I’m a self-proclaimed ‘learn as I go’ photographer. I often wonder if I have I grown in my skillsets through the years since I first picked up my hand-me-up camera from my daughter?
Will I ever be good enough? Good enough for what? To capture a cat drinking from a water glass or a cat and her reflection in a window? It’s a lot to wonder about.
I did a photography challenge back in 2017 to kick start me into learning as I go mode. It was fun. I had no blog followers at the time, except my daughter. But she encouraged me none-the-less. I had a blast doing it.
Since then, I’ve reused and reposted some of the posts, the photos were good enough as is. I even did my own Silhouette Sunday Challenge to help me learn more about my skills and my camera.
I took a lot of sunrise photos in the past two years. I love the silhouettes a sunrise can provide me with. See the leaf hearts…
Yesterday’s sunrise was beautiful. I like to catch shots when it’s still dark enough out that I can’t see the neighbor’s shed unless I look really close.
My view of the sunrise was better when the shed wasn’t there. Here are some photos I took back in 2017.
My how the tree has grown.
And so have they. Those little kiddos were so eager to catch the bus for the first days of school.
They’re grown now and on their own. Our nest is empty. But I still find it fun to catch my adult kids in silhouette photos when we’re together.
There’s a rumor out there in the blogosphere, that to be a successful blogger you have to share exceptional photos. Nature provides me with many opportunities to try to catch exceptional moments that my eyes can see, but my camera skills find their limits.
Where did I read that about the need for exceptional photos? I can’t remember. It’s just a good idea to share photos that your readers enjoy. And share stories you love to tell. Photos add an important layer to a blog post. Do you agree? I hope so!
I like to use photos that tell a story or those that remind me of moments I treasure.
Even if I’m one of the subjects in the photo (taken by a photographer I adore) I love how a picture tells a story.
I wasn’t the photographer in the photo above, but I was there with my camera in hand. Catching my own extraordinary moments. I reflect often on how learning as I go is the perfect plan for me.
Post Inspiration – Terri’s Sunday Stills – Layers and Patti’s Lens-Artists #62 – Silhouettes
PS – How about you, do you enjoy the learning process? Are you a sunrise or a sunset fan? Do you like golden hues or the pinks and reds that look like fire in the sky? What is your favorite learning as I go quote? Who inspires you to learn something new?
Photo challenges has lead me to find exceptional photographers. Not every photo has to be “that” shot, it’s the story they convey and it’s all about the vibe
Thank you for sharing your thoughts – and your photos on your blog. I’m glad our paths have crossed here in the blogosphere!
Me too <3
I’ve always enjoyed your photos. I like the beauty we find in our normal day.
Thank you, Dan. I enjoy your photos too – they always add and extra layer of fun to your posts.
I have been trying to cut back on how many I include. I need to stretch them out longer when I retire.
It’s hard to choose what photos to include or not to include for me when I’m writing. Wait…you’d cut back…to make them stretch?
Won’t you have lots of extra time on your hands to go on photography adventures?
I will have extra time, but I’m not sure where I’m heading with that time. We’ll have to see.
You’ll enjoy the flexibility in the options!
Your photos are always beautiful but I am with you, as pretty as a picture is, its the story behind it that makes it beautiful. Great job.
Thank you, Anita, I appreciate your encouragement. Did you name the new pup yet?!!
Daisy Mae, country name for a country puppy.
Aw, I love it!!! That’s a wonderful name, she’s such a cutie!!
I’m tagging along learning from all of ypu that I follow
Thank you, Alice, we’re happy to have you here!
I agree Shelley, the most interesting photos are those that tell a story. Doesn’t have to be a life-shaking one, sometimes just a thought about what the photographer was trying to say. Your images are lovely, I especially liked the silhouette of your grown children at sunset.
Thank you, Tina, I appreciate reading your thoughts and I’m soaking in your words of encouragement.
Your photography is wonderful Shelley, keep it up!
Thank you, John – ditto to you!
I love your stories, Shelley, always looking forward to them! Full of life and beautifully told as well. I wonder what your cat is thinking about…and the silhouette of your children in the sunset – ♥
Aw, thank you Anne-Christine, I appreciate your kind words of encouragement. I often wonder what my Tizzie is thinking. She’s always looking at something. A beach is a lovely place to capture silhouette photos, I’m happy to read you liked the photo!
I’ve also heard about that exceptional photo blog rumor. And it can trip me up if I let it.
That first day of school photo…so sweet. You can tell they are excited to go!
But I agree with you – it’s the story behind – or within – the photo that makes the difference. “Every picture tells a story” as the saying (via Rod Stewart’s album) goes. I’m more of a sunset person. Your photos tell all kinds of stories and I always enjoy them
You’re wise to avoid the rumors – your posts are always so entertaining and you pick the perfect photo each time! Yes, the first day of school fun – I miss those days (sometimes). My kids still sent me photos of them on the first and last day of school when they headed off to college. They remembered how much being there for those moments meant to me.
That is so sweet! I asked for (and got) a “first day of teaching at her new professor job at college” photo a few weeks ago from my daughter.
It’s what us mom’s do!
Yes it is!
I do enjoy your photos. They often tell a story or express a feeling. They are more than just pictures.
My son is a photographer. It’s definitely an art and skill and willingness to experiment. And since I lack the patience to master those things I remain content capturing snapshots of life and the every day moments. Silly selfies with my husband, my boys’ smiling faces, the meal I cooked, the pink sky as the sun rises on my morning walk. Randomness. But all documenting the joys in life.
