I could go one way or the other with a post when I’ve got little time on my hands.
I went to bed late ‘cuz, you know, it’s that time of the year. GAME TIME!
I watched the opening predictions that the Packers were going to lose to the Bears.
Only one of these wise guys predicted Packers would win.
I saw some strange creatures from the past while I watched the game. Football season brings out fans of all kinds through the decades I guess.

I had nightmares about shopping for sponges…and I woke up late this morning, even if I didn’t stay up to watch the whole game.
Truth is, after supper of two helpings of extra dense noodle goulash I was sleepy.
It took me long enough to munch on it while I watched the trees blowing in the wind and the sentinel crow who hung onto the branch for dear life…
And I watched a momma and her youngin deer as they grazed on their dinner of soybeans. They’re so resourceful.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, it was game night so I had a couple of beers, and that resulted in a few extra trips to the bathroom…
I curled up in a blanket on the sofa with Copper on one side of me, my bag of Tostitos on the other, and Mr. in his seat to the right, and we settled in to watch the game. Then I fell asleep right away after the kick-off.
But, thank goodness for Mr.’s cheers, I woke up to see the only scoring touchdown.
Way to go Packers!
Way to squirrel away from the Bears and win the first game of the season!
Post Inspiration – Cee’s Black and White Challenge – Signs
PS – Are you a Bears or a Packers fan? What did you think of the rest of the game? I fell asleep before the first half was over. Which way do you go with your thoughts when you’re running late? Do you scramble to the end or say, not today?
Man, fall seems to be hitting quickly. Summer took forever to arrive and now it’s gray and chilly here. I’m sure we have more weeks of nice weather (since September is a GREAT month, as we’ve noted…ha) but today I am drawn to a sweater and long pants.
I had to turn off the TV in front of a sleeping DH last night. But.. go, Pack! I’m not a huge fan, but my brothers and son sure are. I’m sure they’re all happy this morning.
I know…we were just saying that same thing yesterday…what the heck, it seems like we didn’t have much of a summer. It’s gloomy here, and I have long sleeves and pants on too. September HAS to be great weather, I agree!
LOL – glad I wasn’t the only one sleeping through the game. YAY Packer Fans – I wonder how many of us are waking to the news of them winning and suddenly extra happy this Friday morning? LOL!
Extra scary in B & W! An eventful night for you, Shelley, when you should be sleeping:) Always an interesting perspective in black and white:)
It was scary – I was surprised to see the photo this morning. I agree, B&W does add a unique perspective to photos. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
I’m a Bears fan, yes. What did I think? I think they need a QB desperately. Very disappointing way to start the season.
Yeah, I agree with you – they should’ve picked their QB more wisely! I’m happy for the Packers, obviously, but if I were a Bears fan, I’d be quite disappointed. Thank you for sharing…I just realized, my post would’ve worked with your WhichWay prompt too!!!
PS – I’m sorry to read you’re leaving…but I totally understand what your saying! I hope you know you’re always welcome here to say hi, or razz me or to just say, “Yep, I’m glad I’m not her!…or I sure miss blogging, I’m back, stop by to see me here (insert link)! Take care, you’ll be missed for sure!!!
That’s an interesting bathroom Shelley! Football has never, ever interested me. Had a gal friend years ago who was a football nut, she dragged me around to football parties… Ho hum…
Yeah, it was interesting. My dad adored watching football, I like the games so I can pretend I’m watching while I nap. Unless they’re winning, and it’s a noon game and I’m wide awake. They can be quite boring!
Not a football fan really, unless they are the team that causes my husband to win his bets
He is a Cowboy fan even though he is from Wisconsin. I like them too because they have cute uniforms and generally cute quarterbacks
Baseball is my game and I get sad when football starts because I know that baseball won’t be around much longer. Great B & W shots!
LOL – a true Wisconsin born football fan – WTH on the Cowboys though…!? My best friend from High School was one of those kind of fans too. Baseball – Football – cute uniforms on cute butts is a draw to both, but don’t tell Mr. I said that, okay?
