Sunday morning has become my blogging morning. I’ve evolved into this time and scheduled space due to multiple reasons, including it typically fits into my and our cats’ routines best. But, that’s just trivial information, instead of belaboring those points, I’ve got a special post to make you smile.
Trust me, by the end of it, you’ll find yourself smiling one way or another.
As every spectacular blogger knows, and any wannabe spectacular blogger wants to know, they must come up with their own routine, experiment, and then press the damn publish button to see what happens to spark a comment or two from a friendly blogging buddy because you made them smile one way or another. And they made you smile in return.

For me, a post wouldn’t be a complete blog post without photos. Blogging and photography go hand in hand with me. Reviewing the photos I’ve taken over the week sparked the creativity I needed this morning to find the words that flowed effortlessly onto the page.

While Mr.’s first attempt at making Keto cheesecake was a delicious success. I missed most of the process, so those photos are just a sweet addition to the post. And for me to remember how kind it was for him to make it so I could take it to my Friendsgiving get-together. IT WAS A HIT, and there are leftovers to eat too. Tis the season, right?
Back to the morning post at hand before I get side-tracked to go have another piece of cheesecake.
SMILE AND SAY, “CHEESE” EVERYONE…I took this test, and simply don’t agree…

As you’re aware, I’m a behind-the-scenes person, and nature photography is a go-to of mine. I prefer the bright colors of flowers and birds in the spring and summer, versus the drab browns and neutral colors of late fall and winter here in Wisconsin. I find that I tend to gravitate naturally to clothes the colors of neutrals sprinkled with vivid colors too. In case you’re wondering.
November of each year is my birthday month, there is some exceptional value in the beauty of seeing the first snow come and go. And a new wrinkle or two reflecting back to me in the mirror. I must confess to enjoying the layering on of sweaters, cardigans, scarves, and of leather coats and gloves. The consumption of extra Vit D supplements too, since…um – duh, the moments of being uncovered in the sun tend to become rare as the winter progresses.
I take photos of the same scenes, year after year, but it never really tires me. I should venture out more and experiment this year. The cold isn’t lovely for cameras or uncovered hands. I love my camera, even if it is getting older. It’s not quite vintage yet, and it fits my hand like a leather glove.
Not like the stiff leather case of the camera I think was my grandmother’s.
The old and worn case’s leather strap is slightly brittle so I don’t open it much. The case is sturdy and I dusted it today so I could share photos. Dusting is an occasional activity.

I can’t tell in the picture of my grandmother holding a camera if it is the same Argus IRC Anastigmat: 1937 – 1941 as the one I have here, but I imagine it is.

Today was the first time I opened it up to see if there was a serial number or a name of some sort. I found this fun website and the dates line up with when my grandmother would’ve owned it.

I imagined all the moments my grandmother may have spent experimenting with her camera. She had to wait to develop the film to see what photos turned out and which ones didn’t. Unlike me, I know from the SD card inserted into my computer the moment I review them.
Sometimes I consider the photos I see as jaw-dropping grand, like that outfit my grandmother is wearing – which is kind of on trend again. Baggy pants and/or faux leather pants are in. So are puffy sleeves. And hats. Grandma Erma was a fashionista.

I wonder how many photos didn’t turn out for her? I take a lot of duds when the lighting is poor.

When I researched a bit more about the camera, I noticed it didn’t have markings on the leather case, all I could find was the word, Argus on the front and Weston on the back of the camera.

Which took me on a squirrel chase of who was Edward Weston, and found this fun quote.
The fact is that relatively few photographers ever master their medium. Instead they allow the medium to master them and go on an endless squirrel cage chase from new lens to new paper to new developer to new gadget, never staying with one piece of equipment long enough to learn its full capacities, becoming lost in a maze of technical information that is of little or no use since they don’t know what to do with it.
Edward Weston

As I put the photo of my grandmother back onto a bulletin board in the corner of my office, I glanced at her facial expression again. I look like her more now as I’ve aged.
And, I’ll be darned…I wondered if she was practicing face yoga like this beautiful young girl who sits on a brown leather couch as she teaches face yoga that her Nana taught her.
After 2 years of wearing face masks have our face muscles relaxed, or are our faces carrying perpetual frowns? Yesterday, at a wine and craft event, I didn’t see a face mask anywhere. It was refreshing to see all the smiles on the faces of the women who were enjoying wine while their hubbies/boyfriends were out in the woods hunting deer.
It’s amazing how many muscles we use or don’t use when we smile or frown.
I frowned when I reflected on the fact that I don’t spend much time smiling while working from home where the only people I see smiling at are in Zoom meetings or with Mr. and our cats. Or when I send my kids a snap of me trying one more time to wear this vintage leather jacket. I always smile as I cleverly take the photo I send to them. They tend to always type back, “No MOM!”