Thank you, Lisa, I’m tickled to read you enjoy my photos. Your son is on the right track – the more one feels comfortable behind the camera, the easier it all becomes. But there’s always more to learn. I’m with you on the snapshots of life and everyday moments. Those are my favorites – especially the smiles and the simple joys in life. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!!
Your photos are always exceptional! That darned neighbor’s shed though…
Thank you, Rebecca – I appreciate your encouragement! Yeah…that shed…grr….!
I love your photos, Shelley! They’re exceptional. You’re one of the people who has taught me about photography and blogging.
Aw, thank you, Winnie. I appreciate your encouragement – can you believe we’ve known each other for so long here in the blogosphere and we still connect when we can? That’s rare from what I can tell. And I appreciate you staying in touch more than words can say! Thank you!
You’re very much welcome, Shelley! So very true! You’re the only one constant from those I knew from the start. The others I interact with sometimes. I always check you out from my notifications but sometimes they piled up I can’t see you. Taking care of my mom gave me more time to check my blog often especially when she’s watching tv.
I’m so glad we stay in touch. You’ve always been such an encouraging blogging friend – I’m forever grateful for that.
Life gives us plenty to balance and when our families need us, don’t ever feel bad for not being able to stop by here – when you’re able to, please know you’re always welcome here! I know you always welcome me at your blog when I stop by yours! Hugs to you and your mom and to moments you get to take a break from caretaking to do things you enjoy. xx
I appreciate you too, Shelley! You have been supportive of me too.
Aawww! Thank you for your kind words always. Hugs and love to you. It’s her birthday today. She forgot when we greeted her this morning but she remembered that she wanted to go to the church and pray. She was a little restless this morning but she was calmed this afternoon so I had time to relax and make a poetry. Have a wonderful day!
Aww…I remember that stage with my mom too – forgetting dates. I’m glad to hear she remembered wanting to go to church and pray and the day did calm for you and her. You’re such a wonderful daughter – you’re doing a great job helping her through this time in her life. Hope today is a good day for you, hugs to you, Winnie – xx
Thank you for your kind words, Shelley. I had my impatience too but I hope I’m doing a better job. Today is better than yesterday because she’s calmer and did all the things she was supposed to do without me asking her. Hugs too, Shelley!
You’re doing wonderful with the journey – it’s okay to be human and mess up, hug her, apologize and move on to the next thing, she will always remember how you made her feel loved- xx
Thank you for your kind words, Shelley! I will remember what you said.
You’re welcome – you’re strong, and wise, and loving – your mom is lucky to have you!
Thank you again, Shelley!
Life-long learner here. I get curious, then I make sure to follow-thru. I love to learn new things IF i’m interested in the subject. [Unlike in college when I was forced to learn things that meant nothing to me per se– other than a step to getting a degree.] I like seeing the process that someone goes through to accomplish anything so I’m glad you’re sharing your photos here. I rarely get to see sunrise or sunset because of the hills, so cool photos. Thanks for sharing.
Ally, I adore hearing from a fellow – ‘it’s the process that fascinates me’ learner. I’m thankful you appreciated my post and my photos. Sorry to read you can’t see the view of either the sunrise or the sunset. I’d truly miss those views if I didn’t have them. Today, my day started (3:45 am) with stars twinkling across the dark sky, and an easterly lightning storm brewing on the horizon – if only I had the camera equipment to capture that view, now that would be something to share. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Cheers to many opportunities to learn something new.
I’m with you, Shelley. I’m learning as I go. I think the best photos reveal a story and show the personal perspective of the photographer. Your intimate shot of the girls running to the school bus is my favorite here–because it reveals your perspective and love of your girls and their eagerness. Beautifully captured.
Thank you, Patti – I think that’s why we’re drawn to photography, there’s always more to learn. Thank you for sharing your feedback on the photos – ah, yes, that’s a favorite photo of ours as well. The anticipation or excitement of children are always treasures to capture.
I like the sunrise photos – unfortunately I can’t get any sunrise or sunset here because I have no vista, just houses all around so I have to enjoy it vicariously through you.
Thank you, I’m sad that you can’t get a view of them, but I’m glad I can share my sunrises with you!
Yes you can and I enjoy them Shelley. I have tried to photograph sunrises and sunsets from my house, but the houses and trees ruin that big burst of sun. My neighbor went to the Detroit River every morning for years to watch the sunrise. I am reluctant to do that as crime is bad around here in the day light, let alone at night. But she’d just hop in her car that was parked at the side door and off she’d go in the pitch dark in the 5:00 o’clock hour – she’d go early enough to stop at McDonald’s and get coffee and breakfast to watch the sunrise. Me … I have to unhook the car from the trickle charger, put the charger in the metal pail where I keep it when I’m out, close the garage door – meanwhile it is dark. Our City has so much crime anymore I’m just reluctant to go out.
If me sharing my sunrises keeps you safe from going outside, I’m all IN on that! I wouldn’t go out if it was me. You’re wise to stay inside.
Thank you – I’m glad I’m not just a fraidy cat. At night it might be a wee bit different as more people are out and about; the morning not so much.
You’re wise – you’ll stay safe!
Great photos! My life is ‘learn as I go’. Can I come back and do it right next time?

Thank you, John. I like that part of photography too. Your photo selections for the prompts are great. It was hard to choose a favorite. Thank you for sharing the history lessons too – nice touch!!
A poignant photo on “those little kiddos.” It all goes by so fast. I hear about the photos thing, too. I think the energy and the “something indefinable” quality of a photo that results in goosebumps is where I am at right now. “in the eyes of the beholder.” You have beautiful photos, Shelley!
Thank you, Erica – yes, that time in life flew by. I so appreciate your feedback, your kind words gave me goosebumps!!!
Thank you!