Going Gray

Ringing in my 888th post with some purse talk

When it comes to shopping, what rings true for you in 2020?  What rings true for you in 2022 would rhyme better than 2020, don’t you agree?

Silly me.

Sigh, I don’t know about you, but SOOOOOOO many things about shopping sound better than accepting much of what has transpired and happened to it in 2020, right?

But, let’s not talk about any of that other stuff today.  Let’s do some purse talk instead.

Purse talk?  WTH?!

Yeah, purse talk.

First, let me tell you that one thing that I’ve discovered about myself in 2020 is that online shopping hasn’t gone as well for me as it should in 2020.

For 8.5 or 9.0 years, 8 years ago, (I’ve since forgotten the exact timeframe – has that happened to you too, randomly forgetting details of the past?) I was a Buyer/Procurement Agent.  And my role was to be good at shopping for deals.  Online or in person.  I was gifted and enjoyed the pursuit of feel-good retail therapy and the ring of the cash register.

I didn’t have to learn how to purchase things when I was a toddler.  I do think my two daughters would’ve enjoyed this toy.

I prefer in-person techniques way better than online.  Always have, I guess.  I like to feel objects, read labels, and verify items are what I intend to buy before I buy them.

This year, though, that in-person technique hasn’t been my essential mode of shopping.  In fact, I’ve only been to the store 4 times since February of this year.

Yes, you read that right – ONLY FOUR TIMES!

Once in May, once sometime in between there (I forget the date?), and once in September, and then once again last weekend.  The rest of any type of in-person essential shopping has been done by Mr.  He has become the Procurement Agent of our home.

That means I’ve gotten a tad rusty at shopping.  But, I haven’t given up trying.

Nope, in fact, I’ve been trying more than I should admit to.

I’ve also found myself in a fantasy world after I’ve binge-watched lots of fashion advice for women over 40 (get real…it’s my birthday month, I’m turning 56, so, yeah, I have been watching the over 50 videos too).  Apparently, I’ve gotten rusty at dressing for success.  But I have saved $ on laundry.  Hmm.

Enter in Exhibit A.  (Doorbell rings, and the first package arrived).  Holy Moly, yikes!  That was a surprise.

Me to Mr.:  “I didn’t order that!?  Wait…I did, but I don’t want it, that’s way too much, it’ll go bad before I ever use it all.  It doesn’t look like the product I ordered.”

Mr:  “It looks like there are no returns due to COVID.”

I now have enough shampoo and conditioner to last me a life-time.  Since my hair has gone naturally gray and curly, in an, I do it myself trimmed at-home look, I only wash it once a week or once every 9 days.  It seriously loves little attention.

However, two 33.8 fluid oz. bottles of shampoo and conditioner is a LOT to get through when I don’t wash every day.  Or own a salon.  I wanted to return it, but since the virus arrived, the salon it came from, which I didn’t know it was coming from a salon, said “NO returns.”

I didn’t give up future shopping trips though, I tried shopping again from Amazon Prime for some clothes.  Returned them all – their return process is slick.

So I tried Nordstroms – per an online vlogger recommendation, of course.

Exhibit B.  (Doorbell rings and second package arrived).

These shoes from Nordstroms are so effing adorable.  I’m guessing the YouTuber who recommended them got a cut off of the purchase?

Right out of the package, I slipped them on and they fit my swollen feet that had been standing at my desk all day.  Score one for me.  Maybe I was getting the hang of online shopping?  The package also came with a long cardigan that I haven’t worn yet.  It’s still in the box.

What?  Don’t shake your head shame on me like that?!   I’ll get to wear it now that the weather has turned cooler cold as h*ll.

Last weekend, on a shopping excursion, I had the opportunity to wear those exact new shoes, because I had to look as though I had paid attention to new fashion trends when I ventured out for the first time in a month or so.  They go so well with white jeans.

