A funny thing happens when we cats take on the aging role in life. Bellies expand right before our eyes. It happens so fast, really it does. And it’s funny.
Is it really funny, Tizzie?
Well, kinda.
Well, okay, maybe it’s not fun getting old. The slower metabolism adds pounds, don’t ya know? It has nothing to do with being lazy though.
I like to sleep as much as I did back then. I don’t like my naps interrupted any more than I did when I was little. When I’m all cozy and comfy, I still roll and curl my paws and my tail. That has nothing to do with added fluff rolls, does it?
But, come to think about it, I and my sis certainly struggle nowadays to fit rolled up together in a small square space. Man, we were so slim and trim back then. It’s fun to look back to when we were young. We were darn cute when we were petite – ah…so many sleeping spots worked for us.
Yikes…I dozed off. Now, where was I?
Oh, yeah, it’s kinda funny how redundant fluff happens all of a sudden. To some of us cute ones, that is. The rolls just appear with each passing year.
Causes one to do a double take doesn’t it…what happened to your figure, girl?? Yowzers!
Okay, I must admit, we did get a tad bit more exercise when we were young. Our sleek figures made it easy to roll around and navigate narrow spaces.
Now we still jump on chairs and counters, but it’s mostly just to get food and treats.
No matter how much exercise we seem to get chasing each other around, as the years roll by, the rolls of chub linger on.
No worries, though, we don’t mind, we just take naps. That’s the most important thing, besides food.
And we’ve kept the curiosity of our youth. One of us still takes the lead in finding the fun (food) indeed.
So yeah, like I said, the rolls of Dessy’s fluff are kinda funny, wink, wink…
…but I love every food finding inch of her rolls, how could anyone resist her adorable pose? We’ve made the rolling in of aging fun indeed.
Post inspiration Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday Roll/Role, and thank you to Tizzie for her words of wisdom for us as we age – enjoy life.
PS – Happy Saturday – hope you find plenty to smile about today!
What’s missing in my life are cats.

LOL – but you do get exercise walking dogs!
Awwwwww! Just looking at those kitties reduces any stress I may have been feeling. We should all be like Tizzie
Tizzie is thrilled you enjoyed her outlook on life :-)!
Seems like I’ve heard those rolls on cats called lap pads or nap pads. The kittens are adorable. It does seem to happen “all of a sudden.”
A muted calico!
Funny kitties. I assume they are siblings? I think the rolls even happen on us hoomans as well. LOL. Have a great weekend
Thanks, Anita. Yes, they are siblings. The last two of a litter, we couldn’t adopt just one, so we took them both. Hope you have a great weekend too!
This was such a cute post Shelley and yes it gave me my Saturday smile. Those kitties are adorable, rolls and all – yup they are just love handles and baby fat.
Thank you, Linda, I’m happy you enjoyed it!