My face, in the mirror, upon a not captured on film closer inspection, seemed to be jowl drooping prevalent. Well, crap, that’s not good…so every morning this past week, I’ve grabbed this little mirror as I practice the exercises while I watch her video. If nothing else, I imagine there’s improvement and my smiling muscles have been strengthened and my wrinkles are lessening, not quite as beautiful as she is, but heck I give it my best shot. I know she’s decades younger than me.

Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.
Edward Weston
This morning, as I run out of steam, I’m wondering what I’ll (you’ll) do with this new bit of information. Duh, lucky you, I shared it with you as my Stream of Consciousness Saturday Sunday morning post. What will you do with the info? At the least, I hope you smiled. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate you!
Oh, and, to all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving in the US, I hope your gatherings this week are full of moments to practice your yoga smiles! We’ll get to see our daughters and extended family over the next week. I’m glad I practiced my smiling muscles in preparation!

Post Inspiration: Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “morning.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy! And Terri Webster Schrandt’s Monthly Color Challenge: Leather (shades of brown).
PS – What fun vintage items do you own and know little about? What 2023 clothing trend do you think your grandparents wore? Are you a faux leather fan? What have you learned about your camera over the years of experimenting?
Yay, you went with the actual leather, Shelley! I know pics of leather aren’t that wonderful, but I like what you did with the leather in this post. Well, except the leathery complexion many of us have at our age–oh well. Your brown gallery is quite stunning in how you captured the light that seems to illuminate all that brown! How does that song go–all the leaves are brown… great post! Have a good week and a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thank you, Terri, I’m glad you enjoyed the post! I couldn’t get my mind off of actual leather when I read the post category. I just had to use the few examples I have in my house.
LOL – yeah, the leathery complexion is what it is.
I love that song too…reminds me of your photos of the leaves on the ground. Your photo selections for this week’s theme are great. I love your totem pole, nice work!
I hope you have a great week and a wonderful Thanksgiving too!
Great post, Shelley. I can’t imagine reading a post by you without it including photos. I love the show of the bare tree reflected in the small puddle. I also love seeing my book sitting on your stack
Good job on tracking that camera. That’s when the Internet feels like a wonderful thing. I like the quote about photographers, except I am guilty of having done that.
I have my father’s Polaroid camera from the 60s and I have a few of his tools, including ones he had from his father.
Thanks, Dan! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I’m happy you noticed your book on my table too! And…I was hoping you’d notice the bare tree reflected in the puddle. As I took the photo I thought to myself, “How does Dan make these kind of photos look so easy?!”
Yes, I agree, the tracking down of the camera was easier than I thought, the internet came through for me today.
Yes, that quote hit home for me too.
That’s awesome that you still have your dad’s camera and his tools, treasures indeed and perhaps some will make their way into the plot of your future books?!
This post was so much fun to read, Shelley! Your grandmother was a real photographer! It runs in your family. The antique cameras are cool looking, I would have no idea how to use them. You and your mom look like twins, so sweet. Happy Sunday!
Thanks, John, I’m glad you enjoyed the post!! Yes, my grandmother took lots of photos and she made lots of scrapbooks with them. I wish I would’ve had more time with her in my life, she died when I was 12. I’m thankful to have some treasures to imagine things about her and what she was like.
The old cameras are fun, I would have no clue how to use them either!
Thanks, I do see my mom in me. It’s hard to believe she’s been gone for 10 years.
Happy Sunday to you too – I hope your plans for a trip home to Michigan for the holiday are in the works!
Ok. Your grandma looks like a badass in those clothes. The pants, the hat…yeah, I want to be friends with her! It’s pretty cool that you could track down the camera. I think of all the things it’s seen. An actual leather jacket? Those are getting rare as hen’s teeth. Kinda like my actual cowhide couch; getting worn but 20 years old and going strong. I despise “pleather”, “vegan leather”, “bonded leather” with a passion. I wouldn’t mind it if it was something that stayed together for more than a few years. But they don’t.
