Adventures · Inspiration

Shhh, be still and quiet to get great shots of up-close photography

Every time I grab my camera, I have hopes of catching a shot of something special.  Of something that I hadn’t planned on getting when I first headed out the door.

I dwell in possibility.  – Emily Dickinson

I crouch down low and get as close to objects I can, depending upon the lens I have on my camera.  While close-ups are my favorite, I still like to see what I get when I take in more of the background.

Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower. – Shigenori Kameoka

I’ve been watching my sunflower as it has evolved.  Fascinating, simply fascinating to me.  Look at all the details – this flower works hard to do what it does all on its own.  It is still pretty even if a random bird plucked some of its petals off the top of it.

I’ve been admiring Black-eyed Susans.  Along with the bugs.

And marigolds, I can’t forget the marigolds…and more bugs.

And Zinnias who struggle to stay standing while the Morning Glories climb to do their own thing.

I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains. – Anne Frank


No matter where the glories and zinnias end up, they’ll eventually bloom.


Even when they didn’t reach very far, and have stayed low on the ground, they’ll bloom.

Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.  I may not reach them but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow them.  – Louisa May Alcott

Ah, yes, low down to the ground.  The place where the dewdrop stops here.


I continue my hopes on to the next adventures where I’ll find myself behind the lens of my camera.

Shh…be very, very, quiet.  A bird might be watching me, too.


Or I might be watching them behind the lens of my camera.  Ever so quietly and patiently waiting for a delicate moment of nature to capture as it happens right before my eyes.  And the zoom of my camera’s lens, of course. 😉


Post Inspiration – Sunday StillsMacro or Up-Close Photography and Susannah Conway’s August Break 2019 – Hopes

PS – Happy Sunday – oh, my, our adventure was fun yesterday, hope you come back again soon to hear what we did.  Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.  What do you hope for when you grab your camera?  What is your favorite hope quote?  






36 thoughts on “Shhh, be still and quiet to get great shots of up-close photography

    1. I love the multi-colored packets too – so fun to see what colors appear. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

  1. The first photo is breathtaking. So interesting, and you caught the air and flow around it. And that touch of purple in the middle … I don’t know, poet me and I can’t find words! But I guess that’s what photography is all about … 1 being worth 1,000…

    BTW, my fave”hope” quote is also Emily Dickinson: Hope is the thing with feathers …

  2. It is fun to crouch down for the close up view. The birds seem to be posing – I wonder if they recognize you by now :). Happy Sunday to you too!

    1. Yes, it is. I think they do, or they’re watching me to see if Mr. is close by with the bird feeder refill bucket. They watch and wait for him. I’m second fiddle, except when I give them fresh bird bath water. 😉

  3. Amazing shots. I especially like the first one with the vine which looks to be morning glory wrapping around the the other plant.

    1. Thank you, Anita. You’re 100% correct! It’s a morning glory wrapping around the zinnia. They keep creeping back to the zinnias when I unwind them and place them on the trellis boards.

        1. LOL – don’t swear, Anita… 😉 No, FALL isn’t a bad four letter word, but SNOW is at this time of year, right? 😉

          1. My daughter asked me yesterday was it too early to think about Christmas decorations. I told her yes…and no. If you are going to be crafty you need a head start.

  4. Amazing photos!!!

    I’ve missed having time to read my favorite blogs – been swamped writing two novellas, starting my author’s newsletter & fighting to get subscribers, keeping three blogs up to date (sort of), and doing a ton of book promotions. Phew….so today, I’m reading some of my favorites!

    1. Aw, thank you, Donna! I’ve noticed how busy you are. I’ve been too busy to get around to reading my favorite blogs too, so I get what you’re saying. I’m honored and touched that you took time out to stop by here and take a peek at my world. Happy writing to you – take care of yourself. xx

    1. Thank you, Amy, I’m touched by your feedback. I’m still working out what I’ll contribute to this week’s Lens-Artist’s prompt. Your cityscape photo of Ireland is gorgeous!

  5. Hi, Shelley – I just popped by from visiting both Terri’s and Deb’s posts on the ‘Close Up Challenge’. I love seeing each of your interpretations and reading a bit about your process.
    I am also interesting in hearing about your recent day trip. I’ll be staying tuned.

    1. Hi Donna – thank you for checking their sites out and for stopping by here too. I’m like you, it’s fun to see everyone’s interpretations on the prompts. I’ll be getting around to writing about our trip soon. Before I forget what happened ;-)! LOL

      1. Yes, they are and I have done a post for tomorrow – something out of the ordinary for me and it is about a couple of birds who both fascinated me and gave me a giggle at the same time. People may thing I’m a little crazy when they see it. 🙂

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