This weekend, in an effort to try and find focus, I began a mental list of random things I’d like to learn as I head into my 30th year of marriage and my 55th year of existence.
When I was 23, I hadn’t even thought of these type of questions.
I had a thick dark head of hair, dense dark eyebrows that I had to ‘maintain’ to prevent the uni-brow look. I had long eyelashes and desperately needed braces on my teeth. Those I’d get 20 years later. And I only wore red lipstick twice in my life.
Every gray hair I’d see, I’d yank right outta my head. And, unlike the 23-year-olds of nowadays, being a blogger was the last thing on my mind, that’s for sure.
I don’t want to rush away from my life as it unfolds, but I also want to acknowledge my craving for learning new things. I’ve never lost that desire to learn and it has piqued my interest as of late.
Take risks. Ask the dumb questions. Fail if you have to, and then get up and do it again. – Jacqueline Novogratz
Question #1: Why do the woodpeckers land on top of the trail cam?

Question #2 – Why do men’s eyebrows grow longer and thicker while women’s grow thinner and fade into nothingness as we age?
I don’t know the answer to this…do you? Mr. and I had a discussion about it the other day when I was trimming his hair. I’ve been his hairdresser buzz-cutter for almost 30 years. He often asks me to trim his unruly eyebrows. I often wonder where the heck mine have gone over the years?
Question #3 – Why do momma deer train their youngin’s to find food at bird feeders instead of in the forest?
Question #4 – What happens to my comments that I left on other blogs – I’ve gone back to see if they replied and sometimes the comments have disappeared?
This question has bothered me a lot lately.
Being an introvert like I am, it takes a lot out of me to venture off and visit new or old familiar blogs and make comments. Sometimes my comments are sent to spam, blocked, or deleted. I don’t know which one? It does make me want to fly away and hide and not comment…
and if I said something offending by accident, I’m sad and I’d love to apologize or at least understand why? I guess it’s part of the blogosphere I’ll never understand.
Question #5 – Why do the young bucks not travel together?
So far we’ve seen 3 handsome bucks. Never together though…

Question #5 – Why did Instagram Widget for Word Press stop working?
I spent much of the day on Sunday (yeah, sad but true) trying to figure out what the heck happened to the feed from Instagram to my blog. Every widget (two of them) that I tried didn’t work. I finally just deleted it. I miss it, though, do you know what happened?
Question #6 – Why do we suddenly have a crow with a band on its neck?
I don’t think that’s a good thing or maybe it is?
It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends. – J.K. Rowling
I wondered if he was hurt, was he hatched and branded then, or was he caught and marked to track his whereabouts? The others don’t seem to like him much or maybe they were kissing him or fighting over a peanut?
And then a distraction from the random thoughts. It was time to go for ice cream and a walk with Mr. in the woods which cleared my head.
For the time being, that is, my thoughts are always flowing…
Post Inspiration – Dutch Goes the Photo Tuesday Photography Challenge – Focus
PS – Do you ever just sit and wonder about things? Do you have any answers to my questions above that you’d like to share? What question do you ask yourself now that you didn’t when you were in your 20’s? Which photo do you think represents the prompt to focus the best?
Question #7: Will Bigfoot show up first or will my bear that likes to leaves presents in my yard appear first on the trail cam?
LOL – yeah, that bear might be first, but we haven’t seen him since the sighting in the yard. Have you taken Bigfoot hostage in your yard? Or is that what you buried in that landscaping you did?
that stupid berm that they built when they built this subdivision is gonna be the death of me. maybe I can build a root cellar in it.
LOL – berms are ugly eye sores – but yours looks lovely! I think that’s where tree roots end up – or at least they do in our drain field (without a berm)!
Question 1: Woodpeckers are arseholes

