It’s that time year again. I’ve (we’ve – me and my sister Tizzie) turned another year older, another year wiser, and yet, the hooman still tries to get great shots of us for senior portraits.
It’s a draining experience, but I tolerate it.
I don’t move as fast now that I’ve rounded off a bit. I find if I sit still, I can pacify her so she’ll take the shots and move on. Before she leaves she gets the Mr. Hooman to try to get me to look up.
I move and she follows. I’ve got her trained (mostly) well.
She likes it when I try different angles, with different backdrops. Early morning before the sunrises is not my best time. I don’t know why she thinks it would work? The lighting it horribly awkward (every light in the kitchen is blasting at me). Sigh…
Are you kidding me, you want me to post through the pots?
Whatever, here you go.
Are you done yet? How about an out-take?
I’m done…I tell ya…leave now…
There must be one good one in the bunch?
Yeah, go ahead, show the other filter choices. See what the folks think is my best look?
Eke…Zeke? Yikes!
Gone all Rouge
Heat it up with Burlesque
Chill it down with Vanilla
I don’t know…we might need to try again another day? Feel free to vote in the comments – I adore your feedback!
Speaking of feedback…by the way folks…TGIF – the Mrs. Hooman will be outta the house traveling to see another cat. Yeah…another cat…man, can you believe it? I don’t know if I should be jealous or not? I think I’ll be okay, I hear she’s kinda finicky shy and doesn’t like hoomans other than her own, but whatever. She’s a prima donna and a damn cute one at that.
The Mrs. made her a mouse for her new house, so, maybe…just maybe it’ll work out for her. Mine’s on the right, and the new mouse is on the left.
I think the new mouse is cuter…I’m kinda jealous. But, then again, the Mrs. made both of them by hand and they are made with lots of love, so, I guess it’s okay. I have played with mine a lot, so I’m good.
Mrs. worked hard on it, so for her sake, I hope the other little kitty loves the new mouse.
In case you’ll miss the Mrs. posting for the next two days, feel free to locate her on Instagram (link in the sidebar!). Yeah, Mrs. likes to post pictures of me there too! And I’m guessing she’ll get a shot or two of the other cat…
Post inspiration – Special voiceover and modeling today thanks to Dessy. Post also inspired by Ryan Photography Fur Baby Friday #5. & Word of the Day – Pacify.
PS – Which filter do you like best for Dessy’s 1st Senior Portrait session? Hope you all have a great weekend! I’ll be back posting on Monday. I love hearing from you, but if I don’t reply to your comments right away, never fear, I will when I get back. xx
Many thanks for entering XX. Aww she is beautiful XX. I like the 3rd one down.. with its golden tones XX.
Thank you, Bren, I appreciate the opportunity to join in on the fur-baby Fridays! Dessy appreciates your vote, too! xx
Have a good weekend xx
That first, header, pic is wonderful! And well done on the mice–so sweet!
Thank you for sharing your vote and your words of encouragement, Rebecca!
I’m a sucker for B&W ….
Thank you for your vote!
I like the first photo and the black white. Sooo adorable!
Thank you for voting, Winnie!
You’re welcome, Shelley!
Hilarious!! You totally understand your cat. I like the vanilla filter.
LOL – thank you for your vote!
Such mistreated babies. You really should feed them better. LOL. Our fur babies are so very special to us. I guess birthday wishes are in order. Love the second picture from the top. Beautiful cat.
Thank you, Anita! Dessy appreciates your feedback
Those little mice are super cute!
Thank you!
All the lights in the kitrchen turned on her makes for a great reflection in the window.
Thank you!
The brown vignette and black and white are my favourites
Thank you for the votes, Brian, much appreciated!
You’re welcome Shelley