you, I’m so glad you stopped by to check them out. I wish I had some of the white and dark purple ones.
Nice, Shelley. The irises are gorgeous and I love the quote that blossoming is less painful.
I would have also tried my hand at the badge, but didn’t realize it was that time again until the last day. Next year!
Thank you, Mary. That badge redo came up so fast…it’s a blur that it has been a year already. Next year we’ll show them Wisconsin can come up with the winning badge!
You have captured the beauty of your garden irises Shelley. I don’t have irises in my garden … right now I don’t even have the forget-me-nots as they have bitten the dust … no more flowers, just greenery; a couple of Nellie Moser clematis blooms is all I have. However, yesterday I went to the park by my house, just a couple of blocks away. There is a group of volunteers in our City that call themselves “The Green Team” and they have planted four big gardens in the middle of the Park. A few weeks ago they planted enough milkweed to be considered a Monarch Waystation. So I went over to take a look and take some pictures … I was amazed at all the roses, irises and even a bleeding heart (well the dregs of a bleeding heart). So, I’ll do an upcoming post about them and will definitely return to see the monarch butterflies – I saw several cabbage whites while I was visiting the gardens.
Thank you, Linda. Yay – I look forward to seeing the photos of what you saw. Monarch’s are so pretty – my daughter taught me that there’s a close lookalike that is common in our area. Now I’ve forgotten what it was called! LOL…time to text the kiddo to find out!
Yes, I’m hoping to get over there once the milkweed is out and maybe in the heat of the day, like a weekend day, more butterflies that way. I had mostly Tiger Swallowtails and Red Admirals in my butterfly garden but the occasional Monarch. would stop by – they loved the purple coneflowers and butterfly bushes. I’m sure the butterfly is a Viceroy which looks like a Monarch, a little smaller. I just learned about Viceroys last September when I went on a nature hike. To see a Viceroy’s picture, if you look near the end of this post, you’ll see the Viceroy’s pics … he was quite close up:
Yes! The Viceroy!! Thank you for sharing the link to your post. That was quite the adventure – lilly pads as big as elephant ears, hidden frogs, and the Viceroy butterflies. So FUN!
Glad you liked it Shelley. I went three times to take pictures of the water lilies. Each time they had grown more and by September were gargantuan. So I learned about the Viceroy then – you could have fooled me that it wasn’t a Monarch!
Wow – I don’t know if I’ve ever seen lilly pads that big before! I’m going to pay attention this year to notice the Viceroys versus the Monarchs. I’ve likely been wrong all this time!
Your beautiful iris photos made my evening. One of the most sensuous flowers. Your photos remind me of Georgia O’Keffe paintings. Live the Nin quote as well. Perfect accompaniment to the photos.
Thank you, Laurie – I’m glad you enjoyed the post.
Your comment warms my heart :-)!
A beautiful Iris Shelley
Thank you, Brian!!
You’re welcome
I love Iris flowers. The inner recesses always remind me of a spectacular cathedral. You asked in your PS if we have these flowers in our garden and what the colors are: I have three varieties…a deep purple that smells like grapes, a yellow and amber with little smell, and a mauve-pink that is tall and spectacular, smells nice too, but always falls victim to the heavy rain showers of Spring and ends up laying on the grass unless I prop it up. Your Iris photo is lovely. Beautiful flower…beautiful background.
Aw, I adore your descriptions of the iris. I didn’t realize that they have different scents based upon color. Mine have a very subtle fragrance. Yes, the rain has done a number on mine too.
Thank you so much for stopping by and for sharing your thoughts about the flower! 
Oh my goodness, your irises are beautiful!! That’s definitely my favorite color but I’ve never been able to find them. It seemed to be an off year for my irises this year. Only just a few bloomed and that was weeks ago. Very unusual.
Thank you, Gail. I have 7 beds of irises that color and two individual buds with a light yellow color. I think at one time I had plain purple, but since they’ve all gone this color. It’s an interesting color. This year all are blooming – last year, not so much. Last year, I was liberal with covering their roots, hoping to give them new life. Found out later that they prefer to have exposed roots. This year, they are happy being exposed. Hopefully yours will bloom next year!