Now I’m smiling. I love your comments. Yeah, I think my petite little grandma was quite the badass. I think that’s where I get it from.
I was surprised to track down the camera. The internet was working with me today.
Yes, the leather jacket was my MIL’s and my FIL is always impressed when I wear it. I actually love it, but my kids just shake their heads. I have a leather bomber jacket that it mine from 30 years ago. I should’ve shown that one. It’s big on me, but I guess that’s in too nowadays.
WOW a cowhide couch, that’s interesting.
I’m with you on the faux leather stuff. Everytime I see an influencer on YouTube pushing them I break into a sweat, that material can’t be ‘cool’ to wear? I won’t be owning any of those in my closet!
When I first began my blog, back in maybe 2006, it was all words. I don’t even know if there was a way to upload a photo back then. But now it’s almost all photos. I sorta miss the words. I LOVE the image of your grandmother! She looks like she would have been an interesting person to know. I have “antique” cameras on the desk in the living room…they belong to my husband’s family. I wonder what happened to my first camera. Or my dad’s old camera. I had one of those boxes that you looked down to see your image and pushed a big clunky button down to take the picture. I’ll have to see if I have any image with me and that camera. I don’t think so. Thanks for the smiles! LOVED the cheesecake…I’ve never been brave enough to try one. Eat another piece for me.
That’s impressive that you’ve been blogging since 2006, way to be devoted! I love the photos you share, sometimes I can hear the words you were thinking when you took the photos.
My grandma was interesting. She was very petite compared to my tall grandfather, but she had quite the spunk.
My father in law just sold a camera like the one you described. I rescued a few from his collection that he used in different stages in his life.
I hope you can find info on your first camera or an image taken on that camera. It’s fun to find that kind of treasure isn’t it?
Thanks for sharing smiles with me today. And for the encouragement to eat the cheesecake!! :-)!
I hope you can enjoy your Winter Shelley and send snow photos as the weather is heating up now. It was a hot “stay inside day” yesterday and more of the same for the rest of the week but I suspect for the rest of the year.
You are spoilt with your chef sending you off with delicious goodies to share
Hi Brian!!! Thank you, we’re gearing up for the cold, yesterday a morning high of 6 degrees didn’t feel so hot. If only you could send us some of the heat and we could send you some of the chilly temps, we’d all be able to enjoy being outside!
Yes, I know…he’s a keeper and my friends enjoy it when he shares his cooking with them too!
Six is cold for me even in Celsius!
It was definitely a chilly 2-mile walk we took thinking we could tough it out. We survived and our 67 degrees in the house seemed like a day at the beach when we returned home!
I would have turned around and headed for home at the first signs of numb
LOL – it was very tempting to turn around and go back home. We had spent considerable time and effort layering up so we persevered. We look a bit more closely at the forecast and the actual temp now though. Plus icey roads tend to convince us the treadmill is a better place to walk in the winter!
Yes. No slippin’ ‘n’ a slidin’ Shelley
I love the picture of your grandmother! She looks like a woman I’d like to know… maybe go on a photoshoot with
Although I loved my grandmother dearly, I doubt she ever wore pants.
Cheesecake is a favorite here… I’m curious what a keto version tastes like.
Thank you, it’s one of my favorites as well. It was taken in 1947 (she was so good at labeling dates on photos). She would’ve been in her late 20s at the time. She wore bright red lipstick and was a spunky gal. I remember my grandma in dresses more than pants, too. Definitely more than I ever wear a dress!
Well, you’re in luck if you’d like to try the recipe, here’s the link. Mr. discovered that if you don’t have the same size pan as the recipe calls for (we had one with lower sides than she does) there is too much cream cheese mixture so he wasted some (which made me cry…!). The graham cracker flavoring does work so he’d likely recommend it. But, as she says in her video, it’s not necessary. and here’s the video
Thank you for the link! I think I’ll still insist… I mean, lovingly ask my husband to make “my” caramelized orange cheesecake for my birthday though.
You’re welcome. Yes, you most definitely should continue on with that tradition. I remember your post about that caramelized orange cheesecake. Some traditions should never be messed with!
Thank you !

for a long period.
My blog is one year old but no time now to even send an article about time and clocks. Retirement time is not ringing on my door yet, I should be angry about
Hi Anne! Congrats on making it a year, that’s a big deal to me in the blogging world.

