Adventures · Cheers

Simply experimental

I can’t think of a time where I’ve picked up my camera that hasn’t been experimental.  As a learning-as-I-grow-photographer, I simply adore trying to capture fun photos in my everyday life.

While most people would cringe at the thought of a cat close to human food about to be eaten, (especially you non-cat lovers)…our cats take every opportunity to get just close enough to be annoying.

But they rule the house.  And don’t you worry, we do toss them aside when they get too close!  But this day, I was experimenting with my camera…accompanied by a glass of wine, and well, (you get the hint I’m sure).  I get a little bit forgiving, especially when there’s a photo-op involved.

I was really trying to just get a random picture of our wine, cheese, and salami snack.

Really!  See, here’s proof.  The experimental part of the picture is the subtle reflection of the crackers on the side of the wine glass.  Creative, right?


But then, Dessy appeared out of nowhere (that’s impossible, she’s not petite), because one cannot have any type of food out without her inspection.  Even if it isn’t her scheduled feeding time.

She sauntered in and invaded my photo staging space.  She has a hypothesis about us and is able to predict how quickly she’ll be tossed aside.  She still likes to test the turf.  Sometimes multiple times.  But that’s beside the point.

I kind of love her curiosity.  She never minds being the subject of my clicking projects.


And, yes, after a toss of the cat (twice) the wine, cheese, salami, and crackers hit the spot.  The camera set close by, awaiting our next adventure!


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