They had to take down my flag mid-day: the NE winds are too strong. I took an Epsom Salt bath to help with cool-weather aches (it helped!!) and turned the heat on for 20 minutes. The sky is magnificently cloud-filled and the wind is blowing some of the soot out of my curtains — always plusses and minuses, no?
Summer’s leaving and I am grieving
for Summer’s gay, bur Winter’s gray!
So I pray for one more day,
but summer’s flying, and I am sighing!
Has music. On request I’ll provide my phone # and sing it for you! : – )
Aw, glad you felt better after a bath. We’re refusing to turn the heat on until October 1st. I may eat those words, though, just confessing to you now! I love your poem, thank you for sharing. I can hear you singing it too!!!
I am a Steelers fan but I root for the Packers against all the other teams.
I forgive you for being a Steelers fan – thank you for the Packers support. PS – I root for Steelers when the Packers aren’t playing too! LOL!
As of a few years ago, I became a Patriots fan. The backstory drama drew me in at first, but after I learned there was more going on than running into each other and falling down…it got interesting. (and it didn’t hurt that my son and Tom Brady resemble each other LOL)
That’s an interesting story about how you got ‘into’ football and that your son looks like Tom – have you had the chance to get them standing together for a photo shoot!?
I have not had that opportunity, although I imagine my son would love it.
Wonderful signs for this week. Nice to have you play along
Thank you, Cee – I appreciate the opportunity to play along!
I’ve seen lots of signs of Fall at the Park – touches of red, and yellow, even orange and I have documented them with the camera – now to find time to write about them. Three posts in a row and I am sorely behind in Reader. I see you found a way to use the cute squirrel photos! I like B&W photos – they add something when you are so accustomed to seeing only color.
You’ll have plenty of material to use when the weather changes (sorry to swear!). I couldn’t wait for a better opportunity to share the squirrel photo. He was a cutie, glad you saw it!
I am sure of that Shelley … our nice-almost-need-a-sweatshirt-weather has taken a turn for the worst … we have 90 today and most of the week. Parts of Michigan (Midland/Saginaw) have tornado warnings for tonight, but not us as of now. I liked that squirrel – he was hanging on the side of the tree checking you out.
Yeah- we had mid-80’s yesterday and it is thunder and lightening now as I type. Poor Copper is freaking out, he hates storms!
Mr. Squirrel was happy to show off!
We are about to have Round II – we had Round I about 3:00 p.m. My friend has raised Goldens for years, now only has a couple, but one of them freaked out every storm so I suggested a Thundershirt and that didn’t work for Jamie … she had to give him a tranquilizer as a storm started to rumble. I e-mailed you something to buy for Cooper for Christmas. I subscribe to “The Grommet” … lots of fun things, never get any of them, but fun to look. Now, if they had a solution for grass allergies and sore paws on this site, you’d be all set.
Yeah – we’re onto more storms today. It’s crazy! Thank you for the link, you’re so kind to think of Copper!!
We are still slated for severe weather again tomorrow – I think Summer has worn out its welcome! I like reading about Copper – I had a fleeting glance at one dog with that dish and looked a little like him. Don’t you wish you’d invented that gizmo?
Bummer about more storms. We had rain all day yesterday – things around here need to dry out a bit before we get more. Thank you for thinking about Copper – YES I wish I’d think of cool things like that gizmo. We’re thinking about ordering one! We’re hoping he wouldn’t freak out by the edges of it, he’d have to step on it to get close enough to the bowl.
Yes, it will be an ugly, possibly severe weather day today for us , and I didn’t walk this morning as there was some lightening and a chance of storms in the 8:00 o’clock hour, so bummer for that. The storms will ramp up through the day. I didn’t need to be out in that and especially on Friday the 13th! The Grommet has some very cool things they advertise and promote. I think it would work well and maybe if you put a soft baby receiving blanket or old towel at the front part, he’d not notice the “step up” … of course the towel will get wet from water sloshing in the bowl but even those softer paper towels (like Viva) would help. I hope it does the trick for Copper.
Yeah, we had the lightning yesterday too!
I will definitely let you know if the bowl works for him!!