I understand what you mean about retirement off in the distance and time being precious.
Your blog is one of my top list. So I am pleased when a new article with photographies appears.
Aw, thanks, Anne, I appreciate your support and your comments. It’s always a pleasure to hear from you.
Shelley, I always enjoy your photos, especially those of your kitties and hubby’s cooking skills. Blogging takes time, so I’m glad you can carve out time on Sunday mornings. I’ve been wanting to be more regular with my posts, but still trying to figure out how I managed it so well while working, but not so much in retirement.
I hope you stayed warm over the weekend…I am not liking the cold so early, but this is what we get when living in Wisconsin. Today appears to be a much better day, so I’ll throw on a sweater and get outside for some sun therapy. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!
Hi Mary, thank you for the words of encouragement. You’ll appreciate knowing that Dessy loves cheesecake crumbles. She has never had them before, but came running when Mr. took the cheesecake out of the spring form pan.
I love that you write your posts when the time feels right for you! Your Beholden post is beautiful.
We stayed warm…I even ventured out to hang out with girlfriends. Heart-warming friendships seem to be an excuse to put on the “I live in Wisconsin, this isn’t that cold out” spirit.
I hope you have a wonderful week too! The temps are looking better for this week!!
My two critters always have food on their mind, even if it’s something they probably won’t eat…as if they are starving.

These days, my blog posts come around when it feels right and I have the time, which isn’t too regular. Always busy somehow, which I guess keeps me out of trouble.
What is it about their desperation for food? I guess napping burns off a lot of calories?
Blog when the mood strikes is my next move if the Sunday ritual doesn’t feel right any more.
PS – I saw your FB and IG post and love that you put a Christmas tree on top of your cupboards. That would stop one of my cats, the other one knows how to get up there already. I hope it works for you and that you use all paper or plastic ornaments
I don’t know about the food thing, Shelley. It may be instinct or FOMO. Not sure.
Right now, neither Gibbs nor Hoshi can get on top of the cabinets. I made sure of it or I wouldn’t have put the tree up there.
Your photos are beautiful and if you want to keep snapping a pic of the same things, so be it. It is, after all, your blog, your rules. I like your photos of the old cameras. My Instagram feed floods me with anti-aging face exercises and I have a difficult time not taking it personally. Are they trying to tell me something?
Thank you, Ally, I’m glad you enjoy the photos. You’re right, my blog, my rules. The old cameras are fun to look at. And dust when I must.
Hmm…the algorithms are so annoying. I’m getting more now that I watched the one video. I am impressed that the exercises do seem to be working. They are relaxing in a way especially after a stressful day.
PS – I enjoyed your post this week. When I go out Black Friday shopping I hope I can find a H row to park in. I’ll be smiling thinking about you!
I can kind of see the Jennifer Garner thing, but you look a lot more like your mom. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi John! Thanks, I appreciate your feedback. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Mary, I hope you have a celebration that brings you both joy!
I think your grandmother was a real trailblazer Shelley. I know you and I commented on old cameras before as my mom had her Baby Brownie for years and passed it down to me and I used it for a long time. The photos Mom took were tiny (or maybe just the developing technique of that day, but they were likely 2″ by 3″) and all black and white. It is so fun to look back … vintage memories and vintage cameras. I’ve not had cheesecake in many years. We used to have a cheesecake store that made them in a variety of flavors and back before my boss and I left the Firm, every time there was a going-away event, or baby/wedding shower, we would splurge and get several of those cheesecakes. Always smooth and delicious.
Yes, Grandma was an interesting gal. When I thought about it more, she was 30 when that photo was taken and 4 years from that date, my mother would be born.
Yes, we’ve talked about those old cameras and photos before. I have a bunch of those small photos too that my daughter thankfully sorted by date and category when she started her genealogy project last year.
We hadn’t had cheesecake like that for a long time either, so were very happy to find a keto friendly version and Mr. and I have enjoyed a slice for dessert all week long……………leading up to Thanksgiving………..thankfully, the scale has not indicated any overindulgence!
Did you find in your small photos from way back that they had very wide borders, sometimes bumpy-looking edges, like someone took a pair of scissors and nicked along the edges? They’re very different, but then again, it could have been the processing place they sent them to also.
You are lucky if you’re having cheesecake and the no fails on the scale. Might as well indulge for Thanksgiving and your birthday too!
Yes, I have some of those photos too. In a scrapbook my grandmother made.
Yes, and we had more cheesecake again. I’ll enjoy a birthday treat and then be back to normal and fast a few times, this year hopefully the scale will be friendly to me!
It must have been the way they processed film back in the day then. I didn’t know if it was a particularly film processing company.
I can remember my parents sending our photos to Kodak in Rochester, New York for years.
Cheesecake is the ultimate indulgence!
Must’ve been. Ah, yes, sending film in to Kodak, wow, that’s a flashback! Pun intended
Oh, yes, it is!!