Question 2: It is one of Gods great jokes. He takes the hair from mens heads and puts it in their ears and noses
Question 3: Because you have a bird feeder
Question 4: I have no idea ask a WP whatever they are called
Question 5: Instagram still works Mary Jane uses hers to post on WP
Question 6: Please check to see if it is a bit of plastic that has caught around the crows neck. Unless it is a tracker, which I don’t think get used on birds, it should be removed.
Now you may rest again Shelley………..all solved
Wow – Brian, you get extra bonus points for answering all my questions! Now I need to think up more!! Thank you for the links…oh, I just thought of one? How in the world would I catch that crow?!
In Australia we have a wildlife service called WIRES who rescue and rehabilitate wildlife. They have trained people for such an occasion. To catch a crow you would have to be very very sneaky
I’m not that sneaky! We do have a rescue site not far from where we live…….
One way to figure out if someone responded to your comment on their blog is to click the little box at the bottom of the comment box that says
Notify me of new comments via email.
This is both good and bad because if that post generates a lot of comments, you will get an email for every comment that appears on that post. Not just a response to yours. But you can try it out and see.
Re widgets – sometimes googling the question randomly will surprise you because you’ll see that a million people have the same problem which then tells you that a) it’s not you and b) it’ll probably get solved by some magic internet superhero tomorrow and you can try again (or something. What do I know, I’m no superhero…)
Thank you for your suggestions Claudette! I chuckled at your ‘it may be good and bad’ to do the email option. I’m afraid to admit to my inbox status…! One time a long time ago, I clicked that box on a Liebster Award message – I regretted doing so. But other blogs, I can see how that would be a good thing for me to click the box.
Widgets – sigh…I’m going to try Googling it to see if I can find an answer. I do like the superhero option though – send one my way if you see one! I think you’re quite gifted at all of this blogging stuff, so your words of advice mean a lot to me, thank you for sharing them! And for stopping by – I need to stop by and see what you’ve been up to too!!
I often wonder about my disappeared eyebrows, in fact, am considering going (shudder) to a makeup counter and finding out what I can do to get me some eyebrows!
And eyebrows disappear, but what about all the random hair that sprouts elsewhere????
LOL – Jackie, you’re not alone in wondering about eyebrows. I’ve found some cheap options involving NYX powder and clear mascara. Microblading is an option – the technology is making great strides.
Don’t get me started on the random sprouts………
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!! Good luck with your sprout control mission!
— The woodpeckers like the camera as a viewing platform to plan the next food target.
— I dunno why but my eyebrows tend to grow too fast, have to trim them often…
— The doe tech the youngins’ to find food wherever they can.
— Your comments were removed for whatever reason, or they’ve simply scrolled away.
— The bucks are somewhat solitary…
— The band around the bird neck is a mystery, I hope it isn’t injured.
I love your wedding photos, happy anniversary guys!
YAY to you, John! You answered all the questions, I appreciate you taking the time to do so. Your answers are fun to read!! Your support is appreciated more than words can say, thank you!!
Your welcome!
I have a friend who was going gray and bald at the same time. He said he used to pull the gray ones out, then he decided “why waste a good one?”
A band around the crow’s neck? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.
LOL – yeah, I stopped pulling mine too – they fall out easily enough on their own.
I do think that band is a bad thing. I haven’t seen him since, but we have a lot of them that visit here.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Maybe the crow is someones pet
Maybe…we did have neighbors who had homing pigeons.
Hey, Alice, I tried to comment on your blog, but got the message, “You must log in to comment.” Not sure if that was intentional, but thought you’d like to know.
Ok thanks I m not sure how it works but I ll check it out
Yeah, it was weird – and other parts of your blog on the side said it wasn’t working either? Good luck – it’s happened to me before too!
I sent them an email so I hope it gets fixed
YES! It is fixed, I could comment today!!!
Thanks for letting me know, my site was all messed up
You’re welcome – it’s crazy how that stuff can happen, glad I was able to give you a heads up to get it fixed!
Yes, I wonder about all sorts of things too. Maybe because I have time and space in my head more than I used to. The eyebrow question – I think the answer is hormones, or lack thereof (so what else is new, right?). Grooming just takes a different direction now. Time gets freed up from no more shaving of the legs! I vote for your first photo for the focus prompt.
A question I had answers for in my 20s that I don’t have now is: What’s next?
LOL – that’s right, very little shaving of the legs is needed!! Thank you for your photo vote. I threw that one in at the end, glad I did! Oh, my, I have that question running through my mind too!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, much appreciated!!
You’re most welcome
Great blog – great direction to move into! So much for intuition (mine, I mean).
Aw, thanks, Ellen! Don’t knock your intuition, you’ve got a gift for encouragement at just the right time!! xx
You know once you go down the primrose path wondering why WP things don’t do what they claim they will do, you’re lost. I gave up on the IG widgets, too. And the Twitter one, too. Seems like they’d be nice, but…
LOL – thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think the WP gremlins are b*s^t$ds. If I were a programmer for widgets, I can imagine it to be quite hard to stay up with all the themes, WP updates, IG updates, etc… it’s amazing that any of this stuff works. It’s easier for me to stay away from the ones that don’t work.
So many questions, so little time, not to mention so many frustrations – all good reasons to eat Tostitos and cheese curds.
And, I agree with you – and the Tostitos and cheese curds help(ed)!
From one introvert to another…I am sure I ask myself a million why questions a day but right now I can’t think of any…go figure! Don’t stop commenting…I won’t delete you and will definitely reply even if only a thank you or have a nice day! It’s the polite thing to do….
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Cath! I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment, much appreciated!