It’s a good day. Fridays are always a good day. It’s a beautiful, fog-rolling-in-kind of a morning. The dog has been fed and successfully completed his outside routine. And, I’m grateful that I’m lucky enough to get to join him outside to admire the gorgeous sunrise.
Yikes, that sounds like a commercial…on retirement…
Oh, well, nevermind that part. It is a good day, I’m feeling a sense of relief. Not in the same way as Copper did with doing his business. But, I am relieved.
I got it out of my system. Yesterday, I ranted about being a female fearful of wearing a bikini at the age of 53.
A woman ranting is such a beautiful thing. Seriously!
I do feel better…sort of. I even shopped online for swimming suits. Didn’t buy one, I’m not that over it yet.
I’m a woman, hear me purr…aka, I’m still pondering…
I decided to keep the shopping cart handy and check first to see if there are any other more important things in the mail, you know…things needing my ‘extra’ cash. I grabbed my cup of coffee and sorted through the mail.
Good, no bills. Just junk mail. Junk mail.
Oh, double goody, the “know-it-all” knew I was concerned about aging, or thinks I should plan on being concerned…the damn magic god of demographics strikes again. Aw, but, it is so kind and generous and uplifting, to receive this kind of stuff in the mail, right?
Just what I need – coupons and reminders that there’s never been a better time to get a lifeline and the smile I deserve.
Smiling…keep smiling…take another sip of coffee…
Hmm…I do wonder what is it about this time of life? Do we all need reminders we’re aging, or doesn’t that just happen naturally? Our own life leading up to an empty nest time has been a sandwich time for us and has definitely added a few gray hairs along the way. All the highs and lows of the last 15 years have warped us in a strange kind of way.
Over dinner last night, we discussed with my in-laws that it’s a weird time in life for us, and we wondered if they felt that way too? We talked about how we have been so pre-occupied with all the other people in our lives that we were responsible to help, i.e., kids, my mom, renters, employers, all mixed in with losing jobs, changing jobs, selling mom’s house, etc.
We’ve been so damn busy, we’re now finding it is frankly hard to adjust to having some free time.
We feel guilty…
My in-laws smiled and agreed, they remember feeling the same way when they were our age. They’ve since become even wiser, have adjusted as best they can to loss and sadness, and they’ve learned to mix daily life well with joy and happiness. But it has taken them some time to learn to do so. They’ve learned that it’s crazy not to enjoy life, don’t worry about silly things like swimming suits, or hair, or junk accumulating for someone else to deal with when they’re gone. A heavy conversation is lifted quickly.
My mother-in-law: “So when are we going fishing again?”
Me: “Yes, I’m game, let’s go, soon!”
We all nodded in agreement as we grabbed our fortune cookies. I opened up my cookie and waited for the turn to read mine. After all the other profound readings of the night were shared, I smiled.
And looked serious as I read mine…making sure to capture all the attention.
I no doubt had the best one of the night!
PS – Do you save fortunes from your cookies? Do you have a favorite one? Do you ever struggle with feeling guilty when you have free time?
Post photos inspired by Cee’s Black and White Challenge: Any Animal
The other night I was thinking out loud to Kat that I was considering taking a vacation … but then another question came to mind … “From What?” Yeah, sometimes answers are hiding in plain sight. My obligations are to take care of Kat and show up for jury duty if needed. Other than that, I do what I want, go where I want and so on. I am the master of my domain. The big step is like you … going 90 miles an hour thru life and suddenly you can coast thru a large school zone. Takes some adjustments and getting used to. I went from 24/7 caregiver to sitting in the house with no demands on my time. Took a while to get adjusted. Enjoy your family and friends. You’re doing fine. g
Aw, G, thank you for your thoughts. Kat is so lucky to have you available for her. I’m sure you’re extending her lots of TLC. Except when she knocks off lenses and other important things! Your wife was fortunate you were there for her 24/7, and I’m sure she’d be smiling watching you care for Kat. Thank you for your words of encouragement – PS…now you’ve got time to finish that book?
Enjoy your adventures! You’re doing fine too!
Great post Shelly! Personally, I do Not ever feel guilty about quiet time, in fact, my well being and peace of mind depends on it! My quiet time is when my little one naps and I treasure every single moment, taking time to take some deep breaths and clear my mind. Caring for my 4 year old 24/7 can sometimes make me lose track of my own sense of self. I often write during my quiet time (because it’s the only time I can concentrate!) I think it’s imperative that people get at least a few moments of quiet time a day and so few people do with the busy lives they lead.
Thank you, Jennavive! Your little one is so lucky you’re modeling how to appreciate your quality time and free time! Thank you for your words of encouragement! PS I love seeing your photos of your adventures with your daughter!
Beautiful photos, as always. Happy Friday
Thank you, Cee – happy Friday to you too!
Cats have the greatest impressions, don’t they!
Yes, they do! I wish I could get away with some of their looks like they do!
When you stop thinking about how many years old you are and start thinking about how many years you have left, that’s the point where agism steps in. It will happen sometime in your 60’s. Till then, enjoy yourself!
Oh, my, excellent point Cindi! I’ve got 6.5 years before that, so, I’m gonna do just that – and probably beyond, like you – I’ll keep having fun! Thanks for stopping by, so nice to hear from you!!
You go girl!