The shoes weren’t exactly comfortable – they kept slipping off my feet.  My attempt to walk like a duck to keep them on became incredibly uncomfortable and awkward.  Despite looking damn cute when I wasn’t tripping over my own feet, they were killing it (my feet, that is).

So I stopped in-person at DSW Shoes and bought these ADORABLE Keds.

They went kick-ass great with the white jeans that I bought on another on-line haul.  (I’m seriously starting to lose track of things!).  I wonder how long Keds will hold onto their slogan since 1916?  I’ve always loved ladies Keds!

While I was out and about shopping with a girlfriend, who approved of my new look and empathized with me on the duck shoes not working out so well.  She wisely said through her mask something on the line, “They are cute but more appropriate for a trip to the winery where you can sit and sip, instead of shop ’til you drop mode.”

The winery has since closed, and we’re still working our way through Dry November, so maybe next summer the shoes will make another appearance on my feet.  I dream of that day often.

After I got back home from shopping, I determined that the hand-me-back-up look from formerly my daughter’s mini-backpack (it was my oldest’s in Junior High School 13 years ago) that I’ve been using for my purse seemed a tad small.  It was hard to cram in all the things I needed to carry with me, hand sanitizer, sunglasses, masks, kleenexes, coupons, camera, phone, socks, etc., into it.

The next day, when I got a coupon from Kohls in the mail I had to shop again.  30% off!  Score!  So I did more online shopping to find a better purse, aka, backpack.  I like the backpack versus a shoulder strap look.  It keeps my purse items contained to a space that balances out my posture, and of course, my hands are then free to shop.

See how I wound the story back to purse talk?  Nice, right?

Anyhoo . . .

One day, earlier this month, the doorbell rang for real.  It was the local florist masked in full social distancing gear delivery gal.  With Birthday Balloons and a stuffed animal.

Odd – it’s not my birthday yet?

I told her so and we both looked puzzled at each other.  I couldn’t tell if she frowned or smiled behind her mask?  I asked to read the card, and it was from a group of volunteers that I work with.  So I said, I’d keep it.  She smiled (I think) and went on her merry way.

I touched base with one of the volunteers and she said, “Well…the bouquet of flowers (which also arrived) and a “Thinking of You” card was what was ordered.  The shop owner said she has been forgetting things lately. . .”

I was thinking, “Whew, I’m not the only one!”  Perhaps, that’s not a good sign for an owner to give away items people didn’t order?

We had a good chuckle about it all and I thanked her for the early birthday gift.  The little dog is a sequined studded purse.  How adorable is that?!  If I wasn’t turning 56, I’d be donning it for sure.  The nose does straighten out.  And inside the purse was a bag of Skittles that I sent to my youngest in a care package.

Exhibit C and D.  Actually, the doorbell didn’t ring, but Mr.’s phone did and messaged him that a package was delivered.

He went to the door and couldn’t find it.

Oops, I forgot he gets shipment notices.

I had noticed it at the front door and rushed it to my office to tear open to see what it was that I had ordered.  Not pictured here are items I put away and have forgotten what else was ordered?  YIKES!

When Mr. came to my office to ask me if I saw any package, I blushed (real red cheeks on a make-up free face) busted with the pile spread out on the floor.  I handed him quickly a pair of jeans and some socks I ordered for him.  He was happy with his stash and left me with mine.  To dream about using them someday?

Silly me, I couldn’t choose one backpack purse, so I ordered two.  I could decide in-person that way.  A purse is a personal thing, it has to be just right or it doesn’t make the cut.  I still haven’t decided.  Maybe I should return them both?

The package arrived on Monday (I think?) and has been sitting there on the floor in my office waiting for me to decide.  I’ve let Copper do the sniff test and he couldn’t decide.  Dessy and Tizzie were no help either.  Mr. said, “You’ve always liked the smaller version.”  I think he was thinking of the one that I have been using when I ride along in the car and wait for him there while he shops inside the store?  (Pictured in front).

