As I prepared for my trip to the DMV yesterday, it was dark outside. I hadn’t been able to look around the yard yet to see if we had any damage from the storm that rolled through.
I have this weird childhood behavior, after growing up in a mobile home court. I simply go to bed to sleep when it storms. I figure if I’m going to die in a storm, I’d rather be sleeping than watching it happen. I know – not safe! Thankfully for me, Mr. loves the storms, he watches them and he promised to wake me if it got too bad.
We didn’t lose power, but we lost the ability to hear the warnings – the TV station went out and so did the scanner for the storm tracker. The sirens went off for a while while the winds and the hail picked up and pounded the house. And then it was gone.
After the sun came up, we assessed the damages. We were sad to see our flowering crab tree had lost its largest branch.
It has been a strong tree for 29 years.
Hopefully, it will survive the winter with a wounded trunk.
We’re thankful it wasn’t worse. Even the rabbit survived.
Just 15 or so miles from us, in the township of Wheaton, it was much worse. My brother, who is a semi-driver, called me in the morning to tell me that he just missed traveling through the F3 tornado – by a mile and a hillside. It was big and moving fast. He was lucky to be delayed, several other semi-trucks rolled over in the winds.
The damage was bad enough for the Governor to make a visit to assess the area.
This guy’s story is heart-breaking. He lost his whole house in 30 seconds. He survived along with the 3 dogs that he had sheltered with him, hiding in his bedroom on the floor in-between his bed and a dresser.
He didn’t just take a nap and go to sleep, he took action.
His advice – pay attention and take cover when warned – it’s better to be safe than sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with the township and those hit by the storm. xx
Post Inspiration – sometimes the weather folk are right.
PS – What do you do when a storm is coming? Have you ever been in a tornado or a really bad storm? Do tell!
I hope the tree survives. We’ve had a few tornadoes come through our little town. One, before I moved here, did some major damage. Not much you can do, ride it out in the basement.
You’re right, not much you can do except ride it out!
We get all sorts of storms, sometimes tornadoes, around here. Tree limbs come down, but if the trunks are sturdy the trees usually make it. We have a hand-crank radio for when the electricity goes out, so we can still hear how and where the storms are going.
You know what it’s like then!! Okay…hand-crank radio? How does that work when the station itself goes out? You’ve got magic, I knew it!?!
Our local stations never go out so I don’t know. I know that you can get the national weather service on a radio frequency, so if need be that’d be where I’d tune this radio.
That’s awesome! I think our back up station has been under repair, thus the static we heard instead of any warnings?
That’d explain it.
I’m glad the F3 missed you guys, wow. There may be something you can apply to the broken branch to seal it off, check with garden shops. I heard a tornado as a kid in 1968, it had a roaring sound, not something you forget. Those kind of storms don’t form much in the desert, mainly during the Monsoon Season.
Yes, we’re thankful it didn’t head our way. I think we have some stuff for the branch, or we’ll get something. The roaring is scary.
Another great reason to live in Las Vegas, right!?!
Sorry, but yes it is Shelley.
Scary stuff. Being cut off from everyone must make it worse! Glad you are okay and hope the tree survives. I’ve never experienced a tornado, but lived through a few hurricanes. The memories stay with you.
Thank you! Yes, it does. I can imagine a hurricane being the same amount of scary. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for the tree.
I’m happy you are safe. I think the tree will survive, it looks like a survivor.
Thank you, Maria. I’m hoping so!
I do too
I worry more and more about volatile weather, especially tornadoes … it used to be we had a tornado threat maybe once or twice during tornado season – they are now more prevalent … I do worry because I have no family. I need to get a new weather radio. I had one from the Red Cross bought from Radio Shack and I could not program it and they went bankrupt shortly after I bought it. I need to take it to a store that will program it for me – I also usually go to bed – also I know it not safe as you would need to know whether to go downstairs, but worrying about what will happen drives me crazy, so I just go to bed so I don’t dwell on it.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I hope you get the radio fixed. Ours was working, but the station’s power went out, so it was no good for us. After looking at the photos and watching the videos of the tornado, I’m even more convinced, if it’s gonna hit you, it’s gonna do it, there’s nothing we can do to change the path it’s on. It was dark out too – you could only see it when the lightning strikes lit up the sky. Scary stuff for sure. xx
Yikes – yes tornadoes come through so fast and wreak havoc with everything in their path, so very scary. I want to get a Midland radio as I understand it is the best and endorsed by the meteorologist I trust the most. But I want it programmed so I know it works.
Good idea – I had to smile at your ‘I trust the most’ comment – so you do have some weather folk you trust? They haven’t been too reliable this year! Ours either – except this tornado he did predict it would happen, just not where. So the whole valley was on alert for it. That’s a good thing.
My guy has been a meteorologist for 35 years I believe, same TV station, all that time. He goes to climate change conferences all over the world. He is on Wikipedia for his accomplishments in his field.
I have followed him on Twitter for several years and he used to write a detailed weekday weather forecast daily and post it – he no longer does that. He is considered the “spare” weather guy, but he wrote the commentary for the three main anchor weather guys. So I miss that daily commentary – I wonder if it is because he is not so accurate and some people called him out on it on social media (though I’d think he’d be more thick skinned than that).
Wow – that’s a long time in one place doing the weather!
It’s sad we become the ‘spare’ person the longer we’re in a position – unless that was his request? I think this year’s weather has been unpredictable!
I always wondered about that too – he does focus on large articles about climate change, but it has not always been like that?? We have a rainy week coming up and I had things planned (errands) today but we have rain coming in around 11:00 and storms later on … if it doesn’t happen I’ll be angry. At least we are not Montana!
I meant to mention – can you take some tar to the exposed tree part which will help protect that raw wood – it lost a big branch. I know that it what I’ve seen the City workers do for the trees that come down in the City parks and have large areas of wood that is bare and exposed to the elements. An arborist or extension service at the University would be able to tell you the product or ask your City Parks and Recreation Department.
Thank you, yes, I think we can do that. We had to do so for another tree in our yard, so maybe Mr. has some of the stuff? If not, I think my father-in-law does. We’ll need to do that soon! Thank you for the reminder.
I’m glad you’re all safe, Shelley and I hope the tree will survive winter.
Thank you, Winnie – we’re thankful and hopeful at the same time!
You’re welcome, Shelley! That’s good to hear.
Glad you’re safe! Storm can damage tree badly.
Thank you, Amy, yes they sure can!!
Can’t even begin to imagine how it feels to lose your home in seconds. It must be one of the most devastating thngs one could ever experience.
May prayers go out to these victims.
Thank you, Drew, I agree with your sentiments. Your kind thoughts and prayers are appreciated.