There they’ve all sat, collecting pet hair and dust.  Right next to the box with the cardigan that I haven’t worn yet.

The thing is, I DON’T HAVE ANY PLACE TO GO if I don’t go shopping.  Why in the h*ll do I need any of the stuff I’ve purchased?  I must have a seasonal shopping itch virus?

My favorite shopping day of the year is Black Friday – this year due to the spikes of the virus in our state, that’s out, along with Thanksgiving gathering with our kids – I’m SO effing SAD!!!!

So, what’s a former Procurement Agent to do in this predicament?  Online shop, I guess?

Option 1:  Since my birthday is coming soon, and I deserve to shop for myself – maybe two backpacks will come in handy someday?

Option 2:  Once a Procurement Agent, always one, and retail therapy is a real thing – so I should use my return muscles and send some stuff back and not keep what doesn’t work!?

Option 3:  Take the advice of you my faithful readers?  What say YOU?  Which purse should I keep?

Ring, ring, ring … I hear the doorbell ringing – Damn, Amazon Prime is so fast – I  wonder what I ordered this time?!!

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ring.” Use it as a noun, a verb, an adverb, or an adjective…use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

PS – Have you adjusted to online ordering or are you a fan of in-person shopping?  Who has been your essential shopper in your household this year?    

47 thoughts on “Ringing in my 888th post with some purse talk

  1. It seems you are handling your shopping deficit well, Ms Shelley. Prolonged deprivation of shopping, recreational or semi-professional, can cause serious problems. Your should be commended for your steadfast courage as you endeavor to persevere. g

  2. The last time I gave my wife advice on a purse was when I pulled one off the rack as we entered a store and said “This is nice.”

    I didn’t understand which purses they put at the front of the store, or why they put them there, and I didn’t look at the price tag on the most expensive purse she ever bought (my taste was right on target).

    So, I’ll spare you that expense.

    1. WOW – that’s impressive in more ways than one. Giving the Editor the go-ahead for an expensive purse, nice! Does she still have it? I’m asking for a friend to see if a more expensive model would be a better investment? 😉

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Alice. I’m leaning toward the two-toned one so I can take my camera with me. And the other one would be nice for my smaller camera … sigh, I still can’t decide, but I’m hopeful I’ll get to use them someday!

  3. You’ve been busy, Shelley! I do order plenty of things online, better than spending your gas money if anything. I remember Keds as a kid, are they still around?

    1. LOL – yes, I have and I’m learning which stores do better with this online thing than others. I’ll be spending a little gas money to take returns back to the store or to the post office.
      Yes! Keds haven’t gone away!

  4. Oh, I like those backpacks! I say keep them all! I also prefer to keep my hands free so I carry a cross-body bag.

    I wonder how many people will continue to do the bulk of their apparel shopping on-line after the (fingers crossed) virus is tamed. I am more old-school and prefer to feel the fabrics and try clothes on before I purchase.

    1. YES – you’ve encouraged me to embrace my choices – I think each backpack has a different purpose and I can convince myself to keep both. If nothing else, it’s just easier than returning to the store.
      I wonder the same thing? Some people can just order stuff and it works right out of the shipping box. I’ve thankfully had a few instances of that. I’ve ordered pants for Mr. and 2 out of 3, or the same size worked great for him. I’m like you, I prefer to feel the fabrics and try them on, especially with the autoshrinking mirrors in the dressing rooms. 😉

  5. Retail therapy is a real thing, I agree! Mmmm. I’d say return all but one backpack. Wait a month or so and then buy one back. That way you can have the fun of buying (think “therapy”) and know exactly what you’re getting! Keeping track of what day it is…challenging. You are not the only one.

    1. LOL – now that’s a grand idea. Hmm … or maybe I should wrap one up for my next year’s birthday?! But that would take the retail therapy out of the picture? I wonder if I’ll be sick of that by next year this time?
      10 days have gone by since I wrote this post – yeah … I’ve lost track of so much time this year! It’s a blurrrrrrrr!

        1. Yes, indeed. In our Hygge card game there was a question, “Do you think that online shopping will still be a thing in 100 years from now?” We decided that it won’t, considering looking back 100 years, I don’t think we thought it would look like it does today? What do you think?!

          1. Wow. That is a question for the ages and then some. It is beyond the imagination. I tend to agree with you, since technology keeps changing…and often things circle back to the beginning – or the origins – of human activity. I suspect we may trickle back to storefronts, but perhaps that’s wishful thinking on my part.

          2. I thought the same. As I watched all the Small Business Saturday businesses advertise and hope for people to shop there, I hope we do trickle back to that too. Their spirit is inspiring.

  6. Ok, I have so much I could say on this one! After purchasing my most recent Special Value purchase on QVC I’m sure I have a couple of years worth of shampoo on my shelf now. Not to mention what I have in my shower! I wash my hair daily though…
    And then with regards to the purses… well I also went to a back pack! I have an adorable small Kipling backpack, heck, I bought two (awesome sale! 😊). In my defense I use them a lot, and even washed one after hiking with it. I don’t need much else, but I love to shop! I have decided to give away some of my cute little purses that I don’t use 😥 Working from home my fashion sense has kind of gone out the window. At this rate I also have about 10 years worth of mascara after buying a multi pack right before lockdown! I am going to try the makeup thing again though, as I will be doing more zoom meetings. Jeepers, what a life.
    Love your post!

    1. Yay – I’m thankful you can relate to my shopping escapades. I’m gradually learning to read the details more carefully instead of projecting what I think it is onto the screen and clicking buy without verifying. The little picture looked just like what I wanted, but the size was huge upon arrival.
      I love the backpacks – I never thought I would, but they definitely provide a practicality that fits with the ‘me’ of late. I’m like you, I need to give away the ones I’m not using. I have to research where donations can go right now. Our outside collection sites likely have had to move inside due to the cold.
      LOL on the mascara – that’s a LOT to go through. I’ve been trying to put on a little bit of makeup, especially mascara, on a daily basis to feel as though I made an attempt to move from jammies to loungewear. I just bought myself a couple more joggers and new jammies too. Oh NO! I am addicted to the shopping thing. I have yet to figure out zoom calls with my camera. At least I still call in. I agree, jeepers, what a life this year has forced upon us.
      I’m so thankful for your feedback, thanks for sharing!!

  7. Happy shopping Shelley 🙂 I can see why you need to be a bit more exact. There was a person in my town who ordered 24 rolls of toilet paper. Read the order first before hitting buy button. They ended up with 24 boxes each with 10 packs X 24 rolls of toilet paper. That’s a lifetime supply. I would have loved to see the look on their faces as the delivery truck just kept unloading boxes. I don’t know what the end result was. No doesn’t that make a couple of huge bottles of hair product seem insignificant 😀 😀

    1. Thanks, Brian! Yes, I definitely need to read the details more closely before clicking buy.
      WOW – that’s a lot of toilet paper, I’d be freaking out for sure. Are you sure they weren’t just hoarding it due to the pandemic? Maybe that’s just in the US? According to the fake news that does happen. You’ve inspired me to share a post soon about toilet paper. And yes, you’ve made me feel better about just a couple bottles of hair products. LOL!

      1. Australia was one of the first countries to start the toilet paper hoarding phenomenon unfortunately. No one could explain why. Once toilet paper became scarce tissues and paper towel went next. The supermarkets started putting a limit on how many items could be bought.

  8. Online shopping is a blessing and curse. I like being able to try things on at home, but I also end up returning a fair number. And because I want my money back quickly, I often end up returning them at the store (well, except Amazon). So I’ve kinda lost my enthusiasm for the whole thing. I need (or maybe just want) a new down coat this winter – my old one is shedding feathers something fierce. I’ve now tried on a few and the returns were quick. But I have two more en route. 🤷‍♀️ Or I’ll just be shedding feathers all year.

    As for my purses, they’re all awaiting a maskless future. I’ve gone to an elderly little crossbody that has a zipper pouch for a few things and a few credit card slots and window for my ID. That’s it…and it weighs next to nothing. It could be hard to go back to anything heavier when this whole siege is over. Which will be soon. Right? Right? Not really…we just went back to a tighter lockdown and the holidays are looking virtual. 😩

    1. I agree with you, Laurel, online shopping is definitely both. I’ve also just ordered some clothing to try on and will likely return. I’m trying to imagine what it is like for the staff at all of these online stores. When they get the packages out to customers with multiple sizes of the same item, they’ve got to be scratching their heads, then nodding, perhaps even betting with each other, how many of the things will be returned?
      I bet you have some cool sized boxes that cats would enjoy playing in. Coats come in big ones?! My cats might enjoy chasing the feathers your shedding! LOL.
      I’m awaiting that maskless future too – I wish it would be sooner, rather than later. I like how you described your little crossbody – that’s pretty much what my small (child’s) backpack functions as. The more you describe it, the more I’m leaning toward the two-toned backpack and returning the mid-sized black one and keeping the little one for the “I’m anticipating the maskless future” phase of life.
      Our holidays have all been cancelled this year. Our state’s legislature and governor can’t get their act together, so we don’t have forced lockdowns, just desperate pleas from Tony to stay home and stop the spread. We’re doing our part. We’re already planning on what we won’t be doing. I think I’ll watch Christmas with the Kranks for some inspiration – I do like how the story ends up that they do get to celebrate with family. Wouldn’t that be a lovely gift for us to experience?!
      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts – I appreciate hearing from you. I hope you’re getting lots of virtual moments with your grandbaby too!

  9. Oh gosh! I thought I was weird for liking backpacks for purses. I’m happy I’m not alone. Have you used the ones that transition into a single shoulder strap type purse? The best of both worlds. I fixated on your backpacks early in the post with the pic of the shoes. The one with the tan is my favorite.
    And yes, we’ve been doing too much online shopping. Not too keen on buying clothes online. Tops always seem to be so thin & cheaply made. I mean really, a hoodie you can see through when you hold it up to the light?? Not what I’m looking for.

    1. Yay – I’m glad to hear of another backpack lover too! Yes, my little black one turns into a single shoulder strap! Very clever feature, indeed. I’m starting to lean toward the one with tan too. It was my first choice. And I discovered that there’s enough room for me to put my larger camera in it which is something I’ve never had the option of doing with my other purses I have.
      I’ve been trying the online clothing buying too, but this next delivery I’m expecting there will definitely be returns happening. I ordered multiple sizes of the same thing just to be sure of the fit.
      My first round of cardigan sweaters I ordered was like that and I was super disappointed and returned them all. I agree – flimsy is not the look I want either.
      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and for the supporting votes for the backpacks, it is great to hear from you!!

  10. I always like a purse with a couple different colors to it–seems to go with more outfits, but I’m a one purse until it dies sort of gal! To replace my monthly trip to Marshalls to peruse and try on clothes from the clearance rack, I’ve been buying books, this year. And my TBR grows taller and taller. Soon, I need to get on the ball and start Xmas shopping–haven’t started that yet. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Thanks for sharing your purse talk with me. That’s why I first picked the two-toned one. I’m still leaning toward that one, most days, but then I think I like the other one. Neither one has tripped me as I walk across the floor, so maybe they’re both supposed to stay in my life? I WILL go somewhere sometime again, I hope.
      I need to build my reading list again – I’ve been re-reading books since I’ve used my extra funds to shop for clothes instead of Kindle books. I’ve started my Christmas shopping, but this week I’m feeling too blue to continue – I miss the planning and execution of Black Friday shopping in person with my girls. I hope your shopping goes well and the shipping is speedy! If my purchases are any indication, it’s going to be a rough time for the shipping companies!

  11. Hi Shelley. I bought a bunch of stuff back on February 28, 2020. I was at a super chic, designer discount shopping mall. I bought myself my first super designer handbag for $150 (marked down from $340). Then I bought myself some chic designer duds from Chico’s (genes $44 down from $110 etc. etc) and lastly I bought myself a diamond wedding ring….after all I’ve been with hubby for 38 years and he NEVER got me a ring. ($599 down from $1200)
    The next day the pandemic hit (March 1) we went into immediate lockdown. I haven’t worn a dam thing since the day I bought them. If I had known about the pandemic I NEVER would have purchased any of that stuff. It just sits in my draws or closet with the price tags still attached to them. I’ve been inside my house for 9 months only venturing out to go grocery shopping. Period.
    I wear leggings or pj bottoms or sweat pants, a sports bra and tee shirts. And slippers.
    Doesn’t sound very fashionable to me.
    I’ve been trying to buy flannel pajamas online. What a nightmare. Too big. Too small. and they deduct $6.95 from my refund when I return them.
    I miss my sewing machine. I could have made my own flannel pj’s by now!!!

    1. Hi Cindi!!! It’s so nice to hear from you. You got some awesome deals though!! Wait … you’re not even wearing the ring? That’ll go with flannel every day :-).
      Yeah, the pandemic blindsided me too. At first I was okay with things, then I got stir crazy, then I ventured out to shop a couple of times and the selection was dismal. Now selection is better again, but we can’t shop.
      I need to use my sewing machine more.
      Yikes – I guess I didn’t research the shipping return fees?! Oh, dear? I better, thanks for the heads up on that.
      PS – I believe in my heart that we’ll get to wear/use the things we’ve purchased. When? Not sure, but we will!

  12. You have a lot of backpack support here, Shelley! Every time I go through my purses thinking I’ll do a solid clean out I still end up holding onto some “just in case”. There are definitely some ones for *occasions* (you know, those little black ones that fit a phone, compact, and lip gloss) but who knows how long it’ll be before those see the light of day again!

    1. Hi Laura – yes, backpacks seem to be a good way to carry all the stuff. Your comment made me smile – after I took out all the stuff from my old purse, and the tiny backpack, combined it into an organized (ready for any scout adventure) I NEEDED the larger two-tone one to make it all work. So I kept the small one I had been using, returned the middle sized one, and am now a proud owner of the two-tone one that works great. Except I couldn’t find my drivers license when I went to return the other one. I’m definitely out of practice carrying the essentials with me! LOL! I believe we’ll see the light of day again! xoxo

    1. Thank you, Trish, I appreciate your vote on the purse and for stopping by to share your thoughts. You’ll be happy to read that’s the one I ended up keeping. I’ve adored using it too!! I’ll have to wear the loafers next time. 🙂
      Congrats on your quarantine projects. Your recent post about cutting your hair has inspired me to try a shorter cut next time. I’ve been cutting mine too, but not short, just the unicorn cut. https://trishdeveneau.wordpress.com/2020/11/30/covid-confidential-adventures-in-quarantine-self-sufficiency-or-how-i-learned-to-cut-my-own-hair-among-other-things/

          1. Yes, I tried three times. Here’s what I tried to say, but then would get an error message that ‘your comment cannot be posted or saved’: “Way to take charge of your situation. I love how your family let you know your efforts made the cut. I’m loving seeing all the former wannabe someday gray folks embrace the trend that the pandemic helped let happen naturally. Let it go and let it gray! I’m well over three years and counting and I’ve been cutting my hair too. I do miss seeing my favorite hairdresser, but I don’t miss the trips there and the money spent. Now if I could just find a way to tame the wild side of gray without a ton of chemicals, I’d be one happy gal! PS – looks like I finally figured out how to comment here!! LOL – sorry for my confusion!”

    1. Thank you! That’s interesting that you prefer online for specifics. Congratulations on venturing off into the world of creating on Etsy! Best of